80 research outputs found

    Investigation of comparative efficacy of eugenol and benzyl benzoate in therapy of sheep mange

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    The acaricide efficacy, tolerance and safety of eugenol (10 and 20 %) in the treatment of sarcoptic mange in sheep have been investigated. The results were compared with those corresponding for benzyl benzoate (25 %), which was applied to sheep in the same way. The treatment was applied on sheep three times in one-week intervals. Skin scrapings were sampled seven days after each treatment, as well as twenty-eight days following the third one. The changes on the skin were quantified and the mean recovery response (MRR) was calculated. The clinical efficacy was assessed according to the MRR and the number of mites in the samples. Following the first treatment 10%eugenol was not significantly less efficacious in comparison with the higher concentration. Having been applied twice 20% eugenol was significantly more efficacious when compared to the lower concentration, which remained the same seven and twenty-eight days after the third application. The efficacy of 10% eugenol in the therapy of mange was significantly higher in comparison with benzyl benzoate following one, two or three administrations. The efficacy of benzyl benzoate four weeks after the third treatment was still significantly lower in comparison with 10% eugenol. The efficacy of 20% eugenol was significantly higher in comparison with its lower concentration as well as that of benzyl benzoate, following the second, and seven and twenty-eight days after the third one. No signs of local or systemic intolerance were observed in sheep treated with either 10 or 20% eugenol, or 25 % benzyl benzoate.

    Mastitis kod krave izazvan bakterijom Pasteurella multocida

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    Pasteurella (P.) multocida is a heterogeneous species of Gram-negative bacteria which are common commensals of the upper respiratory system of various mammal and bird species, but are also opportunistic contagious zoonotic pathogens which cause a wide spectre of infections in domestic animals and humans. P. multocida is a rare cause of mastitis in dairy cows. The source of infection mainly remains unknown, mastitis usually is acute, and the therapy by intramammary administration of antibiotics does not lead to satisfactory results. Lethality is possible due to presence of endotoxins in blood. Literature data on P. multocida mastitis in dairy cows is particularly scarce, which is why such a case is described in the current work, with past medical history, clinical findings, laboratory diagnostics and therapeutic approach.Pasteurella multocida je heterogena vrsta gram negativnih bakterija koje su uobičajeni komensali prednjih partija respiratornog sistema različitih vrsta sisara i ptica, ali i oportunistički, kontagiozni i zoonotski patogeni, koji izazivaju širok spektar infekcija kod domaćih životinja i ljudi. P. multocida spada u retke uzročnike mastitisa mlečnih krava. Izvor infekcije za mlečnu žlezdu uglavnom ostaje nepoznat, mastitis obično ima akutni tok, a terapija intramamarnom aplikacijom antibiotika ne daje zadovoljavajuće rezultate. Letalni ishod je moguć usled razvoja endotoksemije. U literaturi ima veoma malo podataka o mastitisima mlečnih krava čiji je uzročnik P. multocida, zbog čega u ovom radu opisujemo jedan takav slučaj, uz prikaz osnovnih anamnestičkih podataka, kliničke slike, laboratorijske dijagnostike i terapijskog pristupa

    Uticaj antibiotika koji se koriste kao stimulatori rasta kod životinja na rezistenciju bakterija

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    For decades intensive husbandry has more or less been based on the use of antibiotics in sub-minimum inhibitory concentrations (sub-MIC) aimed at growth promotion. Continuous exposure of animal intestinal microbiota, including opportunistic zoonotic pathogens, to sub-MIC poses a pressure to selection and spread of bacteria strains with developed mechanism of antibiotic resistance. These bacteria may be transferred to people either by direct contact with farm animals or indirectly, via the food chain. Although in the EU a ban on the use of antibiotics as growth promoters was imposed in 2006, in many countries, including the largest producers and consumers of antibiotics in the world, it has yet to be done. Given that we are faced with a global problem of the loss of the efficacy of several antibiotic classes which are available for the treatment of human bacterial infections, it is unacceptable that antibiotic use in husbandry is not under global control. Reduction in antibiotic use in clinical practice in human medicine remains in dispute, but non-therapeutic use in husbandry remains a field in which much can be done to contribute substantially to the extension of antibiotic effectiveness and health care of future generations.Intenzivna stočarska proizvodnja se decenijama u većoj ili manjoj meri bazira na upotrebi antibiotika u subinhibitornim koncentracijama za promociju rasta. Kontinuirano izlaganje mikrobiota digestivnog trakta životinja (uključujući i oportunističke zoonotske patogene) sub-inhibitornim koncentracijama antibiotika, predstavlja pritisak na selekciju i širenje sojeva bakterija sa mehanizmima rezistencije na antibiotike. Na ljude se ove bakterije mogu preneti direktnim kontaktom sa farmskim životinjama ili na posredan način, preko lanca ishrane. Iako je u zemljama Evropske unije upotreba antibiotika za promociju rasta životinja zabranjena 2006. godine, u mnogim državama, uključujući najveće proizvođače i potrošače antibiotika u svetu, ova praksa se zadržala do danas. Gubitak efikasnosti antibiotika koji su trenutno na raspolaganju za lečenje bakterijskih infekcija kod ljudi je rastući problem, zbog čega je neprihvatljivo da upotreba antibiotika u stočarskoj proizvodnji nije pod globalnom kontrolom. Klinička praksa u humanoj medicini ostavlja diskutabilan prostor za redukciju primene antibiotika, ali je neterapeutska upotreba u stočarstvu oblast u okviru koje se može značajno doprineti produžavanju veka upotrebljivosti pojedinih klasa antibiotika i očuvanju zdravlja budućih generacija

