15 research outputs found

    Coarse-Graining Can Beat the Rotating Wave Approximation in Quantum Markovian Master Equations

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    We present a first-principles derivation of the Markovian semi-group master equation without invoking the rotating wave approximation (RWA). Instead we use a time coarse-graining approach which leaves us with a free timescale parameter, which we can optimize. Comparing this approach to the standard RWA-based Markovian master equation, we find that significantly better agreement is possible using the coarse-graining approach, for a three-level model coupled to a bath of oscillators, whose exact dynamics we can solve for at zero temperature. The model has the important feature that the RWA has a non-trivial effect on the dynamics of the populations. We show that the two different master equations can exhibit strong qualitative differences for the population of the energy eigenstates even for such a simple model. The RWA-based master equation misses an important feature which the coarse-graining based scheme does not. By optimizing the coarse-graining timescale the latter scheme can be made to approach the exact solution much more closely than the RWA-based master equation

    Holographic Aspects of Fermi Liquids in a Background Magnetic Field

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    We study the effects of an external magnetic field on the properties of the quasiparticle spectrum of the class of 2+1 dimensional strongly coupled theories holographically dual to charged AdS4_4 black holes at zero temperature. We uncover several interesting features. At certain values of the magnetic field, there are multiple quasiparticle peaks representing a novel level structure of the associated Fermi surfaces. Furthermore, increasing magnetic field deforms the dispersion characteristics of the quasiparticle peaks from non-Landau toward Landau behaviour. At a certain value of the magnetic field, just at the onset of Landau-like behaviour of the Fermi liquid, the quasiparticles and Fermi surface disappear.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures. Revised some of the terminology: changed non-separable solutions to infinite-sum solution

    Holographic Studies of Entanglement Entropy in Superconductors

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    We present the results of our studies of the entanglement entropy of a superconducting system described holographically as a fully back-reacted gravity system, with a stable ground state. We use the holographic prescription for the entanglement entropy. We uncover the behavior of the entropy across the superconducting phase transition, showing the reorganization of the degrees of freedom of the system. We exhibit the behaviour of the entanglement entropy from the superconducting transition all the way down to the ground state at T=0. In some cases, we also observe a novel transition in the entanglement entropy at intermediate temperatures, resulting from the detection of an additional length scale.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figures. v2:Clarified some remarks concerning stability. v3: Updated to the version that appears in JHE

    Dynamics of Fundamental Matter in N=2* Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study the dynamics of quenched fundamental matter in N=2∗\mathcal{N}=2^\ast supersymmetric large NN SU(N) Yang-Mills theory at zero temperature. Our tools for this study are probe D7-branes in the holographically dual N=2∗\mathcal{N}=2^\ast Pilch-Warner gravitational background. Previous work using D3-brane probes of this geometry has shown that it captures the physics of a special slice of the Coulomb branch moduli space of the gauge theory, where the NN constituent D3-branes form a dense one dimensional locus known as the enhancon, located deep in the infrared. Our present work shows how this physics is supplemented by the physics of dynamical flavours, revealed by the D7-branes embeddings we find. The Pilch-Warner background introduces new divergences into the D7-branes free energy, which we are able to remove with a single counterterm. We find a family of D7-brane embeddings in the geometry and discuss their properties. We study the physics of the quark condensate, constituent quark mass, and part of the meson spectrum. Notably, there is a special zero mass embedding that ends on the enhancon, which shows that while the geometry acts repulsively on the D7-branes, it does not do so in a way that produces spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Corrected typos, added comment about counterterm. To appear in JHE

