305 research outputs found

    Humanities’ metaphysical underpinnings of late frontier scientific research

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    The behavior/structure methodological dichotomy as locus of scientific inquiry is closely related to the issue of modeling and theory change in scientific explanation. Given that the traditional tension between structure and behavior in scientific modeling is likely here to stay, considering the relevant precedents in the history of ideas could help us better understand this theoretical struggle. This better understanding might open up unforeseen possibilities and new instantiations, particularly in what concerns the proposed technological modification of the human condition. The sequential structure of this paper is twofold. The contribution of three philosophers better known in the humanities than in the study of science proper are laid out. The key theoretical notions interweaving the whole narrative are those of mechanization, constructability and simulation. They shall provide the conceptual bridge between these classical thinkers and the following section. Here, a panoramic view of three significant experimental approaches in contemporary scientific research is displayed, suggesting that their undisclosed ontological premises have deep roots in the Western tradition of the humanities. This ontological lock between core humanist ideals and late research in biology and nanoscience is ultimately suggested as responsible for pervasively altering what is canonically understood as “human”

    The Role of Commutators in a Non-Cancellation Phenomenon

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    We construct an explicit (from the transition function point of view) diffeomorphism between the cartesian products with the 3-sphere of two 10-dimensional loop spaces that are not homotopy equivalent to each other. Our method employs specific models for some S3- principal bundles over S7 and relates the study of this type of noncancellation phenomena to commutators of groups. Our formulas depend only on specifying homotopies of powers of commutators to constants.</p

    Evaluation of recipient and EMBRYO factors on success of inter-breed EMBRYO transfer in sheep

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    Studies on multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) showed that this technique is widely acknowledged as the best available option to a low cost route of exporting genetic material across international boundaries along with control disease transmission during imports. In addition to that MOET have been used so much to proliferate genes of reputedly superior stock. An appreciation of the potential benefit of MOET was perhaps best demonstrated in dairy cows, however, the application of MOET techniques to sheep has been much more slower. The success of this technique is very unpredictable due to many factors are contributing to the overall results. Experiments were initiated to determine effects of factors related to recipient and embryo on MOET success in inter-breed embryo transfer in sheep. Three experiments were conducted to compare recipient and embryo genotypes, cryopreservation techniques, and pregnancy rates obtained with fresh and frozen embryo transfers. Further investigations were conducted on such as number of corpus luteum, site of ovulation and transfer in recipients and number of embryos used as single or in pairs, stage of embryo development and quality grades

    Merging the Natural with the Artificial: The Nature of a Machine and the Collapse of Cybernetics

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    This thesis is concerned with the rise and fall of cybernetics, understood as an inquiry regarding the nature of a machine. The collapse of this scientific movement, usually explained by external factors such as lack of funding, will be addressed from a philosophical standpoint. Delving deeper into the theoretical core of cybernetics, one could find that the contributions of William Ross Ashby and John von Neumann shed light onto the particular ways in which cybernetics understood the nature and behavior of a machine. Ross Ashby offered an account of the nature of a machine and then extended the scope of “the mechanical”. This extension would encompass areas that will later be shown to be problematic for mechanization, such as learning and adaptation. The way in which a machine-ontology was applied would trigger effects seemingly contrary to cybernetics’ own distinctive features. Von Neumann, on the other hand, tinkered with a mechanical model of the brain, realizing grave limitations that prompted him to look for an alternative for cybernetics to work on. The proposal that came out of this resulted in a serious blow against the theoretical core of cybernetics. Why did cybernetics collapse? The contributions coming from both thinkers, in their own ways, spelled out the main tenets of the cybernetic proposal. But these very contributions led to cybernetics’ own demise. The whole story can be framed under the rubric of a serious inquiry into the metaphysical underpinnings of a machine. The rise and fall of cybernetics could thus help us better understand what a machine is from a philosophical standpoint. Although a historical component is present, my emphasis relies on a philosophical consideration of the cybernetic phenomenon. This metaphysical dissection will attempt to clarify how a machine-based ontology remained at the core of cybernetics. An emerging link will hopefully lead towards establishing a tri-partite correlation between cybernetics’ own evolution, its theoretical core, and its collapse. It will hopefully show how cybernetic inquiries into the nature of a machine might have proved fatal to the very enterprise at large, due to unsolvable theoretical tensions

