4 research outputs found
Toxicity of vapor-gas flows from technogenic substance
The relevance. Vapor-gas flows from technogenic substances (storage wastes of the mining industry), carrying a high amount of potentially toxic elements, are a big problem for the environment and the population, because metals and metalloids in the composition of emanations are in an easily digestible bioavailable forms and are able to easily penetrate into living organisms. The main aim of this study is an assessment of toxicity for living organisms of air mixtures containing gaseous products emitted by a surfaces of mine tailings freely located near settlements and under the influence of climatic factors and microorganisms. Methods. Carrying out experiments with white rats male Wistar, analysis of organs for the content of a wide range of elements by ICP-MS on a NexION 300D mass spectrometer (PerkinElmer, USA) (PNL GGC IShPR TPU). In the experiment, a pooled sample of the waste substance was used. The sample was analyzed for the content of oxides of the silicate group by XRF using X-ray fluorescence spectrometer ARL-9900-XP (Thermo Electron Corporation, Switzerland) at the Laboratory of X-ray Spectral Analysis Methods of the IGM SB RAS; elemental analysis was carried out by ICP-MS using an ELAN-9000 DRC-e instrument Perkin Elmer, USA (HAC Plasma). Results. Under the influence of vapor-gas emanations from the substance of arsenide tailings of the Tuvacobalt plant on a group of rats male Wistar, pathological changes occurred in the experimental group. Small foci of hemorrhages formed in the lungs, the tissues became edematous and inflamed. The liver of all animals increased, the share structure became sharply expressed, the color became light beige. Single hemorrhages were found in the kidneys. The vessels of the meninges are dilated, petechial hemorrhages are observed. The synthetic function of cells and the stability of cellular and intracellular membranes were disrupted, first of all, the endothelium of blood vessels was affected, the physiological functioning of organs and tissues was disrupted with the accumulation of intermediate products of biochemical reactions, determined macroscopically. Also, dystrophy of internal organs was determined, in particular, the liver, lungs, kidneys, and brain. Elemental analysis of animal organs showed the accumulation of toxic elements in comparison with the control group. The most characteristic elements, the excess of which was recorded in most cases, are mercury and arsenic. They were unevenly distributed throughout the organs. Mercury accumulated mainly in the lungs, kidneys and liver, while arsenic accumulated mainly in the liver and brain. This may indicate the entry of mercury and arsenic ions in a biologically available form into the bloodstream by inhalation, and local irritating and toxic effects on the lungs were not prevailing, and the liver was the most damaged organ according to the results of toxicochemical and morphological studies. The homeostasis of micro and macro elements is finely regulated, and any concentration imbalance in the form of a deficiency leads to a progressive decrease and disruption of normal biological function, to severe physiological and clinical outcomes, which we observed from the results of the experiment. The data obtained proved the acute toxic effect of vapor-gas flows on living organisms, and also confirmed the possibility of the removal of many chemical elements in easily accessible and assimilable forms
Application of high-performance computing for determining critical components of an energy system
This article presents a package for analyzing the energy system vulnerability developed with new technology for continuous integration, delivery, and deployment of applied software. It implements a framework that allows combining and optimally using various methods for modelling energy systems and provides the comprehensive assessment of their vulnerability with regard to various uncertainties. The essential principles to identify and rank critical elements of an energy system are considered in the article. The investigations made with the package shown that the principles seem to be logical for the subsequent construction of the invariant set of measures for improving the energy system resilience
Assessment of acid-base accounting of mine waste rocks and mobility of potentially toxic elements of the Razdolinsky ore field (Krasnoyarsk territory)
Актуальность работы продиктована выносом потенциально токсичных металлов и металлоидов в окружающую среду из отвальных пород и хвостохранилищ. Цель работы: создание комплексной методики прогнозной оценки состава дренажных потоков из отвальных пород, определение кислотопродуцирующего и кислотонейтрализующего потенциалов вещества с учётом минеральных форм - источников токсичных элементов в дренажных потоках на примере Раздолинского рудного узла. Методы. Химический состав отвальных пород и формирующихся стоков определяли методами РФА, ИСП-АЭС, потенциометрии и классической аналитической химии. Прогноз кислотности стоков осуществлялся расчётом кислотонейтрализующего и кислотопродуцирующего потенциалов. Для повышения достоверности оценки появления кислых стоков дополнительно был определен нейтрализующий потенциал вещества отвалов и хвостохранилищ по методу Собека. Пероксидный эксперимент был проведён для оценки состава стоков при окислении отвальных пород и разрушении минеральной матрицы. Результаты. Представлены результаты исследования потенциальной опасности стоков из складированных отвальных пород, образующихся при разработке золоторудных месторождений Раздолинского рудного узла. Оценка соотношения кислотопродуцирующего и кислотонейтрализующего потенциалов показала, что стоки из отвалов при взаимодействии сезонных потоков с веществом пород будут нейтральными-слабощелочными вследствие высокого содержания карбонатов и низкого количества сульфидов. В пероксидном эксперименте, моделирующем развитие процессов на отдалённую перспективу, среда большинства растворов также осталась нейтральной-субщелочной. Концентрации металлов в стоках будут на безопасном уровне - ниже ПДК рхн . Однако в воде стоков определены превышения над нормировочными показателями для анионогенных элементов: As, Sb, V, которые остаются подвижными как в кислой, так и в щелочной среде. По результатам исследований даны рекомендации для контроля токсичных элементов в стоках.Therelevance of the work is dictated by the need to remove potentially toxic metals and metalloids into the environment from dumps and tailings. The aim of the research is to develop an integrated method for predicting the composition of drainage flows from dump rocks, deter mining acid and neutralization potentials, taking into account mineral forms - sources of toxic elements in drainage flows for Razdolinsky ore field. Methods. Chemical composition of waste rocks and forming wastewaters was determined by X-ray diffraction, ICP-AES, potentiometry and classical analytical methods. Effluent acidity was predicted by calculating the acid and neutralization potentials. The neutralization potential of the substance of dumps and tailings was additionally determined according to the Sobek method to increase the reliability of assessment of acidic effluent occurrence. A peroxide experiment was carried out to assess the effluent composition at oxidation of dump rocks and destruction of mineral matrix. Results. This article presents the results of the potential danger assessment for mine waste rocks formed during the development of the Razdolinsky gold ore deposit. The calculation of the acid and neutralization potentials ratio showed that wastewater from dumps will be neutral or weakly alkaline during the interaction of seasonal flows with the rocks. The main reason is in high content of carbonates and low amounts of sulfides. The resulting solutions also remained neutral or subalkaline in a peroxide experiment that simulates the long-term processes. The concentrations of metals in the effluent will be at a safe level - below the MPC. However, concentrations of anionic elements As, Sb, and V in the effluent exceed the normalization indices, which indicates that they remain mobile in both acidic and alkaline conditions. The results of the study allowed us to make a recommendation to control the level of toxic elements in the effluents
Abstracts of The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium
This abstract book contains abstracts of the various research ideas presented at The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium.The RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium served as a perfect venue for practitioners, engineers, researchers, scientists, managers and decision-makers from all over the world to exchange ideas and technology about the latest innovation developments dealing with risk minimization