32 research outputs found

    Procjena koncentracije Cu u tlu i vrijednost pozadinskog praga u Crvenici iz Dalmacije

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    The aims of this study were (i) to assess the soil Cu concentration in the mineral A horizon and cambic Bw horizon, (ii) to determine the background threshold value (BTV), and (iii) to quantify the differences between the horizons in terra rossa soil from Dalmatia. A total of 128 samples from 64 soil profiles located on terrains used for non-agricultural purposes were analysed for aqua regia soluble Cu concentration. The soils were classified according to the Croatian Soil Classification System and World Reference Base for Soil Resources as terra rossa soil and Chromic and Rhodic Cambisols. The median value of Cu concentration in A horizon (CuA) and cambic Bw horizon (CuB) were 34.9 and 36.1 mg/kg, respectively, and ranged between 16.2 and 69.5 mg/kg in the CuA and from 17.0 to 73.0 mg/kg in the CuB horizon. The estimated BTV for CuA varied between 43.6 and 58.4 mg/kg depending on the calculation method applied. The median ratio CuA/CuB of 0.96 was close to identical. The Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test and the Hodges-Lehmann estimator showed that the median difference in Cu concentration between the CuA and CuB was very small (-1.78 mg/ kg). Mentioned statistical evidence on the small differences in Cu concentration between the horizons suggests that Cu concentrations measured in the Bw horizon can be considered a ā€œlocal backgroundā€ for the samples collected in A horizon and its utilization in screening terra rossa soil contamination can be suggested.Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su (i) odrediti koncentraciju bakra u mineralnom A i kambičnom Bw horizontu, (ii) odrediti pozadinsku vrijednost praga (PVP) te, (iii) kvantificirati razlike između horizonata u Crvenici iz Dalmacije. Ukupno 128 uzoraka iz 64 profila tla lociranih na terenima koji se koriste u nepoljoprivredne svrhe, analizirano je na koncentraciju topljivog Cu u zlatotopki. Tla su klasificirana prema Hrvatskom sustavu klasifikacije tala i Svjetskoj referentnoj bazi za resurse tla kao Crvenica, odnosno Chromic i Rhodic Cambisol. Vrijednosti medijane za koncentraciju Cu u A horizontu (CuA) i kambičnom Bw horizontu (CuB) bile su 34,9, odnosno 36,1 mg/kg, a kretale su se između 16,2 i 69,5 mg/kg u CuA i od 17,0 do 73,0 mg/kg u CuB horizontu. Utvrđeni PVP za CuA varirao je između 43,6 i 58,4 mg/kg, ovisno o primjenjenoj metodi određivanja. Medijana omjera CuA/CuB od 0,96 bila je blizu identičnom. Wilcoxonov test usklađenih parova i Hodges-Lehmann metoda su pokazali da je razlika medijana Cu koncentracija između CuA i CuB bila vrlo mala (-1,78 mg/ kg). Navedeni statistički dokazi o malim razlikama u koncentraciji Cu između horizonata sugeriraju da se koncentracije Cu izmjerene u kambičnom horizontu mogu smatrati "lokalnom pozadinom" za uzorke prikupljene u A horizontu i može se predložiti njihova upotreba u probiranju onečiŔćenja Crvenica

    Koncentracije olova i cinka u genetskim horizontima crvenice na lokalnoj razini. Kako se te koncentracije razlikuju?