    Laboratorijska dijagnoza Tracheobronhitisa psa čiji je uzročnik Bordatella bronchiseptica

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    In the present paper the laboratory isolation and identification of Bordatella bronchiseptica, the causative agent of canine tracheobronhitis, is described. A dog which suffered persistent cough, loss of appetite and fever was previously unsucceffully treated with antibiotics, which is why nasal swabs were taken and sent for microbiological assessment. The isolation of the causative agent was performed on routinely used standard solid growth mediums. The final identification of the isolate was done with MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight) and real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assays. Therapy based on the results of the antibiogram lead to successful recovery. The necessity of cooperation of veterinary clinicians and veterinary microbiologists for timely and reliable identification of the microbe(s) and selection of antimicrobials based on the results of the susceptibility testing is emphasized. The significance of the collaboration between microbiological veterinary laboratories and those dealing with human material is underlined. These can provide precise identification of zoonotic agents.U ovom radu prikazujemo laboratorijsku izolaciju i identifikaciju Bordatella bronchiseptica, uzročnika traheobronhitisa psa. Pas koji je imao uporan kašalj, ispoljavao gubitak apetita i imao hipertermiju, prethodno je bez uspeha bio lečen antibioticima, zbog čega su brisevi nosa poslati na mikrobiološki pregled. Izolacija uzročnika izvedena je na podlogama koje se uobičajeno koriste u mikrobiološkim laboratorijama. Identifikacija izolata do vrste izvedena je primenom MALDI-TOF (matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight) i real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) metoda. Posle primene terapije na osnovu antibiograma, pas je uspešno izlečen. Istaknuta je neophodnost saradnje veterinara kliničara i veterinarskih mikrobioloških laboratorija u cilju blagovremene i pouzdane identifikacije uzročnika i odabira terapije na osnovu rezultata ispitivanja osetljivosti izolata na antibiotike. Dodatno ukazujemo na značaj povezanosti mikrobioloških laboratorija humane i veterinarske medicine u preciznoj identifikaciji zoonotskih agenasa

    Heritabilnost negovateljskog ponašanja sive medonosne pčele (Apis mellifera Carnica)

