371 research outputs found

    Issues on Counting the Poor

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    A credible poverty measurement system is essential in order to develop the proper policy instruments for reducing poverty. Hence, the measurement and analysis of poverty statistics should be done with due care. This Notes discusses the steps--and issues--attendant to it.poverty measurement, poverty reduction, poverty statistics

    Household Vulnerability to Income Poverty

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    This Notes calls for the need to regularly come up with household vulnerability measurements and trends in the Philippines, in addition to official poverty measures, for purposes of guiding policy on poverty concerns. It argues that given the results of the vulnerability model that it used in its study, it becomes prudent for the government to incorporate not just alleviation efforts in its poverty reduction strategies but also prevention programs. Read more.vulnerability, poverty

    Ensuring a More Evidence-based Policy for Basic Education

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    Can the Philippines achieve its goal on two key international commitments--the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on Education and the Education for All (EFA) Initiative--for the achievement of education for everyone? A closer look at the figures would show that the country may be at risk of not achieving its goal of attaining universal primary education by 2015. Given this scenario, the authors suggest that the government should intensify its efforts in improving basic education by having evidence-based policies and actions. In particular, they note that the Department of Education (DepEd) should be required to have a sound monitoring and evaluation system to regularly assess the conditions of basic education.basic education, millennium development goal (MDG), education indicators, monitoring and evaluation

    Examining Recent Trends in Poverty, Inequality, and Vulnerability

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    Despite the many propoor policies, programs, and projects instituted, the country's gains in the fight against poverty have still been modest. This Note explains why and recommends that a comprehensive roadmap for economic development and poverty reduction based on analysis of historical trends and on a specific identification of goals and targets has to be drawn up.vulnerability, poverty, inequality, poverty reduction, Philippines

    In Pursuit of Sex Parity: Are Girls Becoming more Educated than Boys?

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    One of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) is the elimination of gender disparity in primary and secondary education. Global initiatives toward this end have mostly been to bring the benefits of education closer to girls so that the gap between them and boys may eventually close. In the Philippines, however, mounting evidence points to a reversed direction of the gender disparity. Are our boys falling behind on education? Why? Read more.education, millennium development goal (MDG), education indicators, Education for All (EFA), sex parity

    Restructuring the Philippine Statistical System in Response to New Challenges

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    For a national statistical system to continue to be useful and relevant to its clients and the general public, it has to occasionally undergo an exhaustive evaluation of its performance according to certain parameters. The Philippine statistical system had recently gone through such process. This Policy Notes provides a summary of the findings and recommendations of the evaluation.statistical system, Philippine Statistical System (PSS)

    Why Are some Filipino Children not in School?

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    What are the factors that contribute to the nonparticipation of children in school? Who are the ones accountable to this complicating issue? This Note identifies some factors and looks deeper into each of them.poverty, education, Philippines, carbon tax, carbon dioxide emission, school participation, out-of-school children

    Some Issues on Low Participation Rates in Basic Education

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    Despite the various efforts to improve the Philippines` education system, why does this country still have low participation rates in education? What are the reasons behind the growing numbers of out-of-school children? What are the reasons for their nonattendance? This Note delves deeper into the issue.Philippines, basic education, school participation, out-of-school children

    Why some Firms Innovate and Why others Do not

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    What are the factors that make some firms innovate while others do not? Does location matter? Or firm size? How about the presence of more female workers in a firm? This Policy Note cites the factors.innovation, Philippines, process innovation, product innovation, organizational innovation