7 research outputs found
Existence of responsibility in the Web
Rozprawa porusza zagadnienie istnienia odpowiedzialności sieci. Analizowane jest środowisko sieci, jako jedna z rzeczywistości, w której żyjemy, pod kątem możliwości zaistnienia w niej odpowiedzialności. Kolejnym poruszanym aspektem jest tożsamość człowieka w sieci, oraz to kim jest wchodząc w nią i jak się zmienia. Finalnie poruszone jest zagadnienie fenomenu odpowiedzialności, jako wątku etycznego, oraz możliwości jego zaistnienia jako wartości wnoszonej przez człowieka i uzależnionej od jego mocy, czyli zdolności technicznej.My dissertation's issue is existence of responsibility in the Web. Enviroment is analized as one of realities, in which we are living, as a possibility to exist responsibility in it. Another broached matter is the human identity in the Web, the problem of who is entering this world, and the way it changes during being in it. Finally appears the matter of responsibility phenomen, as the ethic issue, and its possibility to appear as a value carried in by a man, and dependend on power - technic ability
Assessment of the functional movement screen test with the use of motion capture system by the example of trunk stability push-up exercise among adolescent female football players
The paper presents the application of the BTS motion capture system to verify the FMS test assessment. The research group consisted of adolescent female football players who underwent standard FMS assessment by a physiotherapist. In order to objectify the physical performance assessment, a mechanical model was proposed, on the basis of which the parameters supporting the evaluation of the test were defined. The example of the analysis of one of the exercises (push-ups) presented in the paper showed that even the players who obtained the highest marks in the test do not always perform the exercises flawlessly, which is a consequence of subjective assessment made by specialists. The use of a motion capture system together with an appropriate biomechanical model allows for a much more objective assessment of the physical performance and detecting any dysfunction of the movement apparatus of the examined persons