1 research outputs found

    Statistical deviations in the analysis of asphalt mix properties

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    Glavni je cilj ovog istraživanja pronaći metodu kojom se određuju statistička odstupanja u analizama svojstava asfaltnih mjeÅ”avina AC 22, koja ne nastaju slučajno, već su uzrokovana vanjskim faktorima poput promjene normi, laboratorijske opreme ili osoblja. Proveden je proračun kako bi se odredila odstupanja koeficijenata korelacije u svojstvima asfaltnih mjeÅ”avina raspoređenih u dvije skupine. Skupine se odnose na dva vremenska razmaka, a proračun je ponovljen nasumičnim odabirom podataka unutar dviju skupina, kako bi se odredila odstupanja unutar skupina.The main purpose of this research is to establish a method for identifying statistical deviations in the analysis of properties of the asphalt mix AC 22, which are not accidental, but are caused by external factors, such as the change of standards, laboratory equipment, or staff. The analysis was made to determine deviation of correlation coefficients for properties of asphalt mixes divided into two groups. The groups are related to two time intervals, and the computation was repeated by random selection of data within the two groups, so as to determine deviations within the groups