62 research outputs found
Identifikasi Penataan Reklame Di Kota Medan
The urban grew along with the growing economic and technological developments. Medan city developed along with the rate of economic growth, social and physical development of cities experiencing the dynamics from time to time in accordance with conditions of development. The rise of outdoor billboards in the city of Medan show high interest in the billboard business people who were involved in the creative industries due to the high demand of the market who want to promote the product through media advertising campaign. This is due to the type of media is very effective and efficient in delivering a product message that will be presented to potential customers who do not have many opportunities to make use of other promotions. The purpose of this study is to establish the placement of billboards deployment area. This study focuses on the corridor leading to the city core (Merdeka field) with respect to some criteria such as protocol roads area, the region's historic, commercial and business district, residential areas and areas of government. ---Kota tumbuh bersamaan dengan tumbuhnya perkembangan ekonomi dan teknologi. Kota Medan berkembang seiring dengan tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi, sosial dan pembangunan fisik kota yang mengalami dinamika dari waktu ke waktu sesuai dengan kondisi perkembangan. Maraknya reklame luar ruang di Kota Medan menunjukkan tingginya minat pelaku bisnis reklame yang terjun dalam bentuk industri kreatif yang disebabkan tingginya permintaan pasar yang ingin mempromosikan produk melalui media promosi reklame. Hal ini disebabkan jenis media ini sangat efektif dan efisien dalam menyampaikan pesan produk yang akan disampaikan kepada konsumen potensial yang tidak memiliki banyak kesempatan memanfaatkan media promosi lainnya. Tujuan dilakukannya kajian ini adalah menetapkan kawsan penyebaran peletakan reklame. Identifikasi ini menitikberatkan pada koridor yang menuju inti kota (lapangan Merdeka) dengan memperhatikan beberapa kriteria seperti kawasan jalan protokol, kawasan bersejarah, kawasan komersial dan bisnis, kawasan perumahan dan kawasan pemerintahan.
Dampak Perubahan Hidrologis Dan Perkembangan Tata Guna Lahan Pada Permukiman Lahan Basah Di Kota Dumai
Berdasarkan fenomena-fenomena perubahan hidrologis dan perkembangan tata guna lahan pada kawasan permukiman lahan basah di Kota Dumai, telah mengakibatkan terjadinya percepatan aliran dan cadangan air yang ada diatas permukaan tanah menjadi berkurang. Jika tidak dikelola dengan hati-hati dan sesuai karakteristiknya akan menurunkan kualitas lingkungan dan menggangu keseimbangan hidrologis kawasan tropis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan hidrologis kawasan dan perkembangan tata guna lahan akibat perkembangan debit sungai harian sebelum dan sesudah kegiatan normalisasi sungai dalam rangka pemanfaatan lahan basah tropis sebagai fungsi lahan permukiman di Kota Dumai. Penelitian ini dilakukan secara kualitatif untuk mengetahui dampak perubahaan hidrologis kawasan dan tata guna lahan yang ditimbulkan akibat pembangunan permukiman pada lahan basah tropis di Kota Dumai. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa perubahan tata guna lahan pada kawasan lahan tropis diwilayah penelitian dari tahun 2001 hingga 2010 menunjukan pergesaran dalam pola pemanfaatan lahan. Semakin berkembangnya lahan permukiman diikuti dengan menyusutnya wilayah lahan basah tropis. Hal ini dikarenakan perubahan hidrologis kawasan akibat pembangunan, sehingga terjadinya pengeringan lahan basah tropis disepanjang DAS, rusaknya kondisi biofisik lahan, hilangnya fungsi lahan basah sebagai penyimpan air dan memperlambat aliran air serta terganggunya ekosistem lahan basah yang sangat produktif dan mempunyai banyak manfaat yang penting sebagai pengendali banjir
Glass Technology in Natural Light Glasses on Aperture Element in the Architecture World
The glass is formed by element which during the time without you realize possible there are at your house backyard or your environment work. Glass material spread over above island in earth. This matter become in the world of architecture nusantara if we do not exploring existence of glass. In the west technological till in this time continue explored how in a moment wait glass to substitution element of especial structure ( which during the time only exploiting concrete and steel in the world of construction). This article only small explanation about glass from some important note pursuant to source of reference representing, in meaning glass material from the aspect of look into light natural at aperture element in the world of architecture. In this article, writer try to present synchronized simple explanation but about history attendance of glass started only as decorator till the part of construction. Writer present very famous aperture element buttonhole in architecture world, colaboration with glass material by presenting some environmental effect and into illumination systems innovation to load light natural maximally which framed in glass till attend again explore in architecture wor
Rengat, a capital of Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu, is a developing city in Riau. Development of the city was followed by increasing of population and growth of housing and residential area. Growth of housings and residential area in Rengat City are along Sungai Indragiri. Along this river, housings and residential area have degradation quality and disordered pattern. The purpose of this research was to identify the characteristic of slums area along Indragiri’s river. There are 6 Desa (villages) which are been taken to this study, namely Desa Kuantan Baru (industry area), Desa Kuantan Baru, Desa Kampung Dagang, Desa Kampung Besar Kota, Desa Pasar Kota and Desa Sekip Hulu. This research used criteria parameter assessment for slums area. The criteria consist of: non-economic vitality criteria, economy area vitality criteria, land ownership, infrastructures and facilities, and government commitment. This research finding that from 6 villages, Desa Kampung Besar Kota is a slums area, based on parameter assessment. Property Development approach was conducted to handling slums area of Desa Kampung Besar.
Pasar Tradisional di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Tropis
Traditional market is public facility that must be in every subdistrict. Base on data from Dinas Pasar Pekanbaru, until 2015 Pekanbaru traditional market that managed by government there are 6 units. There are Agus Salim market, Labuh Baru market, Simpang Baru market, Cik Puan market, Rumbai market and Lima Puluh market. Total subdistrict in Pekanbaru city is 12 subdistricts. Therefore Dinas Pasar Pekanbaru must be increase the quantity of traditional market in every subdistrict. It makes pasar kaget grow up. Therefore, Rumbai subdistrict highly require for traditional market. The concept of traditional market design is interaction with nature, building, and human. It's mean, how to make every element in traditional market area interacting each other. The require of tropical architecture influence in traditional market design is differentiate this market with traditional market that must be exist before. Therefore the market that doing adaption with environment around building, whether nature or circumstance in around building. Design element of Pekanbaru traditional market with tropical architecture approachment is zoning, the mass order, the exterior order, mass form, the interior order, and structure. The concept is applied on mass form that follows the site and facilitate the access of visitors to reach the parking area into the buildings, and between buildings. The interaction is realized in the form of pedestrian bridge and the travellator
Museum Geologi di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Modern
Riau Province as one of the largest oil-producing province in Indonesia need a place to take care of and show off the results of the oil. Geological Museum emerged as one solution to showcase the results of the oil, rocks and other mining products. So, people can learn the procedures and results of oil and mining in the province of Riau. The design of geological museum uses modern architecture approach, the museum is applying the characteristics of modern architecture in those architectural aspects such as: (1) mass form; (2) The structure system; (3) facadematerial; (4) The circulation space. Clarity and Simplicity concept chosen as the basic concept design. Clarity and Simplicity concept is produce a simple design museum and it will make it easier for visitors to see the variousfacilities provided by the geological museum. The results of design applied to geological museum such as zoning, structure, order of mass, mass formation, structure and arrangementof space in outer space. In the shape of building produces a simple building shape and the clearlycirculation will make visitor easier to going around. The design of this geologicalmuseum has 1.3 hectares land area and 1.02 hektares for total building areas
Pelabuhan Penumpang Selat Lampa di Natuna sebagai Destinasi Wisata
Lampa Strait Passenger Harbour in Natuna is a transportation amenities connecting Natuna Island with its surrounding area. The terminal building is unavailable in existing harbour. This design background is the increase of passengers and good tourism potential. The design of Lampa Strait Passenger Harbour do by combining the harbour function as a node of sea transportation network with tourism as an attraction to bring tourists as well as utilizing the harbour as a destination. The concept use in this design is sparkling in the ocean. This design is expected to accommodate tourism and transportation activities. The application concept in the design of Lampa Strait Passenger Harbour is in transportation and tourism activities that will be supporting each other which includes on the zone function between tourism and harbour, the vegetation, the circulation, the interior order, the outdoor space arrangement, form of the mass come from the result of design concepts elaboration, mass arrangements on interconnected treads, convenient utilities for users, building facades, and landscape arrangement, all of these aplication is to attract the tourist curiosity and passenger comfort
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