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    The goals of this study were to (i) determine the concentration of the Pb and Zn in Terra rossa soil, (ii) reveal its origin and (iii) establish how the concentration of these elements between genetic horizons differ. In a total of 128 soil samples collected from the genetic A and B horizon of 64 Terra Rossa soil profiles were analyzed for aqua regia soluble concentration of lead (PbA and PbB) and zinc (ZnA and ZnB) as well as soil properties: pH in KCl, CaCO3, soil organic carbon (SOC) and particle size distribution. The median value of PbA, PbB, ZnA, and ZnB were 41.6, 33.8, 106.1 and 103.8 mg/ kg, respectively. The principal component analyses have shown that the Pb and Zn contribute most to the variability of A horizon and have the same and natural origin ā€“ they are accumulated by geochemical weathering and soil-forming processes. Using non-parametric techniques (the two-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnov test (K-S) and a shift function (SF) we estimated that (i) the PbA and PbB distribution differ in spread and median and (ii) the PbB distribution need to be progressively shifted, at the whole range starting from 2.8 mg/kg for the first decile; 7.2 mg/kg for the fifth decile (median) to 12.2 mg/kg for the ninth decile to match PbA distribution. In the case of Zn, there is no evidence that the distribution of ZnA is in any way different than the distribution of ZnB. This implies that the ZnA and ZnB have a remarkably similar shape of their distribution functions and a noticeable slight shift with a value of 2.3 mg/kg at fifth decile. The analysis presented here illustrated why detailed statistical descriptions can help to better understand how and by how much lead and zinc distributions in Terra rossa genetic horizon differ.Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su (i) odrediti koncentracije olova i cinka u crvenici, (ii) otkriti njihovo porijeklo i (iii) utvrditi kako se koncentracije tih elemenata razlikuju između genetskih horizonata. Analizirano je ukupno 128 uzoraka tla sakupljenih iz genetskog A i B horizonta u 64 profila crvenica, na koncentracije olova (PbA i PbB) i cinka (ZnA and ZnB) u zlatotopki, kao i na svojstva tla: pH u KCl-u, CaCO3, organski ugljik i mehanički sastav tla. Vrijednosti medijane za PbA, PbB, ZnA, i ZnB iznosile su: 41,6, 33,8, 106,1 i 103,8 mg/kg. Analiza glavnih komponenti pokazala je da varijabilnosti A horizonta najviÅ”e doprinose Pb i Zn koji imaju isto, prirodno porijeklo ā€“ akumulirani su geokemijskim troÅ”enjem i pedogenetskim procesima. KoriÅ”tenjem neparametrijskih tehnika (dvostranog Kolmogorov- Smirnov testa (K-S) i funkcije pomaka) ustanovljeno je (i) da se raspodjele PbA i PbB razlikuju u disperziji i medijani i (ii) da PbB distribuciju treba postupno pomaknuti po cijelom rasponu počevÅ”i od 2,8 mg/kg na prvoj decili preko 7,2 mg/kg na petoj decili (medijani) do 12,2 mg/kg na devetoj decili da bi se podudarala s PbA raspodjelom. U slučaju cinka, nema dokaza da se raspodjela ZnA na bilo koji način razlikuje od raspodjele ZnB. To implicira da ZnA i ZnB imaju upadljivo slične oblike funkcija raspodjele uz zamjetan blagi pomak od 2,3 mg/kg na petoj decili. Ovdje prikazana analiza ilustrira zaÅ”to detaljni statistički opisi mogu pomoći u boljem razumijevanju kako i koliko se razlikuju distribucije olova i cinka u genetskim horizontima crvenice

    Kvaliteta humusa u crvenicama pod maslinicima s različitim načinima gospodarenja tlom

