3 research outputs found

    Hypodontia, Gender-Based Differences and its Correlation with other Dental Clinical Features in Kosovar Adolescents

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    Cilj: U ovom istraživanju primarno se željelo procijeniti razlike između ispitanika s hipodoncijom na temelju spola. Sekundarno se proučavala korelacija između hipodoncije i drugih kliničkih dentalnih obilježja kosovskih adolescenata. Materijal i metode: U školama diljem Kosova pregledano je 3306 učenika i studenata u dobi od 15 do 21 godine. Pregledi su obavljeni dentalnim zrcalom, a bilježio se broj prisutnih zuba. Ispitanicima s hipodoncijom uzeti su otisci. Svim pacijentima za koje je postojala sumnja na hipodonciju učinjene su panoramska i periapikalne rendgenske snimke te intraoralne fotografije kako bi se potvrdila dijagnoza. Rezultati: Hipodonciju je imalo 77 ispitanika – 46 djevojaka (59,7 %) i 31 mladić (40,3 %). Najčešće im je nedostajao gornji lateralni inciziv, a nakon njega drugi donji premolar. Još jedna klinička karakteristika, uz hipodonciju, zabilježena kod najmanje 68 pacijenata (88,3 %). Zaključak: Nije bilo značajne razlike u prevalenciji hipodoncije s obzirom na spol. Najčešća klinička dentalna značajka bila je rotacija zuba, a slijedi je inklinacija.Aim: The primary aim of this study was to evaluate the gender-based differences in patients with hypodontia. As a secondary outcome, the study looked into the correlation between hypodontia and other dental clinical features among Kosovar adolescents. Material and Methods: 3,306 students, aged between 15-21 years were examined in schools in Kosovo. Examinations were performed using a dental mirror to assess the number of teeth present, and dental impressions were taken from hypodontia subjects. Panoramic and periapical radiographs, as well as intraoral photographs, were taken in subjects who were suspected to have hypodontia to verify the diagnosis. Results: 77 of the examined subjects had hypodontia, among which 46 were females (59.7%) and 31 were males (40.3%). The most frequently missing teeth were the maxillary lateral incisors, followed by the mandibular second premolars. 68 patients (88.3%) had at least one dental clinical feature concurrent with hypodontia. Conclusion: No significant difference was noted in the prevalence of hypodontia according to gender. Teeth rotation was the most commonly observed clinical feature followed by inclination

    Evaluation of the Mesiodistal Crown Sizes of the Remaining Dentition in Patients with Hypodontia, between 12 and 16 Years of Age

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    Objective: This study evaluated the mesiodistal crown sizes of the remaining dentition in patients affected with hypodontia, compared with the control group possessing complete dentition. Methods: Panoramic radiographs of the patients treated in the Department of Orthodontics, Dental School - branch of Medical Faculty – University of Pristina, were reviewed to select a sample of 22 cases with agenesis of one or more permanent teeth, except the third molars (hypodontia group). A control group included 22 patients with complete dentition. Dental casts were measured for both groups. The patients ranged in age from 12 to 16 years. Mesiodistal crown dimensions were recorded by measuring all erupted teeth on study models with a manual caliper. Statistical calculation was performed using SPSS 15.0. Paired samples t-test was used to detect the statistical differences in tooth width measurements between the two groups. The significance level was predetermined at α = 0.05.Results: The mean age of the patients in the hypodontia group was 14.55±1.57 years, while that of the control group was 14.23±1.11. The most common congenital missing teeth were the upper lateral incisors (46.16%) followed by the upper first premolars (11.54%). We found significant differences between the groups in tooth size for the maxillary arch central incisors and the maxillary arch molar right quadrant, while in the left quadrant differences between the two groups were observed in the central incisor (P<0.05). However, we did not observe any significant differences between the groups with respect to tooth size for the lower jaw. Conclusion: The reduced tooth size was evident except in the posterior segment right molar in the hypodontia group. This should be taken into consideration during treatment planning and deciding upon the treatment mechanics in order to achieve functional occlusion and an esthetic dentition at the culmination of the orthodontic treatment