41 research outputs found

    Technology, Prediction, and Disorder

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    The topic assigned to me joins in a familiar way science and technology. Not long ago this would have been irritating to pure scientists,and in particular to someone studying abstract mathematics. The connection is appropriate, however, because science is not very pure. Even mathematical logic turns out, to the surprise of most of those practicing it twenty years ago, to be very useful in electronic brains. Science and technology have always been linked; and inseparably. As both Leonardo and Francis Bacon at the dawn of the age of science knew very well, knowledge is not only understanding and therefore good in itself, knowledge is also power, the mastery of nature. Predicting is at least one condition for controlling, for changing things, shaping them to human ends. And since many of the purposes of men conflict, knowledge also inevitably involves the power to destroy. The duality of peaceful and warlike uses of knowledge is intrinsic

    Les Etats-Unis et la sécurité du Golfe

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    The US and the Security of the Gulf, by Albert Wohlstetter Over the past ten years, Western dependence on Gulf oil has increased while it has become more and more difficult to protect our interests in that region. Should it be in a position to choose between supplying Europe and Japan at a reasonable price, and turning off the tap, the USSR could bring to bear such pressures in the Gulf as to split the Alliance. As a result, a military effort from the United States and its allies has become more than necessary. It implies a permanent and important presence, mainly composed of naval units, more tolerable from a political standpoint for the States of the region. In the organization of the allies' defense, the role of Turkey should be reinforced. It is the only NATO member that would not need to move its troops outside its territory in order to maintain a strong armed force near the Gulf.Les Etats-Unis et la sécurité du Golfe, par Albert Wohlstetter Au cours des dix dernières années, la dépendance des Occidentaux à l'égard du pétrole du Golfe n'a fait que grandir, alors que les capacités de protection de leurs intérêts dans cette région n'ont fait que s'affaiblir. L'URSS disposerait dans le Golfe de capacités de pression capables de faire éclater l'Alliance, si elle se trouvait en mesure de choisir entre l'approvisionnement de l'Europe et du Japon à un prix acceptable, et la "fermeture du robinet". Aussi un effort militaire des Etats-Unis et de leurs alliés s'impose-t-il. Il suppose une présence continue et importante essentiellement sous la forme d'unités navales combattantes politiquement plus tolerables par les Etats de la région. Dans le dispositif de défense des alliés, le rôle de la Turquie devrait être renforcé. Elle est le seul pays membre de l'OTAN qui n'aurait pas besoin de déplacer ses troupes hors de son territoire pour maintenir une puissante force de combat à proximité du Golfe.Wohlstetter Albert. Les Etats-Unis et la sécurité du Golfe. In: Politique étrangère, n°1 - 1981 - 46ᵉannée. pp. 75-88