55 research outputs found

    The study of humidity sensors having sandwich structure based on chalcogenide glasses

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    This article is devoted to the study of the influence of moisture in sandwich structure Al-As33.3Se33.3S33.4-Te, Al-As33.3Se33.3S33.4:Smx-Te (x=1 at%).It is clear from the analysis of schedules, after thermal annealing time characteristics is improved for the sample doped by Sm.After thermal annealing decreases 2-4 times inertia inAs33.3Se33.3S33.4:Smx (x=1 at%).This increases the possibility applying of humidity sensors

    Boson peak and nanostructure of chalcogenide glass-like semiconductors

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    The structural features of As2Se3, As40Se30S30, As40Se30Te30, As33.3Se33.3S33.4, As33.3Se33.3Te33.4 chalcogenide glasses have been studied by Raman spectroscopy in low-energy region. The results are explained in view of nanostructure of samples, i.e. by presence of heterogeneity in samples at the nanometer scale and with change their size depending on the modification of the chemical composition

    Revisiting Pretraining Objectives for Tabular Deep Learning

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    Recent deep learning models for tabular data currently compete with the traditional ML models based on decision trees (GBDT). Unlike GBDT, deep models can additionally benefit from pretraining, which is a workhorse of DL for vision and NLP. For tabular problems, several pretraining methods were proposed, but it is not entirely clear if pretraining provides consistent noticeable improvements and what method should be used, since the methods are often not compared to each other or comparison is limited to the simplest MLP architectures. In this work, we aim to identify the best practices to pretrain tabular DL models that can be universally applied to different datasets and architectures. Among our findings, we show that using the object target labels during the pretraining stage is beneficial for the downstream performance and advocate several target-aware pretraining objectives. Overall, our experiments demonstrate that properly performed pretraining significantly increases the performance of tabular DL models, which often leads to their superiority over GBDTs.Comment: Code: https://github.com/puhsu/tabular-dl-pretrain-objective

    Interpretation of infrared spectra of chalcogenide glasses Se95As5 impurited by samarium

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    In work investigated with method IR of spectroscopy of amorphous selenium andsystem Se95As5 containing impurity samarium. It is certain that, in IR a spectrum of amorphous selenium due to hypervalent defects maxima with different intensity are observed in 230 and 270 cm-1.Increase of the concentration of impurity samarium in spectrum Se95As5, the maximum arises with 400cm-1frequency which, are connected with SmSe3 structural elements

    The Problem of Public Self-Government in a Monarchical State According to the Political Concept of L. A. Tikhomirov

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    The article is devoted to the study of the problems of local self-government in Russia in the late XIX — early XX centuries. The article analyzes the views of the Russian monarchist L. A. Tikhomirov through the prism of the main conservative movements in Russia at that time

    Risk factors for re-infection in patients after drainage of the upper urinary tract due to obstructive pyelonephritis

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    Introduction. Reinfection after drainage of obstructive pyelonephritis exacerbates the postoperative course of the disease and delays the possible surgical intervention aimed at eliminating the cause of obstruction.Objectives. To determine the percentage of re-infection in patients drained with double-J stent or nephrostomy catheter for obstructive pyelonephritis. To assess the relationship between the timing of drainage removal and development of re-infection. To establish risk factors for the development of re-infection.Materials and methods. Medical records from 1022 patients who were treated from January 2019 to December 2021 and underwent drainage for obstructive pyelonephritis. The data in patients after nephrostomy and stenting were evaluated separately. A retrospective analysis of the time and frequency of the development of re-infection, as well as the effect of diabetes mellitus on pyelonephritis relapse, was carried out.Results. Re-infection during drainage developed in 16 (4.8%) patients with a nephrostomy and 45 (6.5%) patients with a stent. Among those who had re-infection in the nephrostomy-group, 4 (25.0%) patients noted it within two weeks from the moment of drainage, and 11 (69.0%) at three-four weeks. In the stent-group, the number of patients who had a complication during the first two weeks was 15 (33.0%), and it was 22 (49.0%) during the next two weeks, The proportion of patients with diabetes mellitus was higher among those who developed pyelonephritis again.Conclusion. The percentage of patients hospitalized with clinical re-infection after drainage of the upper urinary tract was 6.0%. There was an increase in the number of hospitalizations with recurrent pyelonephritis in cases where the drainage period lasted more than two weeks (p < 0.05)

    Antibiotic sensitivity and antibiotic resistance of strains of microorganisms causing primary acute pyelonephritis in people living in the Tyumen region

