5 research outputs found

    Ukupna taložna tvar na području Primorsko-goranske županije u razdoblju 1975.-2008.

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    Dustfall measurements in Primorsko-goranska county started in 1975 in the Bakar Bay (Site 2 - Bakar and Site 3 - Kraljevica). The measurements were extended to the city of Rijeka (Site 1 - Rijeka) in 1982, to the nearby islands (Site 4 - Krk and Site 5 - Cres) in 1986, and inland to Gorski Kotar (Site 6 - Delnice and Site 7 - Lividraga) in 1995. This article brings the results of dustfall measurements from 1975 to 2008. Dustfall was low in the city, the nearby islands, and Gorski Kotar. Recommended and limit values were occasionally exceeded in the Bakar Bay due to emissions from the coke plant and harbour at Site 2 (1979-1997) and from the shipyard at Site 3. Lead content in the dustfall was below the national limits, save for two occasions at Site 2. Deposition of sulphur and nitrogen at the inland sites were below the respective critical load values.Ispitivanja ukupne taložne tvari u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji započela su 1975. godine na području Bakarskog zaljeva. Mjerenja su se 1982. god proširila na grad Rijeku, 1986. na otoke Krk i Cres, a 1995. i na područje Gorskog kotara. U radu su prikazani rezultati mjerenja ukupne taložne tvari u razdoblju 1975.-2008. na sedam odabranih postaja: u gradu Rijeci, dvije na području Bakarskog zaljeva (Bakar i Kraljevica), dvije na otocima (Krk i Cres) te dvije u Gorskom kotaru (Delnice i Lividraga). Analizirano je kretanje prosječnih godišnjih vrijednosti ukupno istaloženih tvari te u njima prisutnih količina sagorivog pepela, sulfata, nitrata, amonija i olova. Na području grada Rijeke, otoka Krka i Cresa te Gorskog kotara količina ukupne taložne tvari je niska. Količine ukupne taložne tvari povremeno su prelazile preporučenu graničnu vrijednost u Bakru (1979.-1994.), zbog emisija iz koksare i iz luke za rasuti teret te u Kraljevici, gdje se osamdesetih godina osjećao utjecaj koksare u Bakru, a od sredine devedesetih pojačani rad u brodogradilištu. Količine olova u taložnoj tvari su niske na svim postajama, osim povremenih skokova u Bakru, kada su prijeđene preporučene vrijednosti. Količine istaloženog sumpora i dušika na području Gorskog kotara ispod su odgovarajućih vrijednosti kritičnog opterećenja za ispitivana područja

    Airborne Ns (NO2 and NH3) in the Rijeka Bay Area (Croatia), 1980–1995

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    The determination of ambient levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and ammonia (NH3) in the Rijeka Bay area started in 1980, as a part of the air quality monitoring programme. The results of 15 years of surveying (1980/81–1994/95) on ambient levels of these pollutants at two sampling sites are given in this work. Site 1 is located in the city, opposite the old petroleum refinery facilities, while Site 2 is located in the settlement 25 km from the city, opposite the eastern industrial zone. Annual means of NO2 varied between 34 and 60 μg/m3 at Site 1 and between 14 and 26 μg/m3 at Site 2, but do not follow the 40% reduction in industrial emissions of this pollutant, probably due to the dominant impact of other minor sources, like traffic. Yearly averages of NH3 were in the range of 13 to 26 μg/m3 at Site 1 and 7 to 16 μg/m3 at Site 2, and are practically constant during the period studied

    Progress in nitrogen deposition monitoring and modelling

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    The chapter reviews progress in monitoring and modelling of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition at regional and global scales. The Working Group expressed confidence in the inorganic N wet deposition estimates in U.S., eastern Canada, Europe and parts of East Asia. But, long-term wet or dry N deposition information in large parts of Asia, South America, parts of Africa, Australia/Oceania, and oceans and coastal areas is lacking. Presently, robust estimates are only available for inorganic N as existing monitoring generally does not measure the complete suite of N species, impeding the closing of the atmospheric N budget. The most important species not routinely measured are nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ammonia (NH3), organic N and nitric acid (HNO3). Uncertainty is much higher in dry deposition than in wet deposition estimates. Inferential modelling (combining air concentrations with exchange rates) and direct flux measurements are good tools to estimate dry deposition; however, they are not widely applied. There is a lack of appropriate parameterizations for different land uses and compounds for input into inferential models. There is also a lack of direct dry deposition flux measurements to test inferential models and atmospheric model estimates