625 research outputs found
Ideological-political orientation of the precariat in Serbia
Doktorska disertacija za svoj predmet istraživanja ima, na jednoj ravni, prekarijat kao društvenu
grupaciju u nastanku, a na drugoj, ideološko-političke orijentacije pojedinaca koji se nalaze u
prekarnom položaju na tržištu rada u Srbiji. Osnovni ciljevi rada bili su usmereni na utvrđivanje
mogućnosti da se prekarijat posmatra kao zasebna klasa ili sloj, kao i otkrivanje potencijalno
specifične ideologije koja bi se mogla vezati za prekarijat u Srbiji. Nastojale su se identifikovati
osnovne vrednosti koje deli ova društvena grupacija u Srbiji, kako bi se moglo govoriti i o
eventualnom potencijalu kolektivnog delanja prekarijata. Najuže, rad je imao za cilj i da utvrdi
praktično-političku usmerenost prekarijata u Srbiji, odnosno za koga pripadnici prekarijata u Srbiji
glasaju. S obzirom na to da istraživanje prekarijata i prekarnosti kao novog društvenog fenomena
još uvek pati od nedovoljne pojmovne i teorijske utemeljenosti, istraživanje u ovoj disertaciji je pre
eksplorativnog nego eksplanatornog karaktera. Ispitivane su sledeće hipoteze (istraživačka pitanja):
pripadnici prekarijata u Srbiji dele desno orijentisano ideološko usmerenje; nepostojanje jasno
uobličenog vrednosnog sistema onemogućava prekarijat da stekne delatni potencijal koji bi mu
omogućio promenu sopstvenog položaja; mlađi pripadnici prekarijata, naročito muškarci, ako
uopšte izlaze na izbore, glasaju većinom za Srpsku radikalnu stranku, dok među pripadnicama
prekarijata generalno prevladava izborna apstinencija, a ako izlaze na izbore, onda ravnomerno
glasaju za Srpsku radikalnu stranku i Srpsku naprednu stranku.
Primenjena je sekundarna analiza dostupnih podataka, a izvori sekundarne građe bili su: izveštaji i
rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja u svetu (pre svega Evropi), istraživanja i teorijska promišljanja
drugih istraživača, internet stranice i prezentacije organizovanih pokreta prekarnih radnika;
institucionalni i zakonski okvir, te dosadašnja istraživanja prekarnih radnika u Srbiji; empirijski deo
rada zasnovan je na podacima nastalim u okviru devete runde Evropskog društvenog istraživanja
(European Social Survey). Autorka svesno koristi različita teorijska oruđa u osvetljavanju predmeta
analize, što je umnogome uslovljeno samim istraživačkim instrumentom, koji primorava da
sociološki realizam ustupi mesto metodološkom individualizmu. Različite teorijske perspektive
treba shvatati kao komplementarne, a ne kao rivalske. Na analitičkom nivou konkretnog društva
(srpskog) operacionalizacija klase određena je položajem na tržištu rada. Prekarijat se ne posmatra
kao homogena društvena grupacija, kao klasa ili sloj, već je reč o tome da se u okviru svake klase
razlikuju prekarni i neprekarni položaji, gde prekarne položaje odlikuje nesigurnost na tržištu rada
(tzv. pristup individualnih ugovora).
