179 research outputs found

    Advances in automated surgery skills evaluation

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    Training a surgeon to be skilled and competent to perform a given surgical procedure, is an important step in providing a high quality of care and reducing the risk of complications. Traditional surgical training is carried out by expert surgeons who observe and assess the trainees directly during a given procedure. However, these traditional training methods are time-consuming, subjective, costly, and do not offer an overall surgical expertise evaluation criterion. The solution for these subjective evaluation methods is a sensor-based methodology able to objectively assess the surgeon's skill level. The development and advances in sensor technologies enable capturing and studying the information obtained from complex surgery procedures. If the surgical activities that occur during a procedure are captured using a set of sensors, then the skill evaluation methodology can be defined as a motion and time series analysis problem. This work aims at developing machine learning approaches for automated surgical skill assessment based on hand motion analysis. Specifically, this work presents several contributions to the field of objective surgical techniques using multi-dimensional time series, such as 1) introduce a new distance measure for the surgical activities based on the alignment of two multi-dimensional time series, 2) develop an automated classification framework to identify the surgeon proficiency level using wrist worn sensors, 3) develop a classification technique to identify elementary surgical tasks: suturing, needle passing, and knot tying , 4) introduce a new surgemes mean feature reduction technique which help improve the machine learning algorithms, 5) develop a framework for surgical gesture classification by employing the mean feature reduction method, 6) design an unsupervised method to identify the surgemes in a given procedure.Includes bibliographical references


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    This present paper overviews the use of copepods in aquaculture. Some culture methods and nutritional values also described to decide whether copepods are viable and reliable to be used as live food in aquaculture hatcheries. Copepods have been known to have higher nutritional value than Artemia and rotifers. In aquaculture, they have been used to fed various species of marine finfish with better results in terms of growth, larval survival and pigmentation compared to some fish larvae fed on other live feeds. However, culturing copepods in intensive systems to harvest high number of copepods is not well established yet due to lack of funding and knowledge. Meanwhile extensive and semi intensive systems are possible to transfer parasites and diseases from wild environment. Furthermore, nutritional value can not be controlled in such systems


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    This study was aimed to evaluate different types and combinations of live foods in relation to the survivability of newly hatched Lysmata vittata and Lysmata intermedia larvae. The experiment consisted of three trials (different species, combinations, and densities of live foods) arranged in a completely randomized design. The first and second trials were subjected to L. vittata with three treatments for each trial (1A, 1B, 1C for trial-1; 1D, 1E, 1F for trial-2). The third trial consisted of two treatments (2A and 2B) tested on L. intermedia. Each treatment had three replicates. The results showed that the survival rates were low in all treatments. However, each treatment showed a significant effect (P<0.05) on the average survival rate of L. vittata and L. intermedia larvae. In the first trial, treatment 1C was the only one that had survived larvae after day 35 with 4.44% of final average survival rate (FASR). Four of the larvae reached the post-larval stage. In the second trial, treatment 1F showed a better condition than the other treatments with 5.56% FASR. Nevertheless, no larvae in the second trial had transformed to post-larval stage before the experiment ended at day 46. In the third trial, no larvae survived to reach the post-larval stage. In spite of this, treatment 2B had better daily average survival rate (DASR) than treatment 2A. This research concludes that the use of copepods as live food at an early larval stage and Artemia at a later stage is relatively more effective to improve the survival rate of peppermint shrimp larvae

    The Importance of Digital Modeling to Understand the Functional Change of Urban Landuses