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    The paper aimed to determine humus quality in Terra rossa soils under olive groves with different soil management types. A total of 10 top-soil samples (0-20 cm) were collected in olive groves of Middle Dalmatia, Croatia, out of which 5 were from the traditional low-input olive groves (TOG) and 5 in the intensive olive groves (IOG). The soil samples were analyzed for basic soil properties, soil organic carbon (SOC), and fractional composition of humic substances. Spectroscopic characterization of humic substances was carried out by measuring absorbance in the VIS spectral range (400-700 nm). Optical index E4/E6 (ratio of optical absorbance at 465 to 665 nm for humic substances in solution) was calculated. The mean value of SOC in soils under TOG (3.06%) was lower than in soils under IOG (3.88%). Higher variations of carbon in humic (CHA) and fulvic acid (CFA) were observed in the soils under IOG. The mean CHA/CFA ratio in soils under TOG was higher than in soils of IOG (1.78 and 1.26, respectively). The soils under TOG had fulvic-humic to humic types, while the soils of IOG had humic-fulvic to humic types of humus. A lower mean E4/E6 index of soils under TOG than IOG (3.78 and 4.36, respectively) confirmed the results of the classical analytical method. Our findings reveal higher variation and lower humus quality in soils under intensive olive cultivation.Cilj rada bio je utvrditi kvalitetu humusa u crvenicama pod maslinicima s različitim načinom gospodarenja tlom. Ukupno je uzeto 10 povrÅ”inskih uzoraka tla (0-20 cm) iz maslinika Srednje Dalmacije, Hrvatska, od čega 5 iz tradicionalnih maslinika (TM) i 5 iz intenzivnih maslinika (IM). Uzorci tla su analizirani na osnovna svojstva tla, organski ugljik (OC) i frakcijski sastav humusnih supstanci. Spektroskopska karakterizacija humusnih supstanci provedena je mjerenjem absorbance u VIS spektralnom rasponu (400-700 nm). Izračunat je optički indeks E4/E6 (odnos optičke apsorbance kod 465 prema 665 nm za humusne supstance u otopini tla). Srednja vrijednost OC u tlima pod TM (3,06%) bila je niža nego u tlima pod IM (3,88%). Veća variranja ugljika u huminskim (CHA) i fulvo (CFA) kiselinama uočena su u tlima pod IM. Prosječni CHA/CFA odnos u tlima pod TM (1,78) bio je viÅ”i nego u tlima pod IM (1,26). Tla pod TM imala su fulvično-huminski do huminski tip, dok su tla pod IM imala huminsko-fulvični do huminski tip humusa. Niža srednja vrijednost E4/E6 indeksa u tlima pod TM (3,78) u odnosu na IM (4,36) potvrdila je rezultate klasične analitičke metode. NaÅ”i rezultati otkrivaju veće variranje i nižu kvalitetu humusa u tlima pod intenzivnom maslinarskom proizvodnjom

    Humus Quality in Hydromorphic Soils of the Island of Rab

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    The aim of the study was to determine humus quality in hydromorphic soils of the island of Rab. The study was conducted on 16 samples collected from the anthropogenic top-soil horizon in which were determined total organic carbon according to Walkley-Black method (1934) and fractional composition of humic substances following the procedure given by Schnitzer (1982) using 0.1 M NaOH and 0.1 M Na4P2O7 as extraction solution. Spectroscopic characterization of isolated humic substances was carried out by measuring absorbance in VIS spectral range of 400-700 nm and optical indices (Q4/6, E4/6) were calculated. Investigated soils had sandy silty loam texture, acidic to alkaline pH, low content of physiologically active phosphorus and potassium, hydroameliorated by channels and were used as pastures. The total organic carbon content was low (0.95% in average) and varied from 0.42 to 1.86%. The average C/N ratio was 12.7. The humic acid content varied from 0.09 to 0.38% and fulvic acid content varied from 0.10 to 0.55%. The humification degree was low to medium, in average 21.5%. The average HA/FA ratio was 0.84 that indicated the domination of fulvic-humic type of isolated humic substances. The average optical indices Q4/6 and E4/6 were 5.92 and 5.62, respectively, which corresponded to the presence of more aliphatic and fewer aromatic compounds. The obtained results indicated low humus quality of investigated hydromorphic soils

    Utjecaj položaja na obronku na odabrana kemijska svojstva pseudogleja u vinogradu