U Srbiji se heterogena grupacija ispitanika koji imaju prekarni položaj na tržištu rada identifikuje sa
desničarskim ili strankama desnog centra, odnosno sa političkim akterima koji obilato koriste
socijalnu demagogiju u svom diskursu, a koji u potpunosti prihvataju osnovna usmerenja
ekonomskog liberalizma kao osnove na kojoj počiva neoliberalni oblik kapitalizma. Iako su sve tri
hipoteze načelno potvrđene, dobijene nalaze bi trebalo uzeti sa rezervom – pripadnici prekarijata
jesu desno orijentisani i glasaju većinski za Srpsku naprednu stranku, ali isto važi i za one koji su u
neprekarnom položaju na tržištu rada. Hipoteza o nepostojanju jasno uobličenog vrednosnog
sistema koji onemogućava prekarijat da stekne delatni potencijal je u potpunosti potvrđena -
pokazana je ideološko-politička dezorijentisanost, za koju bi se pre moglo reći da ima reakcionarni
potencijal nego revolucionarni. Uz ogradu da autorka ne može izvesti dalekosežne zaključke, može
se reći da prekarijat u Srbiji nije ni klasa po sebi, a kamoli klasa za sebe. Štaviše, još uvek nije reč
ni o grupaciji koja bi mogla činiti zaseban sloj, čiji bi pripadnici delili slične životne uslove i
poglede na svet. Jednostavno, sama po sebi, prekarnost na tržištu rada još uvek nije dovoljno
distinktivna i ključna odrednica na osnovu koje bi se društvo strukturiralo.The subject of this PhD thesis is the precariat as a social group in the making on the one
hand, and the ideological and political orientations of individuals in precarious positions in the
labour market of Serbia on the other. The main objectives of the thesis have been directed towards
determining whether the precariat could be viewed as a separate class or stratum, as well as
discovering potentially specific ideologies that could be linked to the precariat in Serbia. The author
strives to identify core values shared by this social group in Serbia so as to address the possible
potential of the precariat’s social action as well. This thesis aims at investigating the political
orientation of the precariat in Serbia, i.e. who the precariat vote for. Inasmuch as the research of the
precariat and precarity as new social phenomena is met with insufficient conceptual and theoretical
grounding, the research in this thesis is explorative rather than explanatory. The following
hypotheses (research questions) have been considered: the precariat in Serbia share the ideological
orientation of the political right; the lack of a clearly defined value system prevents the precariat
from realising the potential of social action that would enable its members to change their position;
the precariat in Serbia (especially younger men), vote predominantly for the Serbian Radical Party
(providing they vote to begin with), whereas the precariat in general terms abstain from voting, and
if they go to the polls, their votes are evenly split between the Serbian Radical Party and the Serbian
Progressive Party.
The author applied secondary analysis of existing data, and secondary source materials
encompass the following: the reports and results of previous research done abroad (primarily
Europe), research and theoretical reflections of other researchers, websites of organised movements
of precarious workers; institutional and legal framework, and previous research on precarious
workers in Serbia; the empirical part of the thesis is based on the data obtained in the Round IX of
the European Social Survey. The author purposefully uses various theoretical tools in order to shed
light on the subject of the analysis, which is largely a result of the research instrument itself, which
compels social realism to give way to methodological individualism. Different theoretical
perspectives are to be perceived as complementary rather than those of rivalry. At the analytical
level of a particular society (Serbian), the operationalisation of class is determined by its position in
the labour market. The precariat is not observed as a homogeneous social group, class or stratum.
Instead, precarious and non-precarious positions are distinguished within each class, where
precarious positions are characterised by precarity in the labour market (so-called individual
contract approach).
The heterogeneous precarious respondents in Serbia identify with right-wing or centre-right
political parties, i.e. political agencies that make extensive use of social demagoguery in their
discourse and fully embrace the basic orientation of economic liberalism as a foundation upon
which neoliberal capitalism is laid. Although all three hypotheses are generally confirmed, the
results should be considered with caution – those who consider themselves as part of the precariat
share the orientation of the political right, the majority voting for the Serbian Progressive Party, but
the same applies to those in a non-precarious position in the labor market. The hypothesis on the
lack of a clearly defined value system that prevents the precariat from realising its potential for
social action has been fully confirmed – ideological and political disorientation has been proved,
which could be said to have reactionary potential rather than revolutionary. With the note that the
author cannot draw far-reaching conclusions, it is safe to say that the precariat in Serbia is neither a
class in itself, let alone a class for itself. In addition, it is still not a group that could constitute a
separate stratum, whose members would share similar living conditions and personal worldviews.
