35 research outputs found

    Deploying hybrid quantum-secured infrastructure for applications: When quantum and post-quantum can work together

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    Most currently used cryptographic tools for protecting data are based on certain computational assumptions, which makes them vulnerable with respect to technological and algorithmic developments, such as quantum computing. One existing option to counter this potential threat is quantum key distribution, whose security is based on the laws of quantum physics. Quantum key distribution is secure against unforeseen technological developments. A second approach is post-quantum cryptography, which is a set of cryptographic primitives that are believed to be secure even against attacks with both classical and quantum computing technologies. From this perspective, this study reviews recent progress in the deployment of the quantum-secured infrastructure based on quantum key distribution, post-quantum cryptography, and their combinations. Various directions in the further development of the full-stack quantum-secured infrastructure are also indicated. Distributed applications, such as blockchains and distributed ledgers, are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 0 figures, 1 table; Perspective pape

    Realization of quantum algorithms with qudits

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    The paradigm behind digital quantum computing inherits the idea of using binary information processing. The nature in fact gives much more rich structures of physical objects that can be used for encoding information, which is especially interesting in the quantum mechanical domain. In this Colloquium, we review several ideas indicating how multilevel quantum systems, also known as qudits, can be used for efficient realization of quantum algorithms, which are represented via standard qubit circuits. We focus on techniques of leveraging qudits for simplifying decomposition of multiqubit gates, and for compressing quantum information by encoding multiple qubits in a single qudit. As we discuss, these approaches can be efficiently combined. This allows reducing in the number of entangling (two-body) operations and the number of the used quantum information carriers compared to straightforward qubit realizations. These theoretical schemes can be implemented with quantum computing platforms of various nature, such as trapped ions, neutral atoms, superconducting junctions, and quantum light. We conclude with summarizing a set of open problems, whose resolving is an important further step towards employing universal qudit-based processors for running qubit algorithms.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figure

    Fourier expansion in variational quantum algorithms

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    The Fourier expansion of the loss function in variational quantum algorithms (VQA) contains a wealth of information, yet is generally hard to access. We focus on the class of variational circuits, where constant gates are Clifford gates and parameterized gates are generated by Pauli operators, which covers most practical cases while allowing much control thanks to the properties of stabilizer circuits. We give a classical algorithm that, for an NN-qubit circuit and a single Pauli observable, computes coefficients of all trigonometric monomials up to a degree mm in time bounded by O(N2m)\mathcal{O}(N2^m). Using the general structure and implementation of the algorithm we reveal several novel aspects of Fourier expansions in Clifford+Pauli VQA such as (i) reformulating the problem of computing the Fourier series as an instance of multivariate boolean quadratic system (ii) showing that the approximation given by a truncated Fourier expansion can be quantified by the L2L^2 norm and evaluated dynamically (iii) tendency of Fourier series to be rather sparse and Fourier coefficients to cluster together (iv) possibility to compute the full Fourier series for circuits of non-trivial sizes, featuring tens to hundreds of qubits and parametric gates.Comment: 10+5 pages, code available at https://github.com/idnm/FourierVQA, comments welcom

    Universal quantum computing with qubits embedded in trapped-ion qudits

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    Recent developments in qudit-based quantum computing, in particular with trapped ions, open interesting possibilities for scaling quantum processors without increasing the number of physical information carriers. In this work, we propose a method for compiling quantum circuits in the case, where qubits are embedded into qudits of experimentally relevant dimensionalities, d=3,…,8d=3,\ldots,8, for the trapped-ion platform. In particular, we demonstrate how single-qubit, two-qubit, and multiqubit gates can be realized using single-qudit operations and the Molmer-Sorensen (MS) gate as a basic two-particle operation. We expect that our findings are directly applicable to trapped-ion-based qudit processors.Comment: 7+2 pages, 4+2 figures, 1 tabl

    One generalization of the Dicke-type models

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    We discuss one family of possible generalizations of the Jaynes-Cummings and the Tavis-Cummings models using the technique of algebraic Bethe ansatz related to the Gaudin-type models. In particular, we present a family of (generically) non-Hermitian Hamiltonians that generalize paradigmatic quantum-optical models. Further directions of our research include studying physical properties of the obtained generalized models.Comment: 4 pages, 0 figure

    Integrable Floquet systems related to logarithmic conformal field theory

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    We study an integrable Floquet quantum system related to lattice statistical systems in the universality class of dense polymers. These systems are described by a particular non-unitary representation of the Temperley-Lieb algebra. We find a simple Lie algebra structure for the elements of Temperley-Lieb algebra which are invariant under shift by two lattice sites, and show how the local Floquet conserved charges and the Floquet Hamiltonian are expressed in terms of this algebra. The system has a phase transition between local and non-local phases of the Floquet Hamiltonian. We provide a strong indication that in the scaling limit this non-equilibrium system is described by the logarithmic conformal field theory.Comment: 22 pages, 2 figure

    Multiclass classification using quantum convolutional neural networks with hybrid quantum-classical learning

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    Multiclass classification is of great interest for various applications, for example, it is a common task in computer vision, where one needs to categorize an image into three or more classes. Here we propose a quantum machine learning approach based on quantum convolutional neural networks for solving the multiclass classification problem. The corresponding learning procedure is implemented via TensorFlowQuantum as a hybrid quantum-classical (variational) model, where quantum output results are fed to the softmax activation function with the subsequent minimization of the cross entropy loss via optimizing the parameters of the quantum circuit. Our conceptional improvements here include a new model for a quantum perceptron and an optimized structure of the quantum circuit. We use the proposed approach to solve a 4-class classification problem for the case of the MNIST dataset using eight qubits for data encoding and four ancilla qubits; previous results have been obtained for 3-class classification problems. Our results show that the accuracy of our solution is similar to classical convolutional neural networks with comparable numbers of trainable parameters. We expect that our findings will provide a new step toward the use of quantum neural networks for solving relevant problems in the NISQ era and beyond

    Minimizing the negativity of quantum circuits in overcomplete quasiprobability representations

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    The problem of simulatability of quantum processes using classical resources plays a cornerstone role for quantum computing. Quantum circuits can be simulated classically, e.g., using Monte Carlo sampling techniques applied to quasiprobability representations of circuits' basic elements, i.e., states, gates, and measurements. The effectiveness of the simulation is determined by the amount of the negativity in the representation of these basic elements. Here we develop an approach for minimizing the total negativity of a given quantum circuit with respect to quasiprobability representations, that are overcomplete, i.e., are such that the dimensionality of corresponding quasistochastic vectors and matrices is larger than the squared dimension of quantum states. Our approach includes both optimization over equivalent quasistochastic vectors and matrices, which appear due to the overcompleteness, and optimization over overcomplete frames. We demonstrate the performance of the developed approach on some illustrative cases, and show its significant advantage compared to the standard overcomplete quasistochastic representations. We also study the negativity minimization of noisy brick-wall random circuits via a combination of increasing frame dimension and applying gate merging technique. We demonstrate that the former approach appears to be more efficient in the case of a strong decoherence.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure