193 research outputs found

    El menjar de la meva família

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    Tot seguit Xavier Alarcón i Campdepadrós, membre de l'equip del Museu Arxiu de Santa Maria, explica queè menjaven a casa seva en les dècades dels cinquanta i seixanta del passat segle. A partir dels records dels seus familiars, relaciona la manera de cuinar, els àpats, on compraven els aliments, tot arrodonit amb un interessant anecdotar

    Channel Characterization for Chip-scale Wireless Communications within Computing Packages

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    Wireless Network-on-Chip (WNoC) appears as a promising alternative to conventional interconnect fabrics for chip-scale communications. WNoC takes advantage of an overlaid network composed by a set of millimeter-wave antennas to reduce latency and increase throughput in the communication between cores. Similarly, wireless inter-chip communication has been also proposed to improve the information transfer between processors, memory, and accelerators in multi-chip settings. However, the wireless channel remains largely unknown in both scenarios, especially in the presence of realistic chip packages. This work addresses the issue by accurately modeling flip-chip packages and investigating the propagation both its interior and its surroundings. Through parametric studies, package configurations that minimize path loss are obtained and the trade-offs observed when applying such optimizations are discussed. Single-chip and multi-chip architectures are compared in terms of the path loss exponent, confirming that the amount of bulk silicon found in the pathway between transmitter and receiver is the main determinant of losses.Comment: To be presented 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS 2018); Torino, Italy; October 201

    Effects of corrective feedback on secondary and university EFL learners' speaking performance

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    El objetivo principal de esta síntesis de investigación es analizar los efectos del uso de la Retroalimentación Correctiva Oral (OCF por sus siglas en inglés) en el desempeño del habla de los estudiantes. La información utilizada para esta investigación bibliográfica descriptiva se recolectó de veinte artículos empíricos publicados desde 2011 a la fecha y fueron analizados con precisión. Para lograr el objetivo principal de esta síntesis de investigación, se examinaron los efectos del uso de OCF en las aulas, las percepciones de los estudiantes y profesores hacia OCF, y las preferencias de los estudiantes y profesores hacia los diferentes tipos de OCF. Los resultados demostraron que hay seis tipos de OCF. Estos son: refundición, corrección explícita, repetición, solicitud de aclaración, explicación metalingüística y elicitación. Además, los resultados revelaron que una correcta implementación de estas estrategias OCF tiene efectos positivos en el rendimiento oral de los alumnos porque les ayuda a ser conscientes de sus errores orales; por lo tanto, los estudiantes pueden mejorar su desarrollo del habla. Además, los hallazgos mostraron que los docentes y los alumnos en su mayoría demostraron percepciones más positivas hacia las estrategias OCF. Con respecto a las preferencias de los estudiantes y docentes, la refundición, la corrección explícita, la repetición y la elicitación fueron las estrategias que los estudiantes prefirieron para ser corregidos, mientras que los docentes optaron por utilizar los seis tipos para brindar su respectiva retroalimentación a los alumnos. Por último, sería útil que se desarrollen más investigaciones sobre OCF en Ecuador ya que la mayoría de los estudios relacionados con este tema se realizaron en países asiáticosThe main objective of this research synthesis was to analyze the effects of using Oral Corrective Feedback (OCF) on Learners' Speaking Performance. The information used for this descriptive bibliographic research was collected from twenty empirical articles published from 2011 to date. In order to achieve the main purpose of this research synthesis, the effects of using OCF in EFL classrooms, EFL learners’ and teachers’ perceptions towards OCF, and students' and teachers’ preferences toward the different types of OCF were analyzed. The results demonstrated that there are six types of OCF. These are: recast, explicit correction, repetition, clarification request, metalinguistic explanation, and elicitation. In addition, the results revealed that a correct implementation of these OCF strategies have positive effects on learners’ speaking performance since it helps them to be aware of their oral errors; therefore, students can improve their speaking development. Furthermore, the findings showed that teachers and learners mostly demonstrated more positive perceptions toward OCF strategies. Regarding students' and teachers’ preferences, recast, explicit correction, repetition, and elicitation were the strategies that students preferred for being corrected while teachers opted to use all the six types to provide the corresponding feedback to the learners. Lastly, it would be useful that more research about OCF will be developed in Ecuador since the majority of the studies related to this topic were carried out in Asian countriesLicenciado en Pedagogía del Idioma InglésCuenc