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    تعد النمذجة الرياضية احد الأدوات المهمة في اشتقاق النظريات وبيان العلاقات السببية بين المتغيرات المكانية لمختلف الظواهر،ولكون النظرية العلمية وضعت لغرض اجراء التحليل المكاني للظاهرة عبر الزمن الا أنها استخدمت النمذجة الرياضية لغرض إضفاء طابع تجريبي في ربط المتغيرات والعوامل المؤثرة في الظاهرة وبالتالي استخلاص مؤشرات علمية منطقية تزود الباحثين والمعنيين فهماً كاملاً عن الظاهرة واتجاهاتها المستقبلية فضلاً عن الآلية المناسبة للتعامل معها، وشهدت النمذجة الرياضية تطوراً علمياً بعد دخول التكنولوجيا الرقمية ، فأصبحت الصياغة الرياضية لمختلف النماذج تتم بواسطة الحاسوب عبر برامجيات مخصصة ومعدة لذلك الغرض، وتمثل نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) واحدة من أهم النظم الرقمية التي تتيح للباحثين إمكانية توظيف النمذجة الرياضية الرقمية في تحليل وتفسير العلاقات المكانية لمختلف الظواهر عبر الزمن. تعد استعمالات الأرض الحضرية (Urban landuses) واحدة من الظواهر المكانية في المدن التي أنشئت لتؤدي وظائف متنوعة كالسكن والتسوق والنقل والحركة والتصنيع والخدمات التعليمية والصحية وغيرها للمدينة من خلال العلاقات والتفاعلات فيما بينها وتخضع لقواعد نظرية منطقية تلائم بيئة المدينة وتدار من خلال لائحة القوانين التخطيطية والادارية على مستوى مخطط استعمالات الارض التفصيلي والمخططات الأساسية للمدن. تأثرت استعمالات الارض الحضرية في مدينة النجف خلال المدة 1994 ولغاية 2018 بجملة من العوامل ادت الى تغير العلاقة بينها فتغيرت وظائفها واصبحت ذات طابع مختلف عن الحالة المخطط لها، مما انعكس على جملة من المشكلات الحضرية المختلفة، مما دعا الباحث الى اعتماد النمذجة الرياضية الرقمية وتحديدا نماذج الانحدار الجغرافي الموزون ونماذج الارتباط لغرض تحديد العوامل المسببة للتغير الوظيفي في استعمالات الارض الحضرية في المدينة خلال مدة الدراسة فضلا عن محاولة تفسير المؤشرات والنتائج المستخلصة وتمثيلها بخرائط رقمية تتيح للجهات التخطيطية والإدارية إمكانية وضع الحلول والمعالجات والفهم الكامل للظاهرة خلال مدة الدراسة.Mathematical modeling is one of the important tools to derive theories and indicate causal relations between spatial variability of various phenomena, scientific theory developed for the purpose of conducting spatial analysis of the phenomenon through time they used mathematical modeling to link Variables and factors influencing the phenomenon. Mathematical modeling has evolved after entering the digital technology, the wording of the various models is done by the computer via custom software designed for that purpose, geographic information systems (GIS) is one of the most important digital systems that allow researchers using mathematical modeling In the analysis and interpretation of spatial relations of various phenomena through fellowship. Urban land uses are one of spatial phenomena in cities created for various functions such as housing and shopping, transport and mobility, manufacturing, education, health and other services to the city through the relationships and interactions among them and are subject to the rules of logical theory suit City environment and administered through planning and management regulations . Urban landuses affected in Najaf during 1994 till 2018  by factors influenced the change of the relationship between them, have changed their functions have become different in nature from the planned situation, This led to problems,and Prompting the researcher to adopt digital mathematical modeling specifically )GWR) to identify causal factors of functional change in urban land uses in the city during the study period as well as try to interpret the indicators and results and representation Digital maps allow for the possibility of developing a planning and management

    Mariculture and marine spatial planning: integrating local ecological knowledge at Kaledupa Island, Indonesia

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    Economic development on Indonesia’s numerous small islands faces a number of challenges stemming from the islands’ isolation and resource limitations. Mariculture has been promoted as a viable development strategy in these areas, and this research assesses a marine spatial planning approach to support net-cage grouper mariculture development in waters surrounding Kaledupa Island located southeast of Sulawesi. Data collection focused on 15 biophysical capability parameters, plus an additional 7 suitability parameters assessed through interviews with villagers and local experts. Capability analysis identified 4,511 hectares capable of sustaining grouper mariculture within the 8,582 hectares study area. Suitability analysis identified 2,667 suitable hectares based on villager opinions and 4,083 suitable hectares based on local expert opinions. Reliance on villager opinions and resolution of fragmentation issues reduced the final area deemed suitable to 2,423 hectares. This study highlights the importance of utilizing local ecological knowledge in marine spatial planning, and emphasizes the need for follow-up studies, monitoring and enforcement of environmental regulations to ensure that negative impacts do not emerge in island communities as a result of mariculture development

