18 research outputs found

    A quantitative Analysis of Energy Security Performance by Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa in 1990-2015

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    The paper addresses the gap existing in the scholarship and provides an analysis of the energy security performance made by the group of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, and South Africa) over the total of 25 years, from 1990 to 2015. The research is based on a comprehensive approach to understanding energy security as the total of four dimensions: availability, efficiency, affordability, and environmental stewardship. An energy security performance index operationalizes each dimension of energy security with three indicators, which allows to quantitatively measure the progress made by the group of BRICS in terms of ensuring their energy security. The research conducted surprisingly shows that the overall energy security of BRICS as a group of states has not changed over the years. However, each country has experienced considerable changes in energy security performance, with the most dramatic ones made by Russia (growth) and China (decline). Keywords: Energy Security, Index, BRICS JEL Classifications: Q2, Q3, Q4 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.758

    A Critical Review of Russia's Energy Efficiency Policies in the Construction and Housing Sector

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    The paper critically reviews the existing energy efficiency policies in the construction and housing sector of Russia, focusing on the following: (i) the government management system; (ii) technological regulations; (iii) financial incentives and funding; (iv) and supporting mechanisms. The methodology used by the Government of Russia to specifically monitor energy efficiency performance in the construction and housing sector is evaluated, with the use of statistical data obtained from the government statistical service. On the basis of the conducted review, the paper proposes three recommendations for the Government of Russia, which could become the first step for improving energy efficiency policies in the construction and housing sector: (i) to provide an appropriate assessment of the energy efficiency potential; (ii) to develop a comprehensive regulatory framework and implementation mechanisms aimed at increasing energy efficiency; (iii) to develop a clear causal mechanism between energy efficiency policies and actual performance, which could be quantitatively measured using an appropriate methodology. Keywords: Energy Efficiency, Construction and Housing, Russia JEL Classifications: Q43, Q48, L74, L78, N64 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.760

    Digitalization of the Russian Energy Sector: State-of-the-art and Potential for Future Research

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    In this paper, we review forty seven best papers on digitalization of the Russian fuel and energy complex. All the papers are written in Russian and published in a number of Russian academic journals that are mostly distributed via closed national library systems and, consequently, are not available for foreign scholars interested in studying Russia's energy policies. Our review identifies a total of five research directions in the Russian scholarship: (i) general trends in digitalization of the Russian fuel and energy complex; (ii) concepts and approaches used by the Russian scholars; (iii) government policies; (iv) digital technologies; and (v) security concerns. Each research direction is carefully covered and analyzed. Then, we identify gaps in the Russian scholarship and propose three potential research areas. Keywords: Digitalization, Energy Industries, Russia, Contemporary Scholarship JEL Classifications: Q2, Q3, Q4 DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.7673

    Retrospective analysis of surgical treatments of sternoclavicular joint dislocation: literature review

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    Traumatic injuries to the sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) dislocations account for less than 3% of all joint dislocations. However, instrumentation fixation is frequently associated with high-risk complications that lead to disability. The authors sought to explore historical aspects of various surgical fixation techniques based on specific anatomy of injured segment. The findings are presented in the chronological order briefly describing methods of fixation, the authors and clinical results obtained

    Amplification of electromagnetic radiation in a superlattice placed in a tilted magnetic field

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    The interaction of electrons in a superlattice with electromagnetic radiation in presence of static electric and magnetic fields is investigated. The electric field is directed along the superlattice axis while the magnetic field is inclined at an arbitrary angle to the axis of superlattice. It is shown that the dependence of current in the superlattice on electric field in the general case can have several maxima. In some regions of electric and magnetic field values, the absorption coefficient for high frequency electromagnetic radiation can be negative that means the electromagnetic wave will be amplified. We note that negative absorption in the system is possible at some conditions at the region of positive differential conductivity in contrast to classical Bloch oscillator in which amplification takes place in case of negative differential conductivity only. This phenomenon can be used for the design of a teraherz amplifier and generator based on the superlattice