    A Survey of Removable Partial Denture (RPD) Retentive Elements in Relation to Type of Edentulism and Abutment Teeth in Commercial Laboratories in Athens

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    Svrha: Ovim se istraživanjem željelo istražiti retentivne elemente djelomičnih proteza (RPD) i zubne nosače kod djelomično bezubih pacijenata identifikacijom u komercijalnim atenskim zubnim laboratorijima. Materijali i metode: Procijenjeno je 628 sadrenih modela zajedno s lijevanim metalom koji se rabi za izradu djelomične skeletirane proteze. Modeli su fotografirani kako bi se mogao identificirati broj i smještaj postojećih zuba, zatim klase djelomične proteze i retentivni elementi. Za statističku analizu podataka korištene su tablice prevalencije i x2 testa (α=.05). Rezultati: Analizirano je 276 maksilarnih modela (43,9 %) i 352 mandibularna (56,1 %). Nedostatak maksilarnih zuba očitovao se u gotovo potpunom nedostatku desnoga (96,7%) i lijevog (96%) trećeg kutnjaka, a također je bilo premalo prvih i drugih kutnjaka. Gubitak zuba u stražnjim dijelovima mandibule pokazivao je sličan uzorak. Od uočenih retentivnih elemenata najčešće su bile kvačice ( 91,9 %), a zglobne veze (attachment) korištene su u 8,1 posto slučajeva. Od kvačica je 48,9 posto bilo Roachovih T-tipa, najčešće Kennedyjeve klase I, u usporedbi s ostalim klasama prema Kennedyju (p<0,01). Cirkumferentnih kvačica bilo 19,3 posto od ukupnog broja kvačica i najrjeđe (8,8 %) su bile iz Kennedyjeve klase I (p<0,01). Zaključak: Najčešće se koristimo Roachovim kvačicama, a RPI-kvačicama i zglobnim vezama (attachment) rijetko.Objective. The aim of this survey was to record removable partial denture (RPD) retentive elements and abutment teeth in partially edentulous patients, identified in commercial laboratories in Athens, Greece. Material and Methods. 628 master casts with the corresponding cast metal frameworks used in the construction of RPDs were evaluated. Casts were photographed to identify the number and position of existing teeth, the partial edentulism class and the retentive elements. Prevalence tables and the x2 test were used for the statistical analysis of the collected data (α=.05). Results. There were 276 maxillary (43.9%) and 352 (56.1%) mandibular casts. Maxillary edentulism entailed almost a total absence of right third molars in 96.7% and left third molars 96.0% of casts, with lower rates for the first and second molars. Edentulism in the posterior mandible presented a similar pattern. The most profound findings concerning retentive elements were: 91.9% of the retainers used were clasps and the remaining 8.1% were attachments. Of the clasps used, 48.9% were of the Roach Τ type, a finding more common in Kennedy Class I as compared to other Kennedy Classes (p<0.01). The circumferential clasps accounted for 19.3% of the total clasps used, and it was less frequently presented (8.8%) in Kennedy I Classes (p<0.01). Conclusions. Roach clasps were used in the majority of cases whereas RPI clasps and attachments were rarely used

    "Terrorismo": Bandera Pirata Del Imperialismo.

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    Terrorismo y terroristas El reciente ataque terrorista a los EEUU ha suscitado universal histeria, estimulada por una proterva manipulación mediática. Es obvio que la gran Potencia Imperial, so pretexto de combatir el terrorismo, pretende consolidar su hegemonía mundial apelando a su poderío militar. Su declaración de guerra al “terrorismo”, en abstracto, es anticipada justificación de acciones bélicas contra concretos Estados, y movimientos democráticos o de otra índole

    Modelling the collapse of a macroporous material

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    The macroporous materials are a mix of solid particles, joined together with bridges of materials that may be the same or different of the solid particles. For example, volcanic rocks like volcanic agglomerates. In this way, it is interesting to trying to explain how the collapse of these materials takes place. With the great improvement of the numerical methods and the power of computers it has been possible to carry out a discrete analysis instead of a continuum one, like would had happened with the classical theories of continuum. This article shows the first steps taken in this path of modeling the collapse of macroporous materials in a discrete wa