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    Grooming behavior is considered an important defensive mechanism of honey bees against Varroa mites. The aim of this study was to reveal whether grooming behavior is a useful criterion in breeding of Varroa-tolerant bees. To obtain a reliable evaluation the environmental influences were excluded. The degree of grooming potential was estimated by the percentage of damaged mites in the total number of fallen mites. The heritability of grooming behavior throughout the three consecutive generations of queens was assessed by mother-daughter regression method. Among unselected queens, expressed grooming behavior was recorded only in colonies with F1 queens (36.27%), but not in colonies with P queens and F2 queens (33.69%, 31.66%, respectively). Significant differences in grooming behavior were found between colonies of P and F1 queens (p lt 0.001), and between colonies of P and F2 queens (p lt 0.05). However, all of the three generations of selected queens showed expressed grooming behavior (37.99%, 39.42% and 38.58% in Ps, F1s and F2s, respectively) without significant (p>0.05) difference among them. Nevertheless, the relatively low heritability of grooming behavior in the three generations of queens examined (h2yx=0.49±0.02; h2zx=0.18±0.01; h2zy=0.16±0.01) indicate that breeding colonies for grooming behavior only cannot be advised to beekeepers whose aim is to breed bees highly tolerant to Varroa mites.Negovateljsko ponašanje se smatra značajnim mehanizmom odbrane pčela od Varroa krpelja. Cilj ovog rada je bilo ispitivanje negovateljskog ponašanja, procena njegove heritabilnosti i mogućnosti povećanja ekspresije te osobine putem selekcije. Radi dobijanja pouzdanih rezultata korišćenja je metodologija kojom se uticaj spoljašnjih faktora isključuje. Ispoljenost negovateljskog ponašanja procenjivana je na osnovu procenta oštećenih u ukupnom broju otpalih krpelja. Heritabilnost negovateljskog ponašanja praćena na kroz generacije matica i procenjivana metodom regresije majka-ćerka. Među neselekcionisanim maticama, negovateljsko ponašanje bilo je izraženo samo kod matica F1 generacije (36,27%), ali ne i kod P (33,69%) i F2 generacije (31,66%). Statistički značajne razlike u negovateljskom ponašanju zabeležene su između društava P i F1 matica (p lt 0,001) i između društava P i F2 matica (p lt 0,05). Međutim, selekcionisane matice sve tri generacije (Ps, F1s, F2s) su imale izraženo negovateljsko ponašanje (37,99%, 39,42% i 38,58%) bez statistički značajnih (p>0,05) razlika među njima. Ipak, nizak koeficijent heritabilnosti praćene osobine (h2yx=0,49±0,02; h2zx=0,18±0,01; h2zy=0,16±0,01) ukazuje da se pčelarima ne može preporučiti selekcija pčela samo na negovateljsko ponašanje ako je njihov cilj uzgoj pčelinjih zajednica povećane otpornosti na Varroa krpelje

    Salmonella spp. u hrani za kućne ljubimce i rizik koji predstavlja za zdravlje ljudi

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    Commercial feed intended for dogs and cats is an almost unrecognised source of human infection with various serovars of Salmonella enterica. However, people may catch the infection both via direct contact with contaminated pet feed and by contact with pets, which usually shed Salmonella without signs of infection. A relatively new trend of feeding dogs and cats with raw feed is considered to be a special risk owing to the fact that it usually contains foodborne pathogens, such as Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and Campylobacter spp. Nonetheless, the epidemiological data do not support this idea. In the current review relevant data on the significance of pet feed in the outbreak of human salmonellosis are discussed and the recommendations for the prevention of the infection originating from these sources are suggested.Komercijalna hrana za pse i mačke je skoro nepoznat izvor infekcije ljudi bakterijama iz roda Salmonella. Ljudi se mogu inficirati direktnim kontaktom sa kontaminiranom hranom za kućne ljubimce ili kontaktom sa kućnim ljubimcima koji uobičajeno izlučuju salmonele bez kliničkih znakova infekcije. Iako se novi trend ishrane pasa i mačaka sirovom hranom sa tog aspekta razmatra kao poseban rizik (jer ova hrana uobičajeno sadrži hranom prenosive patogene kao što su Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli i Campylobacter spp.), epidemiološki podaci ne podržavaju ovakav stav. U ovom radu sumiramo relevatne podatke o značaju hrane za kućne ljubimce u pojavi salmoneloza ljudi, kao i preporuke za prevenciju pojave infekcija izazvanih salmonelama iz ovog izvora

    Toksin genotipizacija sojeva Clostridium perfringens izolovanih iz hrane za životinje i njihov značaj u etiologiji enterotoksemija domaćih životinja