In a nutshell, precarity per se is still not sufficiently distinctive in the labour market and does not
represent a key determinant of structuring a society
Podrška putem društvenih mreža iz perspektive osoba oštećenog sluha
Prema podacima Saveza gluvih i nagluvih Srbije, 1% stanovništva naše zemlje
čine osobe koje su u potpunosti ili delimično bez sluha (Žižić i Jaslar, 2014). Reč je o heterogenoj
populaciji, kako se i sam nedostatak sluha može sagledati u svetlu dva različita modela. Prvi
model, model medicinski određene onesposobljenosti, gluvoću određuje kao patološko stanje
sa naglaskom na nedostatak slušnog mehanizma (Žižić i Jaslar, 2014). Drugi model, društvenokulturni,
dovodi u pitanje shvatanje gluvoće kao invaliditeta, te se ističe mogućnost da je reč
o socijalnom konstruktu (Groce, 1985), kako većina gluvih živi u svetu kreiranom od strane
onih koji čuju. Prema ovom modelu, gluvoća se određuje kao kulturološki a ne audiološki
termin (Žižić i Jaslar, 2014), te se govori o lingvističkom i kulturnom identitetu (Young &
Temple, 2014). Iako je u populaciji moguće uočiti razlike u pogledu načina komunikacije,
(Napier et al., 2013), ipak je dominantan modalitet znakovni jezik, čija je upotreba najčešće
ograničena na zajednice gluvih. Iz tog razloga, gluva lica se suočavaju sa komunikacionim
barijerama, te posledično i nedostatkom socijalne podrške u čujućem okruženju, pa čak i u
okviru svojih čujućih porodica (Bone, 2018). Pored toga, manjak potrebne podrške se može
javiti i u okviru zajednica gluvih, kako je gluvima teško da govore o psihološkim problemima
sa drugim gluvim licima zbog straha od moguće kritike i potencijalnog isključenja iz grupe
(Žižić i Jaslar, 2014). Socijalna podrška, koja uključuje kako emocionalne forme podrške koje
proizilaze iz bliskih odnosa, tako i instrumentalne forme koje se odnose na praktičnu pomoć
(Werner-Seidler et al., 2017), smatra se značajnom za mentalno zdravlje pojedinca (Jung et al.,
2017), dok se socijalna izopštenost povezuje sa povećanjem rizika od razvijanja mentalnog
poremećaja (Huxley & Thornicroft, 2003, prema Du Feu & Chovaz, 2014). Na kraju, društvene
mreže kao interaktivni društveni mediji (Vasić, 2010), imaju potencijale u oblasti mentalnog
zdravlja kako mogu obezbediti vrednu podršku za one koji se nalaze pod distresom (Shepherd
et al., 2015). Povrh toga, društvene mreže imaju i komunikacione pogodnosti za gluva lica,
one koje im ranije tehnologije nisu dopuštale, poput video poziva, što odgovara vizuelnosti
znakovnog jezika (Valentine & Skelton, 2008).XXVI Nаučnа konferencijа „Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа
Patients' attitudes and their willingness to pay for Point of care testing services in community pharmaciеs
Увод: Спровођење фармацеутских услуга које обухватају и Point of care тестирање (POCT) у апотекама утиче на унапређење пружања фармацеутских здравствених услуга, а тиме и на унапређење здравствених исхода пацијената. Пре саме имплементације оваквих услуга, поред регулаторних одобрења, потребна су и истраживања ставова грађана о овим услугама и њиховој спремности за плаћање овакве услуге.
Циљ рада: Циљеви овог рада јесу испитивање ставова грађана о услугама фармацеута у апотекама које обухватају POCT тестирање, као и њихова спремност за плаћање ових услуга.
Материјал и методе: У току овог истраживања спроведена је студија пресека употребом онлајн упитника који је креиран за потребе ове студије. Упитник се састојао из питања која су груписана у више целина: питања о демографским карактеристикама испитаника; питања о ставовима испитаника према фармацеутским услугама у апотекама које обухватају РОСТ и спремност за плаћање ових услуга. Упитник је дистрибуиран путем друштвених мрежа и апликација.
Резултати: Испитаници су исказали преференце према више фармацеутских услуга које обухватају РОСТ међу којима се највише истичу услуге одређивања глукозе из крви и мерење крвног притиска. Фармацеутску услугу мерења и саветовања у склопу РОСТ одређивања спремно је да плати 96,77% испитаника. Најзаступљенији ценовни опсег који су пацијенти исказали за плаћање фармацеутских услуга је 100-200 динара.
Закључак: На основу добијених резултата могу се извести следећи закључци: велики број испитаника има преференце ка томе да се у апотекама спроводе фармацеутске услуге које укључују различите типове РОСТ и спреман је да плати за ове услуге.Introduction: The implementation of pharmaceutical services, which includes Point of Care Testing (POCT) in pharmacies, affects the improvement of the provision of pharmaceutical health services, and thus the improvement of patients' health outcomes. Prior to implementation of such services, along regulatory approvals, research on the attitudes of patients about these services and their willingness to pay for such services is needed.