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    The study aimed to determine the effect of different slope positions on selected chemical properties of Pseudogley in the vineyard. The study was conducted in Zagreb, central Croatia. A total of 15 top-soil samples (0-30 cm) were collected from a hilltop, backslope, and footslope and analysed for pH, hydrolytic acidity (Hy), soil organic carbon (SOC) content, P2 O5 , K2 O, and potentially toxic elements (As, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn). A slight increase in mean pH value from the hilltop to the footslope and a decrease in Hy were observed, although differences were not statistically significant. The SOC content was low and uniform along the entire slope. A significantly higher concentration of P2 O5 at the footslope compared to the hilltop was established (10.4 and 3.4 mg/100 g of soil, respectively). The K2 O concentration at the footslope (29.7 mg/100 g of soil) was significantly higher than at the backslope (21.2 mg/100 g of soil). The Cu, Pb, and Zn concentrations were significantly affected by slope positions in terms of download accumulation. The studied soil was contaminated by As, Ni, and Zn at the hilltop and the footslope and partly at the backslope, according to the Ordinance on the Protection of Agricultural Land from Pollution. The Cu concentrations exceeded the maximum allowed concentrations only on the backslope and footslope. The minor differences in studied soil properties between slope positions can be attributed to a short length, low and uneven inclination, and relatively short-term anthropogenic influence.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi utjecaj različitog položaja na obronku na odabrana kemijska svojstva pseudogleja u vinogradu. Istraživanje je provedeno u Zagrebu, centralna Hrvatska. Ukupno je uzorkovano 15 uzoraka povrÅ”inskog horizonta tla (0-30 cm) sa gornjeg, srednjeg i donjeg dijela obronka i analizirano na pH, hidrolitski aciditet (Hy), sadržaj organskog ugljika tla, P2 O5 , K2 O i potencijalno toksične elemente (As, Cu, Ni, Pb i Zn). Uočeno je blago povećanje prosječne pH vrijednosti i snižavanje Hy od vrha prema dnu obronka, iako razlike nisu bile statistički opravdane. Sadržaj organskog ugljika je bio nizak i uniforman duž cijelog obronka. Ustanovljene su signifikantno viÅ”e koncentracije P2 O5 na dnu u usporedbi s vrhom obronka (10.4 i 3.4 mg/100 g tla). Koncentracije K2 O bile su značajno viÅ”e na dnu (29.7 mg/100 g tla) u odnosu na sredinu obronka (21.2 mg/100 g tla). Koncentracije Cu, Pb i Zn bile su pod značajnim utjecajem položaja na obronku u smislu nakupljanja na dnu. Istraživano tlo bilo je onečiŔćeno s As, Ni i Zn na vrhu i dnu, te djelomično na sredini obronka prema Pravilniku o zaÅ”titi poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta od onečiŔćenja. Koncentracije bakra preÅ”le su maksimalno dozvoljene koncentracije samo na sredini i dnu padine. Male razlike u istraživanim svojstvima tla između dijelova obronka mogu se pripisati kratkoj dužini obronka, malom i neujednačenom nagibu te relativno kratkotrajnom antropogenom utjecaju

