20 research outputs found

    “Green” Transformation of the Common Agricultural Policy and Its Impact on Farm Income Disparities

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    Taking into account the evolution of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), it is wondered to what extent the “green” transformation of this policy and the accompanying change in the distribution of direct payments between farms contributed to the elimination of disproportions in agricultural income. The aim of the study was to investigate the changes in the proclaimed concepts related to the development of the EU agricultural sector in terms of their “green” transformation, and to assess the impact of “green” CAP payments on income inequalities between farms. The research was conducted based on the data representative for Polish commercial farms for the years 2004–2019, covering three financial perspectives of the agricultural policy. The methods of counterfactual modelling and assessment of income inequality were used in the study. The analyses showed that the evolution of the CAP priorities, and hence instruments, towards the pro-environmental (or, more broadly, towards sustainability) have so far had a rather negative impact on the income of Polish farms. In its current form, the support dedicated to environmental and climate protection did not fully compensate farmers for income losses resulting from the use of pro-environmental agricultural practices. Moreover, “green” CAP payments did not play a significant role in shaping income inequalities. Therefore, we can conclude that the CAP instruments do not contribute sufficiently to sustainable development (economic, social, and environmental), because they do not support/motivate farmers to change their production standards

    The repair project of the roof structure of the historic building

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    Tematem niniejszego artykułu jest omówienie koncepcji naprawy konstrukcji dachu w barokowym pałacu w Nowym Kisielinie. Obiekt obecnie należy do Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego i jest wpisany na listę zabytków przez lubuskiego wojewódzkiego konserwatora zabytków. Opracowanie zawiera opis obiektu, przegląd stosowanych rozwiązań technicznych w podobnych obiektach zabytkowych oraz omówienie kwestii dotyczących wymiarowania wybranych elementów. W pracy wykorzystano materiały źródłowe pochodzące z Lubuskiego Wojewódzkiego Urzędu Ochrony Zabytków w Zielonej Górze.The subject of this essay is to discuss the concepts of mending the roof structure in the baroque palace in Nowy Kisielin. Nowadays the building belongs to the University of Zielona Góra and is interlined to the list of monuments by the provincial conservator. The scientific description contains a specification of the object, a review of technical solutions used in similar historic buildings and a discussion of issues related to the dimensioning of selected elements. The source materials from the Voivodeship Office for the Protection of Monuments in Zielona Góra were used in the work

    Chicken embryo as a model in epigenetic research

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    ABSTRACT: Epigenetics is defined as the study of changes in gene function that are mitotically or meiotically heritable and do not lead to a change in DNA sequence. Epigenetic modifications are important mechanisms that fine tune the expression of genes in response to extracellular signals and environmental changes. In vertebrates, crucial epigenetic reprogramming events occur during early embryogenesis and germ cell development. Chicken embryo, which develops external to the mother's body, can be easily manipulated in vivo and in vitro, and hence, it is an excellent model for performing epigenetic studies. Environmental factors such as temperature can affect the development of an embryo into the phenotype of an adult. A better understanding of the environmental impact on embryo development can be achieved by analyzing the direct effects of epigenetic modifications as well as their molecular background and their intergenerational and transgenerational inheritance. In this overview, the current possibility of epigenetic changes during chicken embryonic development and their effects on long-term postembryonic development are discussed

    A Comparison of the Level of Acceptance and Hesitancy towards the Influenza Vaccine and the Forthcoming COVID-19 Vaccine in the Medical Community

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    Despite research conducted worldwide, there is no treatment specifically targeting SARS-CoV-2 infection with efficacy proven by randomized controlled trials. A chance for a breakthrough is vaccinating most of the global population. Public opinion surveys on vaccine hesitancy prompted our team to investigate Polish healthcare workers’ (HCWs) attitudes towards the SARS-CoV-2 and influenza vaccinations. In-person and online surveys of HCWs: doctors, nurses, medical students, and other allied health professionals (n = 419) were conducted between 14 September 2020 and 5 November 2020. In our study, 68.7% of respondents would like to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccinations would persuade 86.3% of hesitant and those who would refuse to be vaccinated. 3.1% of all respondents claimed that no argument would convince them to get vaccinated. 61.6% of respondents declared a willingness to receive an influenza vaccination, of which 83.3% were also inclined to receive COVID-19 vaccinations. Although most respondents—62.5% (262/419) indicated they trusted in the influenza vaccine more, more respondents intended to get vaccinated against COVID-19 in the 2020/2021 season. The study is limited by its nonrandom sample of HCWs but provides a preliminary description of attitudes towards SARS-CoV-2 vaccination

    Stridor as one of the symptoms of 5p deletion syndrome in a five-month-old child

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    The 5p deletion syndrome (5p-, Cri-du-chat syndrome, CdCS) is a genetic disorder which results from a partial deletion of the short arm of chromosome 5. It was first described by Lejeune et al. in 1963. The incidence ranges from 1:15 000 to 1:50 000 live births. The 5p- is usually diagnosed in the first days of life because of the characteristic monotonous high pitched cat-like cry and relatively constant dysmorphic features. Other symptoms often present in the neonatal period include low birth weight, muscle hypotonia, asphyxia and feeding difficulties due to impaired suction and swallowing, which may all lead to failure to thrive. Organ malformations, with various larynx abnormalities, although not very frequent, can also be present. Symptoms that are prevalent in later life include severe motor delay and intellectual disability with significant speech impairment, as well as behavioral problems. The case report presents a female infant in her 5th month of life in whom, despite the typical symptoms of 5p-, stridor and episodes of choking were the main problems. Laryngotracheal endoscopy revealed the type I laryngeal cleft. Genetic analysis confirmed the diagnose of 5p- syndrome. The presented case shows that it is critically important to perform a further investigation and refer a child with laryngological problems coexisting with dysmorphic features to a clinical geneticist