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    Clostridium perfringens is a Gram-positive, endospore-forming, anaerobic rod, ubiquitous in nature. C. perfringens strains can produce about 17 toxins. Many of them can lead to miscellaneous diseases, among which the enteric ailment may be the most common and is of utmost importance. In the present work 34 strains of C. perfringens isolated from feed and one from a cow suspected to have died of clostridial infection were subjected to molecular analysis. In order to detect the genotypes, the following genes coding for toxins were targetted: cpa, cpb, cpb2, cpe, etx and iap. The multiplex PCR assay revealed that all C. perfringens isolates from animal feed were of type A and b2-toxinogenic type A strains, possessing only the cpa (n=21), or both the cpa and the cpb2 genes (n=13). The importance of C. perfringens toxins α and β-2 in the pathogenesis of enterotoxemia is discussed and the regulation on the detection of this bacteria in animal feed questioned. The use of PCR in practise could enable the toxin-genotyping of C. perfringens isolates and, thus, provide a real basis for the establishment of maximum acceptable limits of this bacteria in feed.Clostridium perfringens je Gram-pozitivna, anaerobna, sporulišuća, štapićasta bakterija, ubikvitarno rasprostranjena u prirodi. Kod različitih sojeva C. Perfringens, do danas, identifikovano je oko 17 vrsta toksina. C. perfringens je uzročni agens različitih oboljenja (sindroma), ali su crevne infekcije/intoksikacije najčešće i od najvećeg značaja za zdravlje farmski gajenih životinja. U ovom radu prikazujemo rezultate ispitivanja sojeva C. perfringens poreklom iz hrane za životinje (n=34) i jednog izolata iz organa krave uginule sa znacima enterotoksemije na prisustvo gena: cpa, cpb, cpb2, cpe, etx i iap primenom multipleks PCR tehnike. Svi sojevi C. perfringens izolovani iz hrane za životinje, identifikovani su kao tip A koji poseduje samo cpa gen (n=21) ili tip A koji produkuje b2-toksin, odnosno ima cpa i cpb2 gene (n=13). U radu diskutujemo o ulozi alfa (α) i beta-2 (β2) toksina u patogenezi enterotoksemija domaćih životinja, kao i aktuelnom zakonskom propisu po kojem ova vrsta bakterije ne sme biti prisutna u hrani za životinje. Primena PCR tehnike u svakodnevnoj praksi omogućila bi toksin-genotipizaciju sojeva C. perfringens, a time i realne osnove za uspostavljanje graničnih dozvoljenih vrednosti za ovu vrstu bakterije u hrani za životinje

    The global spread and epidemiological characteristics of Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli and Methicillin - resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): related researach studies in Serbia

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    It has been established that some clones of pathogenic bacteria such as Salmonella spp., Escherichia coli ST131, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) tend to spread worldwide. Th erefore, epidemiological surveys have been conducted to identify the source of infection and to break the chain of infection. In this article, it was pointed out that common international clones of Salmonella are represented with the serotypes Typhimurium, Kentucky, Infantis and Enteritidis. Serovars Typhimurium and Kentucky display multidrug-resistant phenotypes more frequently. Several sequence types of E. coli and the international clone ST131 are described, including clades C1 and C2 with the extended-spectrum cephalosporinresistance genes (blaCTX-M-15 or blaCTX-M-27). Th ese pathogens are oft en found in both humans and animals. It is noted that Staphylococcus aureus became resistant to methicillin almost instantly aft er its introduction into clinical practice. Soon aft erwards, MRSA found its way to farm animals and wildlife. Th e cycles of infection are bidirectional: humans can disseminate MRSA in the environment but animals may also be sources of infection for humans. Comprehensive work has been done by epidemiologists to introduce all necessary measures to eliminate MRSA from hospitals. Also, much eff ort has been made in MRSA control to prevent infections on animal farms and contamination in the primary food production chain. As the struggle with pathogenic bacteria continues, we face the incessant threat of new resistance and virulence mechanisms, which bacteria use to resist the hostile environment and enhance their survival in their natural habitats including humans and animals. Th erefore, the capacity of certain bacteria to spread due to their virulence mechanisms and resistance phenotypes is presented, and a brief description of the research conducted in Serbia is included

    The assessment of tolerability of prolonged oral eugenol administration in rats

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    The potential toxicity and general tolerability of eugenol following two-week or four-week continuous p.o. administration to rats has been investigated. An experiment was performed on 72 male rats of the Wistar strain. Four groups of rats were treated with different doses of eugenol (10 mg/kg bm/day, 50 mg/kg, 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg bm/day), the fifth group was administered vehicle (0.5 % methylcellulose, propylene glycol and water), and the sixth group comprised absolutely untreated controls. The corresponding doses of eugenol and vehicle were applied using a gastric probe in a volume of 1 ml/100 g body mass. The general tolerability of eugenol was evaluated on the basis of the daily intake of water and food, body mass, general health condition, behaviour, and lethality in the course of the experiment. In the investigated doses, eugenol applied p.o. in the course of two or four weeks does not influence significantly the intake of food, water, or body mass of rats. The dose of 400 mg/kg/day produced undesired reactions (agitation and hyperesthesia) that were first observed on day 21 and lasted until the end of the experiment. Low subacute toxicity of eugenol was established following p.o. administration to rats. Eugenol in doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg tm/day has a low toxic potential and is safe for administration to this animal species. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 46009