    Tinjauan indikator kesiapan produksi udang putih Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) di sistem intensif

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    Abstrak            Pertumbuhan populasi global yang disertai dengan perubahan menuju gaya hidup sehat menjadikan permintaan terhadap organisme akuatik, khususnya udang putih Litopenaeus vannamei, terus mengalami peningkatan. Namun, optimalisasi produksi udang vannamei di sistem intensif memiliki hambatan dengan tidak konsistennya hasil produksi dan fluktuasi nilai ekonomi dari produk yang dihasilkan. Hal ini utamanya disebabkan oleh faktor degradasi kualitas lingkungan dan keberadaan penyakit yang dapat menurunkan tingkat kelulushidupan udang dan hasil produksi serta tidak menggunakan data kebutuhan pasar sebagai dasar pelaksanaan produksi. Untuk itu, perlu dilakukan tinjauan terhadap indikator kesiapan produksi udang vannamei melalui data pasar sebagai input utama pelaksanaan produksi kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penentuan lokasi untuk sistem produksi yang tepat disertai dengan implementasi sistem produksi yang efektif dan efisien, meliputi rancangan kolam produksi, teknis operasional produksi termasuk didalamnya pengelolaan pakan, air dan pengelolaan kesehatan udang yang diintegrasikan dengan implementasi teknologi dan standarisasi. Analisa kelayakan ekonomi sistem produksi intensif juga disertakan untuk melihat jangka waktu efektif pengembalian semua modal investasi. Dari hasil penilaian indikator kesiapan yang tepat, produksi udang yang dilakukan di sistem intensif diharapkan dapat menjadi lebih berkelanjutan, terukur dengan mengedepankan prinsip keseimbangan ekologi dan ekonomi.Kata kunci: Indikator, Intensif, Udang Litopenaeus vannamei, Sistem Produksi, Berkelanjutan Abstract            The growth of global population accompanied by the changes into healthy life style makes the demand for aquatic organisms, especially Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, continues to increase. However, the optimization of Vannamei production cultured in intensive system has constraints with inconsistent yields and fluctuation in the economical value of the products. This is mainly due to the degradation of environmental quality and the presence of diseases that can reduce the survival rate and biomass of shrimp as well as not using the market demand data as the baseline for carrying out the production. Therefore, it is necessary to review the readiness indicators for Vannamei shrimp production system through the market data as the primary input for the production, then proceed with determining location for proper production system accompanied by the implementation of an effective and efficient production system, including the design of production ponds, operational protocol including feed, water and shrimp health management system integrated with technology and standardization system. Economical feasibility study of intensive production system also included to evaluate the effective payback period for all investment capital. From the proper assessment of readiness indicator, shrimp production in intensive system could be more sustainable, measurable by prioritizing the principle of ecological and economical balance. Keywords: Indicator, Intensive, Shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei, Production system, sustainabl


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    Green mussel is one of important species cultured in Lada Bay, Pandeglang. To provide a necessary guidance regarding green mussel mariculture development, finding suitable site is an important step. This study was conducted to identify suitable site for green mussel mariculture development using geographic information system (GIS) based models. Seven important parameters were grouped into two submodels, namely environmental (water temperature, salinity, suspended solid, dissolve oxygen, and bathymetry) and infrastructural (distance to settlement and pond aquaculture). A constraint data was used to exclude the area from suitability maps that cannot be allowed to develop green mussel mariculture, including area of floating net fishing activity and area near electricity station. Analyses of factors and constraints indicated that about 31% of potential area with bottom depth less than 25 m had the most suitable area. This area was shown to have an ideal condition for green mussel mariculture in this study region. This study shows that GIS model is a powerful tool for site selection decision making. The tool can be a valuable tool in solving problems in local, regional, and/or continent areas