    High ratio of red-to-blue LED light improves the quality of Lachenalia ‘Rupert’ inflorescence

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    The southern African geophyte Lachenalia with an enormous number of species and cultivars is nowadays a commercially important plant material. There is a need for research on the optimization of growing conditions to obtain a satisfactory visual quality of potted plants, which may boost its production on the international ornamental market. Our research can be considered as an innovative study on supplemental irradiation with various light spectra in relation to flower quality of Lachenalia spp. The main objective was to examine the usefulness of LED lighting in extending the length of the natural day to a 16/8 h photoperiod in order to control the development of Lachenalia ‘Rupert’ inflorescence during greenhouse cultivation in Central-European winter time. Three light treatments were applied with red (660 nm) and blue (440 nm) light in different ratios: 100% red (100/0), 90% red mixed with 10% blue (90/10) and 80% red with 20% blue (80/20). The PPFD at the plant leaf level was approx. 150 µmol m−2 s−1. The most favourable spectrum, 90/10, induced the longest inflorescences characterized by the highest stem diameter with simultaneously the highest number of florets. Additionally, blue light increased the anthocyanin content in the corolla by about 35%, compared with plants exposed to 100% red light and non-irradiated ones (control plants). This first study on the wavelength ratios is aimed to increase the production quality of Lachenalia and indicates the need for continuation

    Nutrition preferences of children ages 7–10

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    INTRODUCTION The eating preferences and habits initiated from the beginning of our life have a significant impact on proper nutrition through our lifetime. Parents play a major role in this process because their children learn from them what is healthy and what is not. The main objective of the work is to assess the food preferences of children aged 7-10 years, taking into account the views of children and their parents. An additional aim is to demonstrate the correlation between the frequency of consumption of selected products, and their declared level of acceptance. MATERIALS AND METHODS During our research we focused on a group of 110 children aged 7–10 and parents who live in Zabrze and Ruda Slaska. Both groups were asked to take part in a survey by filling in two authorial questionnaires. Statistical analysis was conducted based on χ2 Pearson’s test. RESULTS Most of the meals consumed from the analysed group of products were approved of by the children. The research showed that 92% of the children liked apples very much. Out of vegetables, 67% of the children preferred cucumbers. Out of dairy products, 62% of the children selected milk and 56% indicated fruit yogurt as their preferred products. Sour fermented dairy products were defined as products that were the most disliked by children, i.e. 55% of children disliked buttermilk, and 20% of children disliked dark/ whole grain bread. CONCLUSIONS The eating habits and preferences of children are well known by most of their parents. However, this research has not shown the relationship between the level of acceptance of the products and the frequency of their consumption. The results gathered during this research have shown that there is a need to educate both children and their parents to make sure that they understand the rules of good eating habits and its influence on the development of growing children.W S T Ę P Na prawidłowe żywienie wpływają nawyki i upodobania żywieniowe, które kształtują się od najmłodszych lat życia. Ważną rolę w tym procesie odgrywają rodzice, od których dziecko uczy się tego, co jest zdrowe, a co nie. Celem głównym pracy jest ocena preferencji żywieniowych dzieci w wieku 7–10 lat, z uwzględnieniem opinii dzieci i ich rodziców. Celem dodatkowym jest wykazanie zależności między częstością spożycia wybranych produktów a deklarowanym poziomem ich akceptacji. M A T E R I A Ł I M E T O D Y Badaniem objęto grupę 220 osób, w tym 110 uczniów w wieku 7–10 lat mieszkających w Zabrzu i Rudzie Śląskiej oraz grupę 110 rodziców dzieci, wykorzystując dwa autorskie kwestionariusze ankiety. Dokonano analizy statystycznej używając testu χ2 Pearsona, przyjmując poziom istotności α = 0,05. WYNIKI Większość produktów spożywczych z analizowanych grup żywności była akceptowana przez dzieci. W badaniach wykazano, że najbardziej preferowanymi owocami były jabłka, które 92% dzieci bardzo lubiło. Spośród warzyw, najchętniej uczniowie spożywali ogórki (67%), a z grupy produktów mlecznych mleko (62%) i jogurt owocowy (56%). Do szczególnie nielubianych produktów zaliczano fermentowane przetwory mleczne, takie jak maślanka, której nie lubiło 55% dzieci, kefir (35%) i ciemne pieczywo (20%). WNIOSKI Zdecydowana większość badanych rodziców dobrze zna upodobania żywieniowe swoich dzieci, nie wykazano jednak w badaniach zależności między poziomem akceptacji produktów a częstością ich spożycia. Wyniki badań wskazują na potrzebę edukacji żywieniowej zarówno dzieci, jak i ich rodziców z zakresu zasad prawidłowego żywienia i jego wpływu na rozwój dorastających dzieci