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    A rational approach to antibiotic therapy, taking into account regional antibiotic resistance (AB) and antibiotic sensitivity (ACh), plays an important role in the treatment of primary acute pyelonephritis (POP). The aim ot the work was to determine the most optimal drugs, depending on the causative agent of pyelonephritis. For this, a number of statistical methods were used, namely, the Mann-Kendall test, the percentage of variation, the method of the main components, and their detailed description was presented. During the examination of 1581 urine samples containing such pathogens as E. Coli, Klebsiella and Proteus, respectively, drug resistance to certain groups of antibiotics, which are widely used in the treatment of POP, has been growing over the years. According to the study, the drugs of choice for urine E. coli are parenteral fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins, while the reserve drugs are carbapenems, which have proven to be effective against most strains of bacteria. These drugs should be recommended for the treatment of primary acute pyelonephritis.Рациональный подход к антибиотикотерапии, учитывающий региональную антибиотикорезистентность (АБ) и антибиотикочувствительность (АЧ), играет важную роль при лечении первичного острого пиелонефрита (ПОП). Целью работы было определение наиболее оптимальных препаратов в зависимости от возбудителя пиелонефрита. Для этого использовался ряд статистических методов, а именно тест Манна-Кендалла, процент разброса, метод главных компонент и было представлено их подробное описание. При обследовании 1581 образцов мочи, содержащих таких возбудителей как Е. Coli, Klebsiella и Proteus соответственно, была выявлена растущая с годами лекарственная устойчивость к некоторым группам антибиотиков, которые широко применяются при лечении ПОП. По данным исследования препаратами выбора при выделении из мочи Е. Coli являются парентеральные фторхинолоны и цефалоспорины, при этом препаратами резерва являются карбапенемы, которые доказали свою эффективность в отношении большинства штаммов бактерий. Данные препараты целесообразно рекомендовать для лечения первичного острого пиелонефрита

    Imported cases of tropical malaria Tyumen

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    This paper presents a review of the literature and conducted a retrospective analysis of the medical records of patients undergoing treatment at the Tyumen Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital. Malaria is a life-threatening infectious disease, the causative agents of which are malarial plasmodia. Infection of people occurs as a result of the bite of infected female mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles. In Russia, malaria is of an import nature; it is imported from endemic areas to the territory of the south of the Tyumen Region by employees of UTair. Thus, for the last eight years, only 33 cases of malaria have been registered in the south of the region and the city, of which: three-day 15% (n-4); oval malaria 1 % (n -1); tropical 84% (n-28). At the same time, all cases of tropical malaria in the south of the Tyumen region and the city are imported from the African continent, most often from the Congo and Sudan.В данной работе представлен обзор литературы и проведен ретроспективный анализ медицинской документации больных находящихся на лечении в ГБУЗ ТО Тюменская областная инфекционная клиническая больница'. Малярия - опасное для жизни инфекционное заболевание, возбудителями которого являются малярийные плазмодии. Заражение людей происходит в результате укуса инфицированных самок комаров рода Anopheles. В РФ малярия носит завозной характер, на территорию юга Тюменской области из эндемичных районов завозится сотрудниками компании «ЮТэйр». Так, за последние восемь лет на территории юга области и города зарегистрировано всего 33 случая малярии, из них: трехдневной 15% (n-4); овале малярия 1% (n-1); тропической 84% (n-28). При этом, все случаи тропической малярии на территорию юга Тюменской области и города завозятся с африканского континента, наиболее часто с Конго и Судана

    Asymptomatic rotavirus infection: epidemiological significance, age and seasonal features

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    Rotavirus infection is the main cause of acute gastroenteritis in young children. The epidemiology of the disease is due to the high contagiousness, antigenic diversity of the pathogen and the activity of contact-household transmission of rotaviruses. The study was conducted on the basis of the Infectious Diseases Department of GBUZ TH OB # 3 in Tobolsk among 480 patients aged from 2 weeks to 90 years who applied for an intestinal dysbacteriosis examination. The wide spread of aspptom atic forms of RVI among the population of Tobolsk was revealed, the characteristics of infection by age groups were given. Aspptom atic forms make up the bulk of all cases of rotavirus infection, serve as a reservoir of the viral gene pool, source of new variants of the virus and play a major role in the immune selection of epidemic strains and the development of the epidemic process.Ротавирусная инфекция является основной причиной острых гастроэнтеритов у детей раннего возраста. Эпидемиология заболевания обусловлена высокой контагиозностью, антигенным разнообразием возбудителя и активностью контактно-бытовой передай ротавирусов. Исследование проводилось на базе Инфекционного отделения ГБУЗ ТО ОБ № 3 в г. Тобольске среди 480 пациентов в возрасте от 2 недель до 90 лет, обратившихся для обследования на дисбактериоз кишечника. Выявлено широкое распространение бессимптомных форм РВИ среди населения г. Тобольск, дана характеристика зараженности по возрастным группам. Бессимптомные формы составляют основную часть всех случаев ротавирусной инфекции, служат резервуаром вирусного генофонда, источником новых вариантов вируса и играют главную роль в иммунной селекции эпидемических штаммов и развитии эпидемического процесса