14 research outputs found

    Hybridized Agile Software Development of Flight Control Team Tools for International Space Station's Payload Operations Integration Center

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    Ground systems operations at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Payload Operations and Integration Function (POIF) is increasing, via the High Operations Tempo (HOT) initiative, its ability to support more science activities with a fourth crew member on the International Space Station (ISS). The Flight Control Team's need to support this increased crew presence mandated the need for a series of software tools to better handle the increasing pace of payload science operations. The overall need was clear from the outset, but the full scope and user experience for each tool, were not as well understood, so establishing a fixed set of initial requirements was not feasible. An Agile Software Development (ASD) paradigm takes advantage of uncertainty, and plans for it, so it was deemed the most appropriate approach to create room for exploring novel concepts, and to mount a rapid and flexible response to inevitiably changing requirements. It facilitated the need for unprecedented collaboration between the Product Team (i.e. users from the Flight Control Team) and the Development Team (i.e. POIC systems engineers, developers, testers). This is a process shift in the development, test, and release of software from one that is prescriptive to one that is adaptive, which is necessary for these tools to have longevity. The application of ASD to the product development lifecycle permitted the timely incorporation of customer feedback, and, allowed for continuous quality improvements. This resulted in a suite of tools that are efficient, user-friendly, and enable POIF ground systems to support the increasing pace of payload science operations. ASD is not as much a set of prescriptive processes as it is a shift in mindset; one that moves from planning against change, to planning for change, thereby iteratively growing software towards user-defined value

    Hybridized Agile Software Development of Flight Control Team Tools for International Space Station's Payload Operations Integration Center

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    Ground systems operations at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's (NASA) Payload Operations and Integration Center (POIC) at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) recently increased via a High Operations Tempo (HOT) initiative, in order to support more science activities with a fourth crew member on the International Space Station (ISS). The Flight Control Team's (FCT) need to support this increasing pace of payload science operations was the impetus for creating a series of new tools. While their need was clear, the full scope and user experience for each tool was not as well-understood, thus establishing a fixed set of initial requirements was not feasible. A hybridized Agile Software Development (ASD) paradigm was created to take advantage of this uncertainty, plan for it, permit the exploration of novel concepts, and also facilitate a rapid and flexible response to inevitably changing requirements. The POIC's hybridized ASD approach places preeminent focus on providing customer value through the delivery of high quality, customer-focused solutions in short timeframes. This has been successfully achieved through creating unprecedented modes of cooperation and collaboration between operations and software development teams, frequent user evaluations of the software with well-defined feedback mechanisms, increased human factors involvement, and a dedication to successful outcomes by the whole of the POIC. Since space science operations and software development are not typically so closely linked, this paper discusses an approach that offers an optimal way to provide an increased return on investment and a faster time-to-completion than traditional software development paradigms, while aiming at delivering high quality products and customer-driven value

    Passive Millimeter-wave Signatures of Ice Particles in Hurricane Erin

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    Observations of Hurricane Erin (2001) taken during the Fourth Convection and Moisture Experiment (CAMEX-Q) are used to elucidate relationships between measurements and models. Measurements include active and passive microwave sensors, and dropsondes. Models used in the analysis include radiative transfer (RT) models, mesoscale models (MM5), and particle parameterizations. Various combinations of the models and observational constraints are used in the RT model to provide calculated brightness temperatures to compare to the passive observations. In order to match the wide frequency range 10 to 183+/-10 GHg model modifications were needed. The 55.5 GHz channel provided insight to the tropospheric temperature profile, while the 10 GHz channel provided knowledge of (near) ocean surface conditions. The channels less than approx.90 GHz are mostly responsive to liquid in the cloud, while higher frequencies respond to ice particles in the cloud. Keywords-ice clouds, precipitation, millimeter-wave, retrievals

    The Funder\u27s Point of View

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    This panel from the World Data System's 2023 Repository Sustainability Summit featured Ishwar Chandramouliswaran (NIH), Dr. Cerese Albers (NASA), Dr. Martin Halbert (NSF), Dr. Michael Nelson (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace), and Dr. Michael Cooke (DOE), and was moderated by Dr. David Castle (University of Victoria)

    An OSSE on Mesoscale Model Assimilation of Simulated HIRAD-Observed Hurricane Surface Winds