    Self-consistent coupling between driven electron tunneling and electromagnetic propagation at terahertz frequencies

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    An accurate procedure for coupling (time-dependent) driven electron tunneling and electromagnetic propagation at terahertz frequencies cannot be developed neither with equivalent electric-circuit approximations nor using standard electromagnetic solvers. Alternatively, in this work, a full-physical time-dependent self-consistent algorithm for such coupling is presented. In order to demonstrate the numerical viability of the algorithm and to show the great interest of driven electron tunneling devices for terahertz applications, a transistorlike tunneling device (coupled to lossy transmission lines) is designed for developing a rectifier, a harmonic generator, and an amplitude modulator at terahertz frequencies

    Extracción de un ansiolítico a partir del hongo Psilocybe para el tratamiento de adicción alcohólica acondicionanda en ratones Mus musculus

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo ejecutar una prueba sobre el potencial farmacológico ansiolítico del extracto orgánico del hongo Psilocybe cubensis sobre un estado acondicionado estimulante del estrés, aplicado abstinencia alcohólica, para lo cual se desarrolló la proliferación de la materia fúngica y subsecuente extracción en la primera etapa con dos variantes del proceso, simple y orgánica, luego se acompaña un procedimiento acondicionante en los ratones Mus musculus en un análisis prospectivo con enfoque descriptivo-observacional. La muestra fue conformada por 48 sujetos bajo un protocolo acondicionante para la adherencia alcohólica y subsecuente periodo de abstinencia prolongada. Los primeros resultados obtenidos fueron analizados a través de comparativa y análisis del espectro infrarrojo, prueba de oxidación de campo y el análisis genético de la muestra micológica siendo positivos en todos los campos, las siguientes pruebas fueron analizadas con el paquete estadístico para las ciencias Sociales (SPSS), como resultado tenemos una eficiencia de extracción simple del 0.12% sobre una eficiencia del 0.05% en extracción orgánico-acuosa; el desarrollo en la prueba de Elección Libre de consumo determinó un baja en el consumo alcohólico representativo en los grupos A, B y C, la prueba de Convulsión inducida por manipulación los grupos respondieron al impulso psicodélico y ansiolítico del activo de manera satisfactoria en comparación al grupo control farmacológico y en la prueba de Laberinto Zero la diferencia entre grupos tiene una significancia del 0.060 en el análisis comparativo de grupos alejando los efectos ansiolíticos del modelo clásico en comparación con el modelo acondicionante. Se concluyó que el extracto orgánico del hongo del género Psilocybe es capaz de demostrar propiedades ansiolíticas en el escenario de estrés inducido por acondicionamiento alcohólico con agraviante de abstinencia. Se recomienda aplicar procesos refinados de extracción orgánica para obtener un mayor desempeño en la actividad farmacológica.The main objective of this research study was to carry out a test on the pharmacological anxiolytic potential of the organic extract of the mushroomPsilocybe cubensisfor a conditioned state stress stimulant, applied to alcohol withdrawal. For which the disappearance will be developed on the fungal matter and subsequent extraction in the first stage with two variants of the process, simple and organic. Then a conditioning procedure is followed in theMus musculusmice, in a prospective analysis with a descriptive-observational approach. The sample was made up of 48 subjects under a conditioning protocol for alcoholic adherence and subsequent period of prolonged abstinence. The first results obtained were analyzed through a comparative analysis ofthe infrared spectrum, oxidation test of the field, and genetic analysis for the mycological sample being positive in all fields. The following tests were analyzed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), as a result, we have a simple extraction efficiency of 0.12% over the efficiency of 0.05% in organic-aqueous extraction. The development in the test of Free Choice of consumption determined a drop in representative alcoholic consumption in groups A, B, and C, and the test of Manipulation-induced seizure groups responded to the psychedelic urge and active anxiolytic satisfactorily compared to the pharmacological control group. Thus, in the Zero Maze test, the difference between groups has a significance of 0.060 in the comparative analysis of groups moving away from the anxiolytic effects of the classical model in comparison with the conditioning model. It was concluded that the organic extract of the mushroomPsilocybegenre is capable of demonstrating anxiolytic properties in the stress-induced scenario by alcoholic conditioning with aggravating withdrawal. It is recommended to apply refined processes for organic extraction to obtain a higher performance in pharmacological activity

    Trabajo de titulación previo a la obtención del título de Arquitecto Urbanista.