    Suitability of agricultural land for irrigation in Croatian agroregions

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    Osnovni cilj rada je prikazati resurse tala i procijenjenu pogodnost poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta za navodnjavanje po poljoprivrednim regijama i podregijama Hrvatske. Za prikaz resursa tala i procjenu pogodnosti poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta za navodnjavanje, koriÅ”tena je ā€žNamjenska pedoloÅ”ka karta Republike Hrvatske mjerila 1:300.000ā€œ, nadopunjena podatcima o tlima koja su hidromeliorirana cijevnom drenažom, te podatcima o rasprostranjenosti Å”uma. Procjena sadaÅ”nje pogodnosti zemljiÅ”ta za navodnjavanje izvrÅ”ena je prema FAO metodi. Za izdvajanje poljoprivrednih regija i podregija koriÅ”tena je postojeća karta iz projekta ā€žRegionalizacija poljoprivrede RHā€œ. Na poljoprivrednom zemljiÅ”tu RH, od ukupnih 244.151 ha pogodnih tala za navodnjavanje, najveći dio, odnosno čak 88 %, nalazi se u Panonskoj regiji. U istoj se regiji nalazi i najviÅ”e umjereno pogodnih tala za navodnjavanje, odnosno 71 % od ukupnih 588.164 ha. Ograničeno, pogodnih tala za navodnjavanje najviÅ”e se nalazi u Jadranskoj regiji, gdje zauzimaju 46 % od ukupnih 291.401 ha, a obilježavaju ih ograničenja koja se javljaju prije svega u vidu plitke dubine te izražene skeletnosti i stjenovitosti. Privremeno nepogodnih tala za navodnjavanje najviÅ”e se nalazi u Panonskoj regiji gdje zauzimaju 89 % od ukupnih 881.678 ha, a obilježavaju ih ograničenja kao Å”to su prekomjerno vlaženje podzemnom i povrÅ”inskom vodom te slaba dreniranost.The paperā€™s main objective was to present the soil resources and assessed suitability of agricultural land for irrigation according to agricultural regions and subregions of Croatia. To present the soil resources and assessed suitability of agricultural land for irrigation, we used the ā€œDedicated pedological map of the Republic of Croatia in scale 1:300,000ā€ and supplemented it with data on soils that are hydroameliorated with pipe drainage as well as data on forest distribution. The assessment of the present suitability of land for irrigation was carried out according to the FAO method. For determinating agricultural regions and subregions, we used the existing map from the project ā€œRegionalisation of agriculture in the Republic of Croatiaā€. Of Croatian agricultural lands with a total of 244,151 ha of soils suitable for irrigation, the majority (88%) is located in the Pannonian region. The same region also contains the most moderately suitable soils for irrigation, i.e. 71% of the total 588,164 ha. Soils with limited suitability for irrigation are mostly located in the Adriatic region, in which they cover 46% of the total 291,401 ha and are characterized by limitations that primarily appear as shallow depths and marked skeletal and rocky structures. Temporarily unsuitable soils for irrigation are mostly located in the Pannonian region, in which they cover 89% of the total 881,678 ha and are characterized by limitations such as excessive moisture caused by groundwater and surface water as well as poor drainage

    Influence of Geomorphology and Land Use on Soil Formation ā€“ Case Study Maksimir (Zagreb, Croatia)

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    Factors of soil formation govern soil processes and determine soil properties. The aim of this study was to asses the influence of geomorphology (soil parent material, soil age, soil landscape position) and land use (vegetation) on soil properties in the southeastern part of the Maksimir district in Zagreb, Croatia. Representative profiles of Eutric Cambisol, Humofl uvisol, and Pseudogley soils (soil profiles P-1, P-2, and P-3, respectively) were studied on different parent materials (older Holocene sediments, younger fluvial sediments, and loess derivates, respectively), landscape positions (lowland, lowland next to the stream, and plateau, respectively), and land uses (abandoned plough land, urban park, and forest, respectively). Geomorphology influenced soil morphological properties (horizonation, structure and consistence, redoximorphic features), soil particle size distribution (including the coarse/fine sand ratio and the vertical trends of the silt/clay ratio), and soil chemical properties (pH and Ī”pH, CaCO3 content). Land use (vegetation) primarily influenced the topsoils of the investigated profiles (soil structure, abundance of roots, humus content, and soil pH), but also the presence of artefacts in the profile P-1 and the properties of redoximorphic features in the profi le P-3. Soil profi les P-1, P-2, and P-3 were classified according to the WRB-2014 system as Eutric Relictigleyic Cambisol (Geoabruptic, Loamic), Calcaric Endogleyic Fluvisol (Loamic), and Dystric Retic Stagnosol (Loamic), respectively. We conclude that both geomorphology and land use had crucial impacts on soil formation in the southeastern Maksimir. Moreover, the recent regulations of the local streams significantly influenced properties of the profiles P-1 and P-2

