5,100 research outputs found

    Equilibrium configurations of two charged masses in General Relativity

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    An asymptotically flat static solution of Einstein-Maxwell equations which describes the field of two non-extreme Reissner - Nordstr\"om sources in equilibrium is presented. It is expressed in terms of physical parameters of the sources (their masses, charges and separating distance). Very simple analytical forms were found for the solution as well as for the equilibrium condition which guarantees the absence of any struts on the symmetry axis. This condition shows that the equilibrium is not possible for two black holes or for two naked singularities. However, in the case when one of the sources is a black hole and another one is a naked singularity, the equilibrium is possible at some distance separating the sources. It is interesting that for appropriately chosen parameters even a Schwarzschild black hole together with a naked singularity can be "suspended" freely in the superposition of their fields.Comment: 4 pages; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    D-branes in the WZW model

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    It is stated in the literature that D-branes in the WZW-model associated with the gluing condition J = - \bar{J} along the boundary correspond to branes filling out the whole group volume. We show instead that the end-points of open strings are rather bound to stay on `integer' conjugacy classes. In the case of SU(2) level k WZW model we obtain k-1 two dimensional Euclidean D-branes and two D particles sitting at the points e and -e.Comment: 2 pages, LaTe

    Decomposable representations and Lagrangian submanifolds of moduli spaces associated to surface groups

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    In this paper, we construct a Lagrangian submanifold of the moduli space associated to the fundamental group of a punctured Riemann surface (the space of representations of this fundamental group into a compact connected Lie group). This Lagrangian submanifold is obtained as the fixed-point set of an anti-symplectic involution defined on the moduli space. The notion of decomposable representation provides a geometric interpretation of this Lagrangian submanifold

    Hamiltonian Quantization of Chern-Simons theory with SL(2,C) Group

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    We analyze the hamiltonian quantization of Chern-Simons theory associated to the universal covering of the Lorentz group SO(3,1). The algebra of observables is generated by finite dimensional spin networks drawn on a punctured topological surface. Our main result is a construction of a unitary representation of this algebra. For this purpose, we use the formalism of combinatorial quantization of Chern-Simons theory, i.e we quantize the algebra of polynomial functions on the space of flat SL(2,C)-connections on a topological surface with punctures. This algebra admits a unitary representation acting on an Hilbert space which consists in wave packets of spin-networks associated to principal unitary representations of the quantum Lorentz group. This representation is constructed using only Clebsch-Gordan decomposition of a tensor product of a finite dimensional representation with a principal unitary representation. The proof of unitarity of this representation is non trivial and is a consequence of properties of intertwiners which are studied in depth. We analyze the relationship between the insertion of a puncture colored with a principal representation and the presence of a world-line of a massive spinning particle in de Sitter space.Comment: 78 pages. Packages include

    On interrelations between Sibgatullin's and Alekseev's approaches to the construction of exact solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations

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    The integral equations involved in Alekseev's "monodromy transform" technique are shown to be simple combinations of Sibgatullin's integral equations and normalizing conditions. An additional complex conjugation introduced by Alekseev in the integrands makes his scheme mathematically inconsistent; besides, in the electrovac case all Alekseev's principal value integrals contain an intrinsic error which has never been identified before. We also explain how operates a non-trivial double-step algorithm devised by Alekseev for rewriting, by purely algebraic manipulations and in a different (more complicated) parameter set, any particular specialization of the known analytically extended N-soliton electrovac solution obtained in 1995 with the aid of Sibgatullin's method.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, section II extende
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