The Aim: The aim of this paper is to examine the patients' attitudes about the pharmacy services that include POCT testing, as well as their willingness to pay for these services.
Material and Methods: For the purpose of this study, a cross-sectional study was conducted using an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was consisted of questions grouped into several sections: questions about the demographic characteristics of the patients; patients' attitudes towards pharmaceutical POCT services in pharmacies, and willingness to pay for these services. The questionnaire was distributed through social networks and applications.
Results: Patients expressed preferences for several pharmaceutical POCT services, among which the most prominent services are blood glucose determination and blood pressure measurement. Almost all patients (96.77%) would pay for the pharmaceutical services of measurements and counselling within the POCT determination. The most common price range expressed by patients for the payment of pharmaceutical POCT services was 100-200 RSD.
Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, the following conclusions can be made: a large number of patients had preferences to provide pharmaceutical POCT services in pharmacies and were willing to pay for these services
Contextual and Psychological Predictors of Militant Extremist Mindset in Youth
The present study aims to identify contextual and psychological factors of proneness to radicalization and violent extremism (RVE) operationalized through the Militant Extremist Mindset scale (MEM) consisting of three distinct aspects: Proviolence (PV), Vile World beliefs (VW), and trust in Divine Power (DP). A community sample of 271 high school students (72% females) from Belgrade and Sandzak regions in Serbia completed: (1) a 24-item MEM scale; (2) contextual measures including a 6-item scale of family dysfunction (FDys) and a 4-item composite measure capturing exposure to a harsh school environment and peer abuse (HSE); (3) psychological measures including the 9-item Right-Wing Authoritarianism scale (RWA), the 5-item Social Dominance Orientation scale (SDO), and the 20-item UCLA Loneliness scale (LON). A path analysis was conducted with contextual factors on the first and psychological factors on the second level of the model predicting the three factors of MEM. LON was positively predicted by FDys and HSE, SDO by HSE only, while RWA was positively predicted by FDys only. Contextual and psychological factors accounted for 27% of the variance in PV (LON, SDO), 15% of the variance in VW (FDys, SDO), and 31% of the variance in DP (RWA). Obtained findings reveal a complex interplay of contextual and psychological drivers in the prediction of different aspects of RVE and build upon existing knowledge on risk factors associated with RVE
Rad ne sadrži sažetak
Rad ne sadrži sažetak
Metric characteristics of a new test for the evaluation of dynamic balance
The aim of the study was to determine psychometric characteristics of a new test for the evaluation of dynamic balance in healthy individuals. The research was conducted on a sample of 60 female students
(21.18±.86 years). The participants performed three trials of the new test for each of the two different ways of walking. The results of reliability have shown high values of factor loadings (.91-.97) and standardized Cronbach’s alpha values (.87-.98), as well as the average inter-item correlation values (full feet walking, tip toe walking and the number of steps) (.78-.94). High values of factor loadings (.88-.97) and the fact that the total explained variance was very high (93.3%), with a relatively small variability between the attempts, suggests that all the rules for consistency of testing have been satisfied and that the new test is reliable enough for its application in practice
European Citizenship: Development, Influence, and Challenges
Rad analizira koncept europskog državljanstva, njegove najvažnije aspekte i prava i slobode koje taj koncept podrazumijeva. Proučavaju se najvažniji pravni izvori europskog državljanstva: osnivački ugovori Europske unije, njene regulative i direktive, kao i dugogodišnja sudska praksa koja je imala ključnu ulogu u razvoju ovog koncepta u Europskoj uniji. Posebno se analiziraju prava i slobode europskog državljanjstva, poput prava na slobodu kretanja i prebivališta. Posebno mjesto u ovom radu zauzimaju i sudski precedenti i predmeti pred Europskim sudom pravde koji su oblikovali primjenu prava o europskom državljanstvu, i njihovom analizom ilustruje se povijesni razvoj i pravna transformacija ovog koncepta. U radu se prikazuje i ideološki aspekt europskog državljanstva: ideju europskog identiteta, njen odnos i utjecaj na koncept europskog državljanstva.The authors analyse the concept of European citizenship, its most important aspects and the rights and freedoms it encompasses. The most important legal sources of European citizenship are analysed: the founding treaties of the EU, the regulations and directives of the EU institutions, and the long-term judicial practice of the European Court of Justice that has played a key role in the development of this area of EU law. The paper further explores the rights and freedoms