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    The hazards of landfalling hurricanes are well known, but progress on improving the intensity forecasts of these deadly storms at landfall has been slow. Many cite a lack of high-resolution data sets taken inside the core of a hurricane, and the lack of reliable measurements in extreme conditions near the surface of hurricanes, as possible reasons why even the most state-of-the-art forecasting models cannot seem to forecast intensity changes better. The Hurricane Imaging Radiometer (HIRAD) is a new airborne microwave remote sensor for observing hurricanes, and is operated and researched by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in partnership with the NOAA Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory/Hurricane Research Division, the University of Central Florida, the University of Michigan, and the University of Alabama in Huntsville. This instrument?s purpose is to study the wind field of a hurricane, specifically observing surface wind speeds and rain rates, in what has traditionally been the most difficult areas for other instruments to study; the high wind and heavy rain regions. Dr. T. N. Krishnamurti has studied various data assimilation techniques for hurricane and monsoon rain rates, and this study builds off of results obtained from utilizing his style of physical initializations of rainfall observations, but obtaining reliable observations in heavy rain regions has always presented trouble to our research of high-resolution rainfall forecasting. Reliable data from these regions at such a high resolution and wide swath as HIRAD provides is potentially very valuable to mesoscale forecasting of hurricane intensity. This study shows how the data assimilation technique of Ensemble Kalman Filtering (EnKF) in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model can be used to incorporate wind, and later rain rate, data into a mesoscale model forecast of hurricane intensity. The study makes use of an Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) with a simulated HIRAD dataset sampled during a hurricane and uses EnKF to forecast the track and intensity prediction of the hurricane. Comparisons to truth and error metrics are used to assess the model?s forecast performance

    Nonspherical and Spherical Characterization of Ice in Hurricane Erin for Wideband Passive Microwave Comparisons

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    In order to better understand the characteristics of frozen cloud particles in hurricane systems, computed brightness temperatures were compared with radiometric observations of Hurricane Erin (2001) from the NASA ER-2 aircraft. The focus was oil the frozen particle microphysics and the high frequencies (2 85 GHz) that are particularly sensitive to frozen particles. Frozen particles in hurricanes are an indicator of increasing hurricane intensity. In fact "hot towers" associated with increasing hurricane intensity are composed of frozen ice cloud particles. (They are called hot towers because their column of air is warmer than the surrounding air temperature, but above about 5-7 km to the tops of the towers at 15-19 km, the cloud particles are frozen.) This work showed that indeed, one can model information about cloud ice particle characteristics and indicated that nonspherical ice shapes, instead of spherical particles, provided the best match to the observations. Overall, this work shows that while non-spherical particles show promise, selecting and modeling a proper ice particle parameterization can be difficult and additional in situ measurements are needed to define and validate appropriate parameterizations. This work is important for developing Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission satellite algorithms for the retrieval of ice characteristics both above the melting layer, as in Hurricane Erin, and for ice particles that reach the surface as falling snow

    Innovative Development of a Cross-Center Timeline Planning Tool

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    The Payload Operations Integration Center (POIC) at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) supports planning, coordination and scheduling of science activities for the International Space Station (ISS) in coordination with other NASA centers, international partners, and payload developers. The ability to efficiently plan and re-plan in response to change is critical to the flight planning teams. With the achievement of supporting a fourth crew member aboard the ISS and an increasing amount of payload science activities, came the need for a dynamic, more efficient way of building timeline planning reports that could be readily updated as fast as payload science plans could change. This paper addresses software architecture considerations in the successful cross-center development of an automated planning tool with multiple data sources. It also discusses the practical implementation of a time-boxed, hybrid Agile Software Development (ASD) approach to deliver customer-driven value despite changing requirements with respect to low-Earth orbit operational planning activities. The goal of this paper is to open discussion with members of the international community and trade effective strategies for cross-center architectural and customer-developer driven collaborations, to support increasing utilization of planning and conducting science activities in space

    Innovative Development of a Cross-Center Timeline Planning Tool

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    The Payload Operations Integration Center (POIC) at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is the United States focal point to support operations controllers and payload developers conducting payload science operations for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Some of the key functions are planning, coordination and scheduling of science activities. This effort occurs in coordination with other NASA centers, international partners, and payload developers. The ability to efficiently plan and re-plan in response to change is critical to the flight planning teams. Additionally, in Fall 2017, NASA will increase its ability to perform payload science operations aboard the ISS with a fourth crew member. In order to support this, there will be an increasing need to quickly plan and schedule more activities. In the past, it was cumbersome and time-consuming to consolidate copious amounts of planning and change request data from various sources. Planners would summarize information from the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Operations Planning Timeline Integration System (OPTIMIS) and manually integrate it with other data in order to produce a Timeline Planning Summary (TPS). This lengthy process of updating static documents while planning and re-planning was cumbersome, introduced human error, and was inflexible to last minute changes. There was a need for a dynamic, more efficient, less erroneous, and more concise way of building a report that could be readily updated as fast as payload science plans change

    SERVIR Town Hall - Connecting Space to Village

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    SERVIR, a joint NASA-USAID project, strives to improve environmental decision making through the use of Earth observations, models, and geospatial technology innovations. SERVIR connects these assets with the needs of end users in Mesoamerica, East Africa, and Hindu Kush-Himalaya regions. This Town Hall meeting will engage the AGU community by exploring examples of connecting Space to Village with SERVIR science applications