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    Las ciudades latinoamericanas se enfrentan a la escases de suelo dentro de sus espacios urbanos, de igual manera el crecimiento poblacional anual es mayor con el transcurso de los años dejando evidencias en las ciudades tales como asentamientos informales y demostraciones de hacinamiento, la oportunidad que presenta la ciudad de Quito, al liberarse de la carga que ha presentado en términos urbanísticos el Aeropuerto Mariscal Sucre, presenta una promesa de liberación de un tradicional crecimiento expansivo hacia uno densificado, es así que el presente trabajo de investigación toma la premisa de la eliminación de este equipamiento y la producción de vacíos urbanos y/o no lugares en sus inmediaciones como el punto de partida hacia una ciudad densificada y el fortalecimiento de su sistema de centralidades, analizando estos suelos de gran valor tanto comercial como urbanos, a través de una metodología compuesta del análisis físico, ambiental y social de este sector con el fin de implantar un edificio de viviendas en altura como primer paso a una rehabilitación de un área que se ha visto privada de una estructuración urbana y arquitectónica, debido a los procesos históricos y al crecimiento desordenado de la ciudad

    Radiation pattern prediction for Metasurfaces: A Neural Network based approach

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    As the current standardization for the 5G networks nears completion, work towards understanding the potential technologies for the 6G wireless networks is already underway. One of these potential technologies for the 6G networks are Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RISs). They offer unprecedented degrees of freedom towards engineering the wireless channel, i.e., the ability to modify the characteristics of the channel whenever and however required. Nevertheless, such properties demand that the response of the associated metasurface (MSF) is well understood under all possible operational conditions. While an understanding of the radiation pattern characteristics can be obtained through either analytical models or full wave simulations, they suffer from inaccuracy under certain conditions and extremely high computational complexity, respectively. Hence, in this paper we propose a novel neural networks based approach that enables a fast and accurate characterization of the MSF response. We analyze multiple scenarios and demonstrate the capabilities and utility of the proposed methodology. Concretely, we show that this method is able to learn and predict the parameters governing the reflected wave radiation pattern with an accuracy of a full wave simulation (98.8%-99.8%) and the time and computational complexity of an analytical model. The aforementioned result and methodology will be of specific importance for the design, fault tolerance and maintenance of the thousands of RISs that will be deployed in the 6G network environment.Comment: Submitted to IEEE OJ-COM

    Experiments on a scale model of a monolithic concrete spar for floating wind turbines

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    Preliminary studies of a concept consisting of a monolithic concrete SPAR platform were presented in 2014. The studies were performed in the framework of the AFOSP KIC-InnoEnergy project (Alternative Floating Platform Designs for Offshore Wind Towers using Low Cost Materials) showing significant costs reduction. The experimental phase of the project was developed during 2014. The experiments comprised a set of hydrodynamic tests performed in the CIEM wave flume facility at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), with a 1:100 scale model assuming Froude similitude. The complete experimental campaign included free decay tests, a set of 22 regular wave trains of different periods to determine the RAO’s and another set of 21 regular and irregular wave trains in conjunction with a mechanical wind device, simulating the mean thrust force exerted by the wind turbine. To adjust the weight of the whole system, a set of adjustable weights inside de scale model were designed assuring such properties, particularly the pitch/roll inertia. The scaled model of the mooring system was carefully studied because the constraints in width of the flume facility. A mechanical wind device was also specifically designed to ensure an averaged force at the top of the model, simulating the effect of the mean rotor thrust force. A detailed description of the methodology for the experimental campaign and a summary of the experimental results are presented.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft