32 research outputs found

    Critical Life Events and Their Impact on Seniors’ Biographies

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    The article presents the preliminary results of a wider intergenerational study on critical life events. A background analysis of theoretical works on critical life events has led to the selection of criteria (such as the unexpectedness of an event, unpredictability of its effects, its equivocation, type and the nature of life changes it causes) that were used to review the collected narratives of the respondents. The authors attempt to reconstruct critical life events that are the most typical and significant in the biographies of seniors. The seniors’ temporal perspective (decline of life, time of summaries) encourages a more reflective narration that unveils the rich exemplification of potential effective and ineffective life strategies, the subjective quality of life, and the basis of life wisdom.Artykuł przedstawia wyniki stanowiące część szerszych badań międzypokoleniowych na temat ważnych, znaczących wydarzeń biograficznych. Narracje osób badanych zostały poddane analizie przez pryzmat wyłonionych w literaturze kryteriów odnoszących się do tzw. krytycznych wydarzeń życiowych (m.in. nagłość zdarzenia i nieprzewidywalności jego skutków, potencjalna dwuwartościowość, rodzaj i charakter zmian życiowych, jakie są efektem zmagania z tym zdarzeniem). Autorki podejmują próbę zrekonstruowania najbardziej typowych krytycznych wydarzeń życiowych i ich znaczenia w biografiach seniorów. Perspektywa temporalna (schyłek życia, czas podsumowań) służy refleksyjnej narracji i czyni ją tym samym wartościową dla egzemplifikacji możliwych (potencjalnych) skutecznych i nieskutecznych strategii życiowych, poczucia jakości życia oraz podstawę budowania mądrości życiowej

    Afekt i dobrostan polskich i japońskich seniorów

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    The article discusses the relationship between nationality (Polish and Japanese) and the emotional well-being of seniors. The research focused on the measurement of the mutual relationship of positive and negative feelings of seniors in general, and also of their experiencing and expressing anger in particular. The study was attended by 60 men representing both nationalities (Poles: N = 30, the average age 67.03; Japanese: N = 30, the average age 67.03). The Scale of Positive and Negative Experience (SPANE) by Ed Diener and Robert Biswas-Diener as well as David Forbs’ DAR-5 Scale were used. The gathered data proved no significant differences between Polish and Japanese seniors in terms of emotional well-being. However, the samples differed in the dimensions of aggressive behaviours examined. These results have been interpreted from the perspective of the theory of socio-emotional selectivity.W artykule opisano wyniki badania, którego celem było ustalenie zależności między narodowością (polską i japońską) a dobrostanem emocjonalnym seniorów. W tym celu zbadano zakres i wzajemną relację uczuć pozytywnych i negatywnych seniorów. Pytano ich o różne reakcje związane z przeżywaniem i ekspresją gniewu. W badaniu wzięło udział 60 mężczyzn reprezentujących obie narodowości (Polacy: N = 30, średnia wieku 67,03; Japończycy: N = 30, średnia wieku 67,03). Zastosowano Kwestionariusz SPANE Eda Dienera i Roberta Biswasa-Dienera oraz Skalę DAR-5 Davida Forbsa. Analiza wyników nie wykazała istotnych różnic pomiędzy polskimi i japońskimi seniorami w zakresie dobrostanu emocjonalnego. Wskazała natomiast, że obie grupy respondentów różnią się w zakresie badanych wymiarów zachowań agresywnych. Wyniki te zostały zinterpretowane z perspektywy teorii społeczno-emocjonalnej selektywności

    Availability of environmental resources vs. health conditions and wellbeing of residents 60+ of rural areas

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    Admission. The number of Polish old increases regularly. At the same time, the debate on how improving the quality of life of the old has been renewed, but the scientists need to study if the “successful ageing” can be obtained by an average senior. Aim of the study. The goal of this research was to measure health and well-being of residents 60+ living in villages and to investigate to what extent the environmental resources meet their needs. Material and methods. Satisfaction with Life Scale (Diener at al., 1985) and a structured interview assessing the quality of health conditions and environmental resources were carried out in 2016 on a sample of 120 seniors. Each participant gave consent for participation in the study. The Statistica 12.5 software was used for analyses. Results. The overall measure of satisfaction with life of the respondents (M=18,83 SD=5.45) is moderate. Seniors who declare stronger sense of diseases have lower well-being than seniors with better subjective assessment of health (Tukey HSD=27,84, p=0,01). Multimorbidity and polypharmacy are present to a limited extent. The issue of unmet needs of elderly individuals in villages affected more than half of the respondents. Older residents of rural areas have but limited environmental resources. Conclusions. Robert Havighurst’s model of “successful ageing” and the right for “the greatest good for the greatest number” in Poland are merely theoretical constructs. The burden of caregiving on the ageing population is still mostly on their families. Seniors lack satisfactory environmental resources and state care