    Análisis de la cadena agroalimentaria de la carne bovina en Panamá

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    Objetivos Generales • Analizar la cadena agroalimentaria de la carne bovina en Panamá. Objetivos específicos • Describir y analizar las variables económicas, administrativas y políticas de la cadena de la carne bovina en Panamá. • Caracterizar los elementos de la cadena agroalimentaria. • Estudiar las políticas públicas agropecuarias para el fomento y apoyo de los componentes del mercado de la carne bovina. • Definir las fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas del mercad

    Evaluación económica del tratamiento con medicamentos biológicos para artritis reumatoide refractaria a medicamentos convencionales en una cohorte colombiana

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    La artritis reumatoide refractaria a fármacos modificadores de la enfermedad convencionales genera un gasto elevado en el sistema de salud, debido a que es necesario utilizar medicamentos biológicos para su tratamiento. Actualmente en el Colombia no existe una recomendación clara de cual terapia biológica iniciar. Objetivo: Evaluar la relación de costo efectividad de los medicamentos modificadores de la enfermedad biológicos para el tratamiento de artritis reumatoide refractaria a terapias convencionales en el contexto colombiano. Metodología: Se realizó un análisis de costo efectividad basado en un modelo de árbol de decisiones, derivado de una cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes mayor de edad atendida en una red de atención ambulatoria colombiano, bajo la perspectiva del sistema de salud. Adicionalmente se desarrolló un análisis de impacto presupuestal, para la estimación de los ahorros percibidos al usar las alternativas más eficientes. Resultados: No se mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las alternativas en la medición de efectividad medida como alcance de metas (Test de Fisher, p= 0,209). La frontera de eficiencia se conformó por rituximab, etanercept y certolizumab pegol. Se obtuvo una relación de costo efectividad incremental entre etanercept y rituximab de 24081.881.Elanaˊlisisdecostoefectividadmostroˊqueetanercepteslaopcioˊncostoefectividad,sinembargo,enelanaˊlisisdeminimizacioˊndecostos,rituximabresultoˊlaopcioˊnmaˊseconoˊmica,lacualpuedegenerarahorroseconoˊmicosenelsistemadesaludcolombianoalrededordel3.224`081.881. El análisis de costo efectividad mostró que etanercept es la opción costo efectividad, sin embargo, en el análisis de minimización de costos, rituximab resultó la opción más económica, la cual puede generar ahorros económicos en el sistema de salud colombiano alrededor del 3.2% durante el primer año de implementación. Los resultados no son generalizables para el contexto general colombianoRheumatoid arthritis refractory to conventional disease modifying drugs generates a high cost in the health system, because it is necessary to use biological drugs for its treatment. Currently in the country there is no clear recommendation on which biological therapy to initiate. Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of biological disease modifying drugs for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis refractory to conventional therapies in the Colombian context. Methodology: A cost-effectiveness analysis was carried out based on a decision tree model, derived from a retrospective cohort of elderly patients treated in a Colombian ambulatory care network, from the perspective of the health system. In addition, a budget impact analysis was developed to estimate the income received by using the most efficient alternatives. Results: No statistically significant differences were shown between the alternatives in the measurement of effectiveness measured as reaching goals (Fisher's test, p = 0.209). The efficiency frontier was formed by rituximab, etanercept, and certolizumab pegol, and an incremental cost-effectiveness relationship between etanercept and rituximab of 24'081,881 was obtained. The cost effectiveness analysis showed that etanercept is the cost effectiveness option, however, in the cost minimization analysis, rituximab was the most economical option, which can generate economic savings in the Colombian health system of around 3.2% during the period. first year of implementation. The results are not generalizable to the general Colombian context.Línea de investigación: Farmacoeconomía.Maestrí

    Informática aplicada a las finanzas

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    Esta primera unidad es de vital importancia en su formación profesional, pues le permitirá apropiar los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios para desempeñarse adecuadamente en el área financiera de cualquier ente económico, tanto del sector público como del sector privado. Este aprendizaje potenciará sus competencias laborales, permitiéndole diferenciar, valorar, clasificar, contabilizar y analizar las operaciones financieras que se derivan de los pagos, depósitos y retiros generados en una empresa durante un periodo determinado