3 research outputs found

    A Mathematical Models to Assessment Pollution of Water and Sediments of Auda Marsh

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    A study was carried out to investigate the quality of water and sediments of Auda marsh, Amara, southern Iraq. Used some mathematical models for assessment water and sediments quality. Values of  Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) ranged between 2.63 to 7.31 meq.l-1. It was observed that all sites were good for irrigation (SAR˂10). The mean concentration of metals (Fe, Pb, Zn and Cu) ranged between 1365-3735, 6.00-7.70, 4.50-10.50 and 4.15-8.15 mg.kg-1 respectively. Values of Enrichment Factor (EF) varied from 12.5 to 38.0, considered to be contaminated with that particular elements (EF>5). Values of Contamination Factor (CF) ranged from 0.037 to 0.385, this mean low contamination factor and low degree of contamination at all sites (Cd˂ 7). The calculated CFs were found to fall in the following sequence Pb>Cu>Fe>Zn. Values of Pollution Load Index (PLI) and Metal Pollution Index (MPI) were ranged between 0.095 to 0.145 and 583.21 to 1333.09 respectively. The lower values of PLI indicated that it is lied between perfection and only baseline levels of pollutant present (PLI=0-1), while MPI values indicated that it is a considerable contamination (MPI>2). Values of Geoaccumulation Index (Igeo) varied from -3.42 to -1.44, these indicated that unpolluted situation for all stations (Igeo˂0). Metal enrichment index (SEF) values varied from 0.029 to 0.385 this indicated unpolluted stations (SEF˂1). Keywords: pollution, Auda marsh, contamination indices, water & sediment quality

    Physiochemical Behavior of Some Shura and Sabkha Soils Derived from Sedimentary Calcareous Soils

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    This study was conducted in order to know the relationship of the time duration and amount of the water required for leaching Shura soil and  Sabakh soil with the view of comparing the two soils.To achieve this purpose, Shura soil was collected  during the commencement of the Agricultural Delmach project in Wasit city / AL-Ahrar region, and  Sabakh soil during the final stages of the same project above with depth of ( 0 - 30 )cm. The two soils were leached using drain water (EC 3.7 dsm-1) and distilled water as a control unit using  Miscible Displacement method, then the soils were leached for ten times durations, each one lasting (15 min.), thus the total time  of duration is (150 min.), every time stage determined by extracting the pH and EC.Results showed : the duration (150)min and the required  amount of water ( 150 ml  ) for leaching Shura soil to decrease EC under 4 dsm-1 compared with Sabakh soil which require amount of water (60 ml ) with time stage ( 60 ) min for decreasing EC under 4 dsm-1 with significantly different between the two soils ( L.S.D/0.05). And pH decreased at every time stage with the decrease of EC until it reached the  stable stage pertaining to the final time stages of the leaching operation . Key words: Shura ,Sabkha ,Calcareos soil ,Miscible displacement ,Drain water

    Al-kut Dam Sediments Content of Some Heavy Metals and Its Relationship with Pollution

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    This study has been carried out in Alkut city the center of Wasit province which is located about 180 km south of the capital Baghdad on one from the most important dams constructed on the river Tigris called Alkut Dam . Four pedons have been selected in this study, two pedons (A,B) are located in the lower part of dam and the other two pedons (C ,D) are located in the upper part of dam , sediments samples analysis for particle size distribution and total & available heavy metals concentration (Ni ، Cd ، Zn ، Pb ،Fe ) in the water and sediments. Results show that the total concentration of nickel ranges between(104.2 - 178.4) mg.kg-1 and the higher value has been found in the second depth (156-126)cm for pedon A and the lower value has been found in the second depth (50-30) for pedon D , while total cadmium concentration ranges between (6.1-2.2)mg.kg-1 and the higher value has been found in the second depth (35-20) for pedon A at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the sixth depth (73-93cm)for the same pedon , the values for total Zinc concentration ranges between (108-69) mg.kg-1 and the higher value has been found in the fifth depth (73-55)cm for pedon A at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the last depth (120-100cm) for pedon D in the upper part of dam, the results of total lead concentration ranges between (24.2-11.35) mg.kg-1 and the higher value has been found in the first depth (0-20cm)cm for pedon A at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the third depth (60-50cm) for pedon D in the upper part of dam , while the total concentration for iron (Fe) which ranges between (4595-2988) mg.kg-1 the higher value has been found in the second depth (20-50cm) for pedon A at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the seventh depth (111-93cm) for the same pedon . As compared with critical limits , results show that total concentration of heavy metals for Cd, Pb, Zn and Ni in Sediments samples all has exceed the critical limits values except in some depths. The results for the available heavy metal concentrations show that the available nickel concentration ranges between(33.2-107.4)mg.kg-1 and the higher value has been found in the second depth (20-35)cm for pedon A at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the second depth (30-50) for pedon D in the upper part of dam , while total cadmium concentration ranges between (0.21-0.48)mg.kg-1 and the higher value has been found in the first depth (0-20)cm for pedon B at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the sixth depth (73-93cm)for the pedon A at the lower part of dam , the values for the available Zinc concentration ranges between (56-111) mg.kg-1 and the higher value has been found in the tenth depth (191-231)cm for pedon A at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the last depth (120-100cm) for pedon D in the upper part of dam, the results of available lead (pb) concentration ranges between (6.7-20.2) mg.kg-1 and the higher value has been found in the first depth (0-20cm)cm for pedon A at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the third depth (60-50cm) for pedon D in the upper part of dam , while the available concentration for iron (Fe) which ranges between (39-74)mg.kg-1 the higher value has been found in the second depth (20-50cm) for pedon A at the lower part of dam and the lower value has been found in the eighth depth(111-126) for the same pedon ,at the comparison of results for the available concentrations of the studied heavy metals it can be seen that all values have exceeded the critical limits values according to Nunes et al 2014. in the other hand the results show that there is significant correlation between the total and available concentration for same heavy metals pairs of the correlation (r2) between the available and total concentration was 0.90 , 0.74 , 0.99, 0.99 and 0.58 for Ni , Cd , Zn , Pb and Fe respectively , in the other hand, the results show that the water concentration for heavy metals are 1.7 , 0.03 ,15 , 0.07 and 27 mg.l-1 for Ni , Cd , Zn , Pb and Fe respectively , which indicate that all values have exceeded the critical limits according to Iraqi standards and FAW. WHO (2003)