    Measurement and Pedagogical Diagnosis of Phonoholism Among Adolescents

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    Research objectives: Adolescence is one of the most difficult developmental periods. Studies have documented ill-being among adolescents (Chen & Lucock, 2022; Alimoradi et al., 2022; Lakkunarajah et al., 2022; Li et al., 2022). Furthermore, compared to adults, adolescents are vulnerable to smartphone addiction (Kwon et al., 2013). The aim of the present study was to investigate the extent to which mobile phone use bears the hallmarks of excessive smartphone addiction or so-called phonoholism (Barabsa, 2018). Research methods: The Polish version of the Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale for Adolescents (MPPUSA) was used (Krzyżak-Szymańska; 2018). A total of 684 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years took part in the study. They were students from three schools – one primary and two secondary schools (a high school + technical school and a technical school + vocational school). The surveys are representative of these institutions. A short description of the context: As the scale has more than nine different cultural adaptations, the Polish data can be related to current global trends. Research findings: The results show that 14% of Polish adolescents are at risk and 3% use mobile phones problematically. Statistically significant relationships were found between the variable describing phone use among adolescents and both gender and type of school. Conclusions and/or recommendations: The MPPUSA only partially meets the needs of pedagogical diagnosis. There is little evidence from adolescents or data relating to students’ perspectives on phonoholism. The school pedagogue or class teacher should ask specific, multidimensional questions when diagnosing the problem. They should also use the clues from this preliminary diagnosis of the phenomenon in everyday school life concerning internet use

    The relationship among positive body image, body esteem, and eating attitude in Iranian population

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    Background and aimThe correlation between eating attitudes, positive body image, and body esteem is a pivotal area of research that has garnered substantial attention in recent years, given its implications for both mental and physical well-being. The objective of this study was to examine the interplay between positive body image, body esteem, and eating attitudes within an Iranian population.Materials and methodsThis study employed a cross-sectional study design and was conducted in the year 2022. A convenience sample of 752 participants residing in Tehran, Iran, was included in the study. The data collection tools were comprised of a demographic registration form, the Adolescence/Adults Scale (PBIAS), the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT), and the Body Esteem Scale (BES) as measurement instruments.ResultsMean age of participants was 26.36 (SD = 8.49). Significant relationships were found among positive body image (B = − 0.095, β = −0.150, p < 0.001), and body esteem (B = 0.175, β = 0.149, p < 0.001) with eating attitudes.ConclusionThese findings suggest that individuals with positive body image and high body esteem may have healthier eating attitudes, while those with negative body image and low body esteem may be more likely to have unhealthy eating attitudes

    Old Age as a Man's Task - Inspirations of John Paul II's Teachings

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    Kluczową tezą artykułu jest ta, iż człowiek to nie tylko ciało, ale przede duch połączony z ciałem. Kiedy ciało osłabnie, i sił jest coraz mniej człowiek, złożenie materii i ducha, nadal może być aktywny, użyteczny dla rodziny, dla najbliższych i dla społeczeństwa. Artykuł „Starość jako zadanie dla człowieka - inspiracje w nauczaniu Jana Pawła II” podzielony został na na pięć etapów. W pierwszym przeprowadzimy charakterystykę antropologicznych poglądów Jana Pawła II. W drugim przedstawimy diagnozę społeczną ludzi starych. W trzecim przybliżymy co Kościół robi na rzecz ludzi trzeciego wieku. W czwartym naszkicujemy zadania dzieci i wnuków; a w piątym skupimy się nad powinnościami ludzi starych. Refleksje zakończymy przytoczeniem słów pocieszenia Jana Pawła II skierowane do ludzi starszych podczas spotkania w Monachium.The principle of this paper is that a human being is not merely a body, but the spirit connected with the body. Thus when the body goes weak, and human power diminishes, an individual, as a combination of matter and spirit, may still be active, useful for the family, the loved ones, and for the society. The article “Old age as a man’s task – inspirations of John Paul II’s Teachings” has been divided into five stages. In the first part we conduct anthropological views of John Paul II. In the second we present a social diagnosis of the elderly. In the third we approach what the Church is doing for the people of the third age. In the fourth we discuss the tasks of children and grandchildren; and in the fifth we focus on the duties of the elderly. Our reflections end with John Paul II’s words of comfort addressed to the elderly during a meeting in Munich

    Old age in the family. Care of a senior as a challenge for the adult child or for the state?

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    Znaczny wzrost liczby osób starszych wymusza zmianę podejścia do starzenia się. W skali państwa, starzenie się wiąże się z niepokojącymi prognozami niewydolności finansowej w sektorach zdrowia i pomocy społecznej; w skali rodziny pokazuje rosnący deficyt w zabezpieczaniu seniorom długoterminowej opieki spowodowany przez kryzys więzi i migrację finansową młodych. Dlatego w artykule zrewidowane jest rozumienie starości ze wskazaniem na naglącą potrzebę zdecydowanie bardziej aktywnego włączenia się seniorów w społeczeństwo i rodzinę.Approaches to ageing changes because of the significant increase in the number of the elderly. On the national scale, ageing is connected with alarming forecasts about financial inefficiency in the health and social welfare sectors; on the family scale it proves the increasing deficits in long-term care provision caused by the crisis of ties, and the financial migration of the young. Thus the author presents the necessary revision of the understanding of old age, as well as argues for a more active involvement of the elderly in society and the family


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    The aim of the study was to examine the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of the elderly in Poland. Researcher investigated if differences between gender groups were influenced by other variables such as period of ageing („young-old” vr „old-old”) and place of residence (big city, small town, village). The study sample comprised 2565 elderly who were at least 60 years of age. The average age for men was 72,76 and for women 72,39. The health-related quality of life was evaluated using the Polish adaptation WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire. Respondents rated both quality of life and general health well. Nevertheless the health-related quality of life domains’ rating decreases with age. Women are commonly less satisfied with the WHOQOL-BREF domains. Men living in little towns declared not only a high level of quality of life, but their estimates in the early and late old age are similar. The diversity of health-related quality of life needs further investigation along with a number of more subjective indicators of individual experiencing one’s old age (e.g. sense of one’s time of life or the awareness of age-related changes)