of European citizenship, such as the freedom of movement and residence, in order to better comprehend the complexity of European citizenship law. The paper also takes a deeper look into the case law of the ECJ, and the manner it has changed the interpretation of the law on European citizenship. By analysing certain landmark cases, the paper illustrates the historical development and legal transformation the concept has undergone. Finally, the paper explores the ideological aspect of European citizenship – the idea of European identity and
its influence on European citizenship – to better understand the driving forces and ideals behind the concep
Relationships among Shopping Quality and Corporate Social Responsibility of Shopping Centers and Consumer Satisfaction: Case from Novi Sad (Serbia)
Taking into consideration satisfied customer as necessary for business maintenance, companies are trying to discover determinants which have the biggest influence on their consumer satisfaction. Here are presented two factors that have influence on consumer satisfaction in shopping centers: quality of shopping and corporate social responsibility. In this research, each of these factors had six elements. The results of the regression analysis are that “Value for money in stores” (beta=0.387, p=0.000) has the greatest impact on satisfaction when shopping quality performance is concerned, and that “Retailer support for (national/local) cultural and sport events“ (beta=0.333, p<0.001) has the greatest impact on satisfaction in the case of CSR performance. Further analysis showed the difference in consumer perception of corporate social responsibility, depending on their occupation and level of education. It is also important to mention that consumers with environment and empathic concern have higher scores perception of CSR. However, there is not statistically important difference in consumer perception of shopping quality in shopping center
Mutual impact of different parameters in yield monitoring
Pri merenju i analizi lokacijski specifičnog prinosa poznatijeg kao monitoring prinosa u okviru šireg ciklusa precizne poljoprivrede meri se oko 30 parametara od interesa za mapiranje prinosa i šire. Najvažniji parametri uz podrazumevana tri parametra koja definišu lokaciju (latituda, longituda i elevacija) su maseni prinos zrna i vlažnost zrna. Uz ove podatke tokom monitoringa prinosa u ovom radu posmatrani su i temperatura zrna, brzina kretanja kombajna i odstupanje preciznosti lociranja (DOP). Jednostavnim statističkim testiranjem korelacije između ovih parametara utvrđen je nivo međusobnog uticaja, između ostalog i stepen uticaja svih navedenih i posmatranih parametara na prinos, kao odgovor na istraživačko pitanje da li na prinos utiče još neki parametar osim lokacije i fizičko-hemijskih osobina zemljišta na toj lokaciji. Utvrđen je različit stepen uticajnosti, ali nije otkriven ni jedan značajan dodatni uticaj na prinos izračunat posredstvom merenja i makon samog merenja. Za monitoring prinosa pri žetvi semenske pšenice na imanju 'Mladost' PKB, Tabla 2, korišćen je kombajn Class Lexion 450 sa nadograđenim sistemom za monitoring AGL Technology proizvođača. Za statističku analizu korišćena je parametarska metoda korelacije u okviru softverskog paketa SPSS Statistics v.21.When measuring and analyzing site-specific yield known as the yield monitoring within a wider cycle of precise agriculture, about 30 parameters are measured from inertia for mapping yields. The most important parameters with the default three parameters that define the location (latitude, longitude and elevation) are mass grain yield and grain moisture. In addition to this data during the yield monitoring, the temperature of the grain, speed of the combine and delution of precision (DOP) were also observed in this paper. By simple statistical testing of the correlation between these parameters, the level of mutual influence was determined, among other things, the degree of influence of all mentioned and observed parameters on yield, in response to the research question whether the yield affects another parameter other than the location and physical and chemical properties of the land at that location . A different degree of influence was determined, but no significant additional impact on the yield was calculated by measuring and measuring the measurement itself. For the monitoring of the yield of seed wheat harvesting on the 'Mladost' PKB, Tabla 2, the Class Lexion 450 harvester with an upgraded system for monitoring the AGL Technology manufacturer was used. For the statistical analysis, the parametric method of correlation within the software package SPSS Statistics v.21 was used
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