    Thermal Dynamics of Quarks and Mesons in N=2* Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study the dynamics of quenched fundamental matter in N=2∗\mathcal{N}=2^\ast supersymmetric large NcN_c SU(Nc)SU(N_c) Yang-Mills theory, extending our earlier work to finite temperature. We use probe D7-branes in the holographically dual thermalized generalization of the N=2∗\mathcal{N}=2^\ast Pilch-Warner gravitational background found by Buchel and Liu. Such a system provides an opportunity to study how key features of the dynamics are affected by being in a non-conformal setting where there is an intrinsic scale, set here by the mass, mHm_H, of a hypermultiplet. Such studies are motivated by connections to experimental studies of the quark-gluon plasma at RHIC and LHC, where the microscopic theory of the constituents, QCD, has a scale, ΛQCD\Lambda_{\rm QCD}. We show that the binding energy of mesons in the N=2∗\mathcal{N}=2^\ast theory is increased in the presence of the scale mHm_H, and that subsequently the meson-melting temperature is higher than for the conformal case.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Landau Levels, Magnetic Fields and Holographic Fermi Liquids

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    We further consider a probe fermion in a dyonic black hole background in anti-de Sitter spacetime, at zero temperature, comparing and contrasting two distinct classes of solution that have previously appeared in the literature. Each class has members labeled by an integer n, corresponding to the n-th Landau level for the fermion. Our interest is the study of the spectral function of the fermion, interpreting poles in it as indicative of quasiparticles associated with the edge of a Fermi surface in the holographically dual strongly coupled theory in a background magnetic field H at finite chemical potential. Using both analytical and numerical methods, we explicitly show how one class of solutions naturally leads to an infinite family of quasiparticle peaks, signaling the presence of a Fermi surface for each level n. We present some of the properties of these peaks, which fall into a well behaved pattern at large n, extracting the scaling of Fermi energy with n and H, as well as the dispersion of the quasiparticles.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures. Changed some of the terminology: non-separable -> infinite-sum. Clarified the relationship between our ansatz and the separable ansat

    Quantum Adiabatic Markovian Master Equations

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    We develop from first principles Markovian master equations suited for studying the time evolution of a system evolving adiabatically while coupled weakly to a thermal bath. We derive two sets of equations in the adiabatic limit, one using the rotating wave (secular) approximation that results in a master equation in Lindblad form, the other without the rotating wave approximation but not in Lindblad form. The two equations make markedly different predictions depending on whether or not the Lamb shift is included. Our analysis keeps track of the various time- and energy-scales associated with the various approximations we make, and thus allows for a systematic inclusion of higher order corrections, in particular beyond the adiabatic limit. We use our formalism to study the evolution of an Ising spin chain in a transverse field and coupled to a thermal bosonic bath, for which we identify four distinct evolution phases. While we do not expect this to be a generic feature, in one of these phases dissipation acts to increase the fidelity of the system state relative to the adiabatic ground state.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures. v2: Generalized Markov approximation bound. Included a section on thermal equilibration. v3: Added text that appears in NJP version. Generalized Lindblad ME to include degenerate subspaces. v3. Corrections made to Appendix E and F. We thank Kabuki Takada and Hidetoshi Nishimori for pointing out the errors. v4: Corrected a typo in Eqt. B

    Evolution of Holographic Entanglement Entropy after Thermal and Electromagnetic Quenches

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    We study the evolution and scaling of the entanglement entropy after two types of quenches for a 2+1 field theory, using holographic techniques. We study a thermal quench, dual to the addition of a shell of uncharged matter to four dimensional Anti-de Sitter (AdS_4) spacetime, and study the subsequent formation of a Schwarzschild black hole. We also study an electromagnetic quench, dual to the addition of a shell of charged sources to AdS_4, following the subsequent formation of an extremal dyonic black hole. In these backgrounds we consider the entanglement entropy of two types of geometries, the infinite strip and the round disc, and find distinct behavior for each. Some of our findings naturally supply results analogous to observations made in the literature for lower dimensions, but we also uncover several new phenomena, such as (in some cases) a discontinuity in the time derivative of the entanglement entropy as it nears saturation, and for the electromagnetic quench, a logarithmic growth in the entanglement entropy with time for both the disc and strip, before settling to saturation.Comment: 30 pages, 19 figures. Corrected typos and added some discussion. To appear in New J. Phy