    Cd, Cu, Pb i Zn u terasiranim tlima na fliŔnim naslagama obalnog područja KaŔtelanskog zaljeva, Hrvatska

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    The aims of this study were: (i) to determine concentrations of heavy metals (HMs): Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in terraced soils on flysch deposits of KaÅ”tela Bay coastal area, Croatia, (ii) to define their possible sources and (iii) to compare concentrations of HMs among different land use types: olive groves, vineyards and abandoned agricultural land (grassland). In a total of 26 topsoil samples (0-25 cm) were analysed for pH, carbonates, organic carbon, K2O, P2O5, texture and concentrations of the HMs. The elements were extracted with aqua regia and determined by inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). The following mean values of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations were 0.39, 46.5, 15.8 and 51.4 mg/kg, respectively. The principal component analysis (PCA) and the correlation matrix (CM) revealed weak relationship of HMs with soil properties and strong similarity among Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations indicating its common origin, controlled by different anthropogenic activity. The Cu poorly correlated with all other metals that point to its different origin - application of copper-based fungicide. The mean concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in vineyards, olive groves and grasslands were not statistically significant different in relation to land use types. The Cu concentrations in vineyards were significantly higher compared to other land use types.Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: (i) utvrditi koncentracije teÅ”kih metala: Cd,Cu, Pb i Zn u terasiranim tlima na fliÅ”nim naslagama obalnog područja KaÅ”telanskog zaljeva, Hrvatska, (ii) utvrditi njihove moguće izvore i (iii) usporediti koncentracije teÅ”kih metala između različitih načina koriÅ”tenja zemljiÅ”ta: maslinika, vinograda i napuÅ”tenog poljoprivrednog zemljiÅ”ta (travnjaka). Analizirano je ukupno 26 uzoraka povrÅ”inskog sloja tla (0-25 cm) na pH, karbonate, organski ugljik, K2O, P2O5, teksturu i koncentracije teÅ”kih metala. Elementi su ekstrahirani zlatotopkom i određeni induktivno spregnutom plazmom ā€“ optičkom emisijskom spektrometrijom (ICP-OES). Utvrđene su slijedeće srednje vrijednosti koncentracija Cd, Cu, Pb i Zn: 0,39, 46,5, 15,8 i 51,4 mg/kg. Metodom glavnih komponenti (PCA) i korelacijskom matricom (CM) utvrđene su slabe veze teÅ”kih metala sa svojstvima tla i snažna povezanost između Cd, Pb i Zn koncentracija koja indicira njihovo zajedničko porijeklo kontrolirano različitim antropogenim aktivnostima. Bakar je slabo korelirao s ostalim metalima Å”to upućuje na njegovo različito porijeklo povezano s primjenom zaÅ”titnih sredstava na bazi bakra. Srednje koncentracije Cd, Pb i Zn u vinogradima, maslinicima i travnjacima nisu bile statistički značajno različite. Koncentracije bakra u vinogradima bile su signifikantno viÅ”e u odnosu na ostale načine koriÅ”tenja

    Estimation of SOC Content in Anthropogenic Soils from Flysch Deposits Using Vis-NIR Spectroscopy

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    The objectives of this work were to estimate the ability of Vis-NIR diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for the prediction of soil organic carbon (SOC) content in terraced soils from Flysch deposits in Dalmatia, Croatia and to determine the significance of spectral wavelengths and regions. In a total of 159 top-soil samples (0-25 cm) SOC content was determined in the laboratory and reflectance spectra were collected using a portable Terra Spec 4 Hi-Res Mineral Spectrometer with a wavelength range 350-2500 nm. The partial last square regression (PLSR) with leave-one-out cross-validation method was used for calibrating the Vis-NIR spectra and SOC content. The SOC content varied from 2.79 to 28.66 g kg-1 with an average value of 13.47 g kg-1. The SOC model prediction parameters, the coefficient of determination (R2), the ratio of performance to deviation (RPD) and the range error ratio (RER) were 0.73, 1.76 and 8.19, respectively, indicating moderately useful calibration model which is acceptable for a rapid sample screening for SOC content determination. The wavelengths located near 1400, 1900, 2000, 2025, 2200, 2225, 2275, 2325 and 2355 nm in NIR, near 560 nm in visible and near 825 nm in the short-wave NIR (700-1100 nm) were identified as important wavelengths for PLSR SOC modelling

