21 research outputs found

    Robotic On-Orbit Servicing - DLR's Experience and Perspective.

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    The increasing number of launched satellites per year, calls for solutions to keep free operational space for telecommunication systems in geo-synchronized orbit, as well as to avoid the endangering of space systems in LEO (Low-Earth Orbit) and of the public living in the habited parts on Earth. Examples for such dangerous stranded space systems in the past are Skylab and MIR. In the future, the uncontrolled and accidental de-orbiting of other huge satellites is expected, where parts of these will hit the surface of the Earth

    Nonlinear Oscillations for Cyclic Movements in Human and Robotic Arms

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    PD-like Regulation of Mechanical Systems with Prescribed Bounds of Exponential Stability: the Point-to-Point Case

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    This letter discusses an extension of the famous PD regulator implementing point to point motions with prescribed exponential rates of convergence. This is achieved by deriving a novel global exponential stability result, dealing with mechanical systems evolving on uni-dimensional invariant manifolds of the configuration space. The construction of closed loop controllers enforcing the existence of such manifolds is then discussed. Explicit upper and lower bounds of convergence are provided, and connected to the gains of the closed loop controller. Simulations are carried out, assessing the effectiveness of the controller and the tightness of the exponential bounds.</p

    Robot Collisions: A Survey on Detection, Isolation, and Identification

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    Experimental Closed-Loop Excitation of Nonlinear Normal Modes on an Elastic Industrial Robot

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    Adding elastic elements to the mechanical structure should enable robots to perform efficient oscillatory tasks. Still, even characterizing natural oscillations in nonlinear systems is a challenge in itself, which nonlinear modal theory promises to solve. Therein eigenmanifolds generalize eigenspaces to mechanical systems with non-Euclidean metrics and thus characterize families of oscillations that are autonomous evolutions of the robot. Eigenmanifolds likewise provide a framework for deriving feedback controllers to excite and sustain these oscillations. Nevertheless, these results have been so far essentially theoretical. They have been applied on relatively low dimensional systems and almost exclusively in simulation. We aim to bridge the theory to the real-world gap with the present work and show that we can excite nonlinear modes in complex systems. To this end, we propose control strategies that can simultaneously stabilize numerically evaluated eigenmanifolds and sustain oscillations in the presence of dissipation. We then focus on the KUKA iiwa with simulated parallel springs as an example of the highly nonlinear and articulated system. We calculate all the nonlinear modes of the system, and we use the proposed strategies to excite the associated natural oscillations.</p

    PD-like Regulation of Mechanical Systems with Prescribed Bounds of Exponential Stability: The Point-to-Point Case

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    This letter discusses an extension of the famous PD regulator implementing point to point motions with prescribed exponential rates of convergence. This is achieved by deriving a novel global exponential stability result, dealing with mechanical systems evolving on uni-dimensional invariant manifolds of the configuration space. The construction of closed loop controllers enforcing the existence of such manifolds is then discussed. Explicit upper and lower bounds of convergence are provided, and connected to the gains of the closed loop controller. Simulations are carried out, assessing the effectiveness of the controller and the tightness of the exponential bounds.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Learning & Autonomous Contro

    PD-like Regulation of Mechanical Systems with Prescribed Bounds of Exponential Stability: the Point-to-Point Case

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    This letter discusses an extension of the famous PD regulator implementing point to point motions with prescribed exponential rates of convergence. This is achieved by deriving a novel global exponential stability result, dealing with mechanical systems evolving on uni-dimensional invariant manifolds of the configuration space. The construction of closed loop controllers enforcing the existence of such manifolds is then discussed. Explicit upper and lower bounds of convergence are provided, and connected to the gains of the closed loop controller. Simulations are carried out, assessing the effectiveness of the controller and the tightness of the exponential bounds.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Learning & Autonomous Contro