8 research outputs found
Morphologic evaluation of goat spermatozoa diluted and frozen in media based on powder coconut water (PCW-101) or TRIS, stained by eosin-nigrosin and bromophenol blue AVALIAÇÃO MORFOLÓGICA DE ESPERMATOZÓIDES CAPRINOS DILUÍDOS E CONGELADOS EM MEIO À BASE DE ÁGUA DE COCO EM PÓ (ACP-101) OU TRIS, CORADOS POR EOSINA-NIGROSINA E AZUL DE BROMOFENOL
<p>This aims of the work were: to evaluate in vitro the goat semen frozen in diluents media based on powder coconut water (PCW-101) and TRIS and, compare the bromophenol blue stain efficiency with the eosin-nigrosin stain. The ejaculateds were divided and diluted into PCW-101 and TRIS, frozed and thawed after 30 days. Spermatic morphology was evaluated, through semen smears stained by eosin-nigrosin (EN) and bromophenol blue (BB). The morphologic parameters evaluated were: normal spermatozoa (N), head alteration (HA), intermediary piece alteration (IPA), tail alteration (TA), proximal citoplasmic drop (PCD), distal citoplasmic drop (DCD), and detached head (DH). There wasn’t significant difference in the observation of N between media, staining and their interactions after 5 minutes of thermo resistance test. After 120, the N was significantly influenced by media, where the TRIS presented better results. The incubation period of 120 minutes at 37ºC affect the spermatic morphology, increasing the HA percentages. The media based on TRIS promoted better protection from the cryoinjuries on frozen goat spermatozoa. BB staining was efficient on the fresh and post-thaw goat semen evaluation.<br /><br />KEY WORDS: Bromophenol blue, goat, powder coconut water; TRIS, spermatozoa.</p> <p>Este trabalho teve como objetivos avaliar a morfologia de espermatozoides caprinos frescos e congelados em meios à base de água de coco em pó (ACP-101) e TRIS, bem como comparar a eficiência dos corantes azul de bromofenol (AB) e eosina-nigrosina (EN). Cada ejaculado foi dividido, diluído em ACP-101 e TRIS, congelado e, após trinta dias, descongelado. Analisou-se a morfologia espermática por esfregaços corados por EN e AB. Os parâmetros morfológicos foram: espermatozoides normais (N), alterações de cabeça (AC), de peça intermediária (API), de flagelo (AF), gotas citoplasmáticas proximal (GCP) e distal (GCD) e cabeça destacada (CD). Não se verificou diferença de N entre tratamentos após cinco minutos do teste de termorresistência. Após 120 minutos, a quantificação de N foi influenciada pelo diluente, tendo o TRIS resultados superiores. O período de incubação afetou a morfologia espermática, aumentando as porcentagens de AC. Conclui-se que o meio à base de TRIS promoveu maior proteção quanto às crioinjúrias em espermatozoides caprinos. O corante AB demonstrou ser mais eficiente na avaliação do sêmen caprino fresco e pós-descongelação.<br /><br />PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Água de coco em pó, azul de bromofenol, caprinos, espermatozoides, TRIS.</p>
Physiological and production response of dairy goats bred in a tropical climate
The aim of this work was to determine the adaptability of Saanen and A1/2Saanen x A1/2Anglo-Nubian (A1/2SA1/2AN) goats bred in tropical climates. The study included 30 goats, 15 Saanen and 15 A1/2SA1/2AN. The data was collected during the rainy and dry seasons. During the whole experimental period, the environment variables were recorded, as well as rectal temperature (RT), superficial temperature (ST), respiratory rate (RR) and heart rate (HR) and milk production (MP). The adaptability coefficient (AC) was calculated for both genotypes. The averages were evaluated by ANOVA at 5 % probability. There was a genotype and period of year effect, as well as the interaction genotype x period of year. Pearson's simple correlation analysis was then carried out between milk production and physiological and environment variables. There was a statistical difference (p < 0.05) between the seasons for RT, ST and RR. RT, RR and HR were lower for A1/2SA1/2AN than Saanen goats, regardless of the season. MP was greater in the dry season (p < 0.05) (2.52 A +/- 0.50 kg/day for A1/2SA1/2AN and 2.41 A +/- 0.38 kg/day for Saanen) than the rainy season (2.17 A +/- 0.27 kg/day for A1/2SA1/2AN and 2.28 A +/- 0.53 kg/day for Saanen). The MP correlations were very significant (p < 0.05), however low and negative, where it was higher when correlated with RR in Saanen goats. Under the conditions of the present study, it is concluded that the goats were influenced by climatic factors, where the rainy period was more likely to cause thermal stress in the animals