    Procjena organskog ugljika i kalcijevih karbonata u poljoprivrednim tlima Vis-NIR spektroskopijom

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    The objectives of this study were to (i) evaluate the ability of Vis-NIR spectroscopy to predict soil organic carbon (SOC) and CaCO3 content in the heterogeneous agricultural soils from Dalmatia, Croatia and (ii) to compare the performance of two multivariate calibration techniques: partial least square regression (PLSR) and support vector machine regression (SVMR). The reflectance spectra of a total of 250 top-soils (0-25 cm) samples were collected in the laboratory using a portable Terra Spec 4 Hi-Res Mineral Spectrometer with a wavelength range 350-2500 nm. The coefficient of determination (R2), the residual prediction deviation (RPD) and the root mean square error (RMSE) were used for the model evaluation. The CaCO3 prediction derived by PLSR and SVMR with R2 (0.86 and 0.88) and RPD (2.67 and 2.82), respectively are considered good prediction models. The SOC prediction with SVMR (R2 0.84 and RPD 2.43) indicates good prediction and approximate quantitative prediction with PLSR with R2 of 0.78 and RPD of 1.94. Our results showed that (i) CaCO3 and SOC estimations were obtained with acceptable accuracy using Vis-NIR spectroscopy, (ii) the SVMR method produced more accurate estimations of selected soil properties compared to LSR, and (iii) Vis-NIR spectroscopy, in combination with SWMR can be recommended as a rapid and inexpensive method for screening of the CaCO3 and SOC content.Ciljevi ove studije bili su: (i) procijeniti mogućnost Vis-NIR spektroskopije za procjenu sadržaja organskog ugljika tla (OC) i CaCO3 u heterogenim poljoprivrednim tlima iz Dalmacije, Hrvatska, i (ii) usporediti učinkovitost dviju multivarijantnih kalibracijskih tehnika: partial least square regression (PLSR) i support vector machine regression (SVMR). Spektralni otisci ukupno 250 uzoraka tla (0-25 cm) uzeti su u laboratoriju koriÅ”tenjem prijenosnoga Terra Spec 4 hi-res spektrometra, s rasponom valne dužine 350-2500 nm. Koeficijent determinacije (R2), rezidualno predikcijsko odstupanje (RPD) i korijen srednje kvadratne greÅ”ke (RMSE) koriÅ”teni su za procjenu modela. Predviđanja CaCO3 koriÅ”tenjem PLSR-a uz R2 od 0,86 i RPD 2,67 te SVMR-a uz R2 od 0,88 i RPD 2,82 indiciraju dobre prognozne modele. Predviđanje OC-a koriÅ”tenjem SVMR-a (R2=0,84 i RPD=2,43) ukazuje na dobru procjenu, a PLSR metoda (R2=0,78 i RPD=1,94) na približnu kvantitativnu procjenu. NaÅ”i su rezultati pokazali (i) prihvatljivu točnost procjene CaCO3 i OC-a koriÅ”tenjem Vis-NIR spektroskopije, (ii) da je SVMR metoda dala točnije procjene odabranih svojstava tla od PLSR-a i (iii) da se Vis-NIR spektroskopija, u kombinaciji sa SWMR-om može koristiti kao brza i jeftina metoda za određivanje CaCO3 i sadržaja organskog ugljika u tlu