18 research outputs found

    Quantum walks and Dirac cellular automata on a programmable trapped-ion quantum computer

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    The quantum walk formalism is a widely used and highly successful framework for modeling quantum systems, such as simulations of the Dirac equation, different dynamics in both the low and high energy regime, and for developing a wide range of quantum algorithms. Here we present the circuit-based implementation of a discrete-time quantum walk in position space on a five-qubit trapped-ion quantum processor. We encode the space of walker positions in particular multi-qubit states and program the system to operate with different quantum walk parameters, experimentally realizing a Dirac cellular automaton with tunable mass parameter. The quantum walk circuits and position state mapping scale favorably to a larger model and physical systems, allowing the implementation of any algorithm based on discrete-time quantum walks algorithm and the dynamics associated with the discretized version of the Dirac equation.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Inference-Based Quantum Sensing

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    In a standard Quantum Sensing (QS) task one aims at estimating an unknown parameter θ\theta, encoded into an nn-qubit probe state, via measurements of the system. The success of this task hinges on the ability to correlate changes in the parameter to changes in the system response R(θ)\mathcal{R}(\theta) (i.e., changes in the measurement outcomes). For simple cases the form of R(θ)\mathcal{R}(\theta) is known, but the same cannot be said for realistic scenarios, as no general closed-form expression exists. In this work we present an inference-based scheme for QS. We show that, for a general class of unitary families of encoding, R(θ)\mathcal{R}(\theta) can be fully characterized by only measuring the system response at 2n+12n+1 parameters. In turn, this allows us to infer the value of an unknown parameter given the measured response, as well as to determine the sensitivity of the sensing scheme, which characterizes its overall performance. We show that inference error is, with high probability, smaller than δ\delta, if one measures the system response with a number of shots that scales only as Ω(log3(n)/δ2)\Omega(\log^3(n)/\delta^2). Furthermore, the framework presented can be broadly applied as it remains valid for arbitrary probe states and measurement schemes, and, even holds in the presence of quantum noise. We also discuss how to extend our results beyond unitary families. Finally, to showcase our method we implement it for a QS task on real quantum hardware, and in numerical simulations.Comment: 5+10 pages, 3+5 figure

    Para-particle oscillator simulations on a trapped ion quantum computer

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    Deformed oscillators allow for a generalization of the standard fermions and bosons, namely, for the description of para-particles. Such particles, while indiscernible in nature, can represent good candidates for descriptions of physical phenomena like topological phases of matter. Here, we report the digital quantum simulation of para-particle oscillators by mapping para-particle states to the state of a qubit register, which allow us to identify the para-particle oscillator Hamiltonian as an XYXY model, and further digitize the system onto a universal set of gates. In both instances, the gate depth grows polynomially with the number of qubits used. To establish the validity of our results, we experimentally simulate the dynamics of para-fermions and para-bosons, demonstrating full control of para-particle oscillators on a quantum computer. Furthermore, we compare the overall performance of the digital simulation of dynamics of the driven para-Fermi oscillator to a recent analog quantum simulation result.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabl