656 research outputs found

    Phase separation in random cluster models II: the droplet at equilibrium, and local deviation lower bounds

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    We study the droplet that results from conditioning the subcritical Fortuin-Kasteleyn planar random cluster model on the presence of an open circuit Gamma_0 encircling the origin and enclosing an area of at least (or exactly) n^2. We consider local deviation of the droplet boundary, measured in a radial sense by the maximum local roughness, MLR(Gamma_0), this being the maximum distance from a point in the circuit Gamma_0 to the boundary of the circuit's convex hull; and in a longitudinal sense by what we term maximum facet length, MFL(Gamma_0), namely, the length of the longest line segment of which the boundary of the convex hull is formed. We prove that that there exists a constant c > 0 such that the conditional probability that the normalised quantity n^{-1/3}\big(\log n \big)^{-2/3} MLR(Gamma_0) exceeds c tends to 1 in the high n-limit; and that the same statement holds for n^{-2/3}\big(\log n \big)^{-1/3} MFL(Gamma_0). To obtain these bounds, we exhibit the random cluster measure conditional on the presence of an open circuit trapping high area as the invariant measure of a Markov chain that resamples sections of the circuit boundary. We analyse the chain at equilibrium to prove the local roughness lower bounds. Alongside complementary upper bounds provided in arXiv:1001.1527, the fluctuations MLR(Gamma_0) and MFL(Gamma_0) are determined up to a constant factor.Comment: 54 pages, 9 figures. Ann. Probab., to appear. A few typos have been correcte

    Sharp phase transition in the random stirring model on trees

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    We establish that the phase transition for infinite cycles in the random stirring model on an infinite regular tree of high degree is sharp. That is, we prove that there exists d_0 such that, for any d \geq d_0, the set of parameter values at which the random stirring model on the rooted regular tree with offspring degree d almost surely contains an infinite cycle consists of a semi-infinite interval. The critical point at the left-hand end of this interval is at least 1/d + 1/(2d^2) and at most 1/d + 2/(d^2). This version is a major revision, with a much shorter proof. Principal among the changes are a reworking of the argument in Section 4 of the old version, which was proposed by a referee, and the use of a simpler means of handling a boundary case, which eliminates the previous Section 6.Comment: 20 pages, three figures. A short explanation of Proposition 3.2 has been added. Probab. Theory and Related Fields, to appea

    Phase separation in random cluster models III: circuit regularity

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    We study the droplet that results from conditioning the subcritical Fortuin-Kasteleyn planar random cluster model on the presence of an open circuit Gamma_0 encircling the origin and enclosing an area of at least (or exactly) n^2. In this paper, we prove that the resulting circuit is highly regular: we define a notion of a regeneration site in such a way that, for any such element v of Gamma_0, the circuit Gamma_0 cuts through the radial line segment through v only at v. We show that, provided that the conditioned circuit is centred at the origin in a natural sense, the set of regeneration sites reaches into all parts of the circuit, with maximal distance from one such site to the next being at most logarithmic in n with high probability. The result provides a flexible control on the conditioned circuit that permits the use of surgical techniques to bound its fluctuations, and, as such, it plays a crucial role in the derivation of bounds on the local fluctuation of the circuit carried out in arXiv:1001.1527 and arXiv:1001.1528.Comment: 50 pages, 7 figures. A few typos have been correcte

    Infinite cycles in the random stirring model on trees

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    We prove that, in the random stirring model of parameter T on an infinite rooted tree each of whose vertices has at least two offspring, infinite cycles exist almost surely, provided that T is sufficiently high. In the appendices, the bound on degree above which the result holds is improved slightly.Comment: 23 pages, two figure
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