1 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the potential of aerial thermal imagery to generate 3D point clouds

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    This research evaluates the ability of thermal images obtained from aerial platforms to produce 3D point clouds. In this study, the thermal camera is first calibrated. Then, in order to avoid data redundancy, the key frames of the obtained thermal video are separated from other frames. Afterwards, the point clouds are generated and then the thermal ortho image is created from the key frames. The evaluation is done using visible orthophoto, ground control points and the linearity of the edges of buildings extracted from thermal images. The results of this study show that the thermal ortho image matches the visible ortho image with a good accuracy in the study area. Moreover, the standard deviation of the edges of the buildings has been calculated for a number of reconstructed buildings in thermal ortho with proper dispersion. 77% of the measurements taken from the edges of the buildings coincide with a straight line with an accuracy of better than two pixels, and about half of these values are extracted with an accuracy of better than a pixel