    The Organizational Reality of an Entrepreneur

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    Основной целью настоящей статьи является описание принципиального механизма формирования организационной основы предприятия от зарождения предпринимательского замысла и организационной индивидуации самого предпринимателя до его воплощения и реализации в деятельности. Несмотря на то что любая известная нам регулярная деятельность связана с организационной формой, в которой она реализуется, собственно с осознанием и освоением навыков работы с организационной реальностью, дело обстоит совсем не так благополучно. Авторы развивают в настоящей работе основные идеи, описанные ранее в статьях (Аlekhin, Alekseev, 2022; Alekhin, 2020; Alekseev, Alekhin, 2020; Alekseev, Alekhin, 2023). Фигура предпринимателя в качестве основного «героя» настоящей статьи выбрана не случайно, поскольку именно пример «предпринимательского цикла» позволяет наиболее отчетливо проследить всю проблематику освоения организационной реальности. Однако актуальность выбранной темы выходит далеко за замки собственно предпринимательской деятельности. Используемый в статье приём культурной и онтологической «переклички» с идеями китайской традиции позволяет избежать привычных нашему языку организационных шаблонов и штамповThe main purpose of this article is to describe the fundamental mechanism of forming the organizational basis of an enterprise from the origin of an entrepreneurial idea and organizational individuation of the entrepreneur himself to its embodiment and implementation in activity. Despite the fact that any regular activity known to us is associated with the organizational form in which it is implemented, in fact, with the awareness and development of skills to work with organizational reality, the situation is not so good at all. The authors develop in this paper the main ideas described earlier in the articles (Аlekhin, Alekseev, 2022; Alekhin, 2020; Alekseev, Alekhin, 2020; Alekseev, Alekhin, 2023). The figure of an entrepreneur as the main “hero” of this article was not chosen by chance, because it is the example of the “entrepreneurial cycle” that allows us to most clearly trace the entire problem of mastering organizational reality. However, the relevance of the chosen topic goes far beyond the actual business activity. The method of cultural and ontological overlap with the ideas of the Chinese tradition used in the article allows us to move away from the organizational patterns and stamps familiar to our languag

    Effect of temperature on resonant electron transport through stochastic conduction channels in superlattices

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    We show that resonant electron transport in semiconductor superlattices with an applied electric and tilted magnetic field can, surprisingly, become more pronounced as the lattice and conduction electron temperature increases from 4.2 K to room temperature and beyond. It has previously been demonstrated that at certain critical field parameters, the semiclassical trajectories of electrons in the lowest miniband of the superlattice change abruptly from fully localized to completely unbounded. The unbounded electron orbits propagate through intricate web patterns, known as stochastic webs, in phase space, which act as conduction channels for the electrons and produce a series of resonant peaks in the electron drift velocity versus electric-field curves. Here, we show that increasing the lattice temperature strengthens these resonant peaks due to a subtle interplay between the thermal population of the conduction channels and transport along them. This enhances both the electron drift velocity and the influence of the stochastic webs on the current-voltage characteristics, which we calculate by making self-consistent solutions of the coupled electron transport and Poisson equations throughout the superlattice. These solutions reveal that increasing the temperature also transforms the collective electron dynamics by changing both the threshold voltage required for the onset of self-sustained current oscillations, produced by propagating charge domains, and the oscillation frequency

    The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Integrating the SDGs into Corporate Strategies: International Experience and the Risks for Profit

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    This paper aims to study the international experience (in the aspect and taking into account the specifics of regions of the world) integrating the SDGs into corporate strategies and to identify the following: (1) supported SDGs (UN standards); (2) implemented measures of corporate social responsibility to support the SDGs and (3) approach from the positions of risks for profit. Based on a sample of 193 countries (seven regions of the world) from 2020–2021 (386 observations) based on the method of structural equation modelling (SEM), it was discovered that the SDGs (UN standards) are supported by companies to a different extent in the different world regions, but, on the whole, they are strongly integrated into the corporate strategies in each region. The largest support of the SDGs from business is observed in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The risks of integrating the SDGs (UN standards) into corporate strategies for profit are low (moderate in the OECD). The commercial approach to integrating the SDGs into corporate strategies is implemented in all regions of the world. The theoretical significance of the results consists in the fact that the discovered differences pointed at the necessity for and set the foundation for the transition from global to regional management of the integration of the SDGs (UN standards) into corporate strategies. The practical significance of the authors’ conclusions and developments consists in the fact that they allow increasing the effectiveness of risk management of the practices of corporate social responsibility for profit

    The Concept of Corporate Social Responsibility Based on Integrating the SDGs into Corporate Strategies: International Experience and the Risks for Profit

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    This paper aims to study the international experience (in the aspect and taking into account the specifics of regions of the world) integrating the SDGs into corporate strategies and to identify the following: (1) supported SDGs (UN standards); (2) implemented measures of corporate social responsibility to support the SDGs and (3) approach from the positions of risks for profit. Based on a sample of 193 countries (seven regions of the world) from 2020–2021 (386 observations) based on the method of structural equation modelling (SEM), it was discovered that the SDGs (UN standards) are supported by companies to a different extent in the different world regions, but, on the whole, they are strongly integrated into the corporate strategies in each region. The largest support of the SDGs from business is observed in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). The risks of integrating the SDGs (UN standards) into corporate strategies for profit are low (moderate in the OECD). The commercial approach to integrating the SDGs into corporate strategies is implemented in all regions of the world. The theoretical significance of the results consists in the fact that the discovered differences pointed at the necessity for and set the foundation for the transition from global to regional management of the integration of the SDGs (UN standards) into corporate strategies. The practical significance of the authors’ conclusions and developments consists in the fact that they allow increasing the effectiveness of risk management of the practices of corporate social responsibility for profit