6 research outputs found

    A concorrência do cônjuge e do(a) companheiro(a) com os descendentes na sucessão causa mortis

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    O autor analisa as novas regras referentes à sucessão do cônjuge e do companheiro em concorrência com descendentes, apontando os pontos mais polêmicos e discutidos no Direito das Sucessões. O trabalho estuda a doutrina e jurisprudência ao longo dos cinco anos de vigência do Código Civil de 2002, trazendo as posições adotadas sobre diversas lacunas presentes no tema concorrência entre cônjuge/companheiro(a) com os descendentes na sucessão causa mortis. Responde-se, entre outras questões, se a concorrência se dá somente nos ditos bens particulares, ou se abrange todo o acervo deixado pelo de cujus. Nos capítulos 3, 4 e 5, o autor aborda as questões sobre a concorrência do cônjuge, vindo em seqüência os capítulos 6, 7, 8 e 9, que tratam da concorrência com o(a) companheiro(a). A análise da jurisprudência é apresentada ao final, após discutidas todas as posições doutrinárias. As conclusões obtidas são de utilidade àqueles que operam o Direito das Sucessões, sendo mais relevante no contexto atual de realização de inventários por escritura pública, a fim de que se proteja o direito de cônjuges e companheiros na partilha da herança

    The Influence of Collateral on Capital Requirements in the Brazilian Financial System: an approach through historical average and logistic regression on probability of default

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    Using data drawn from the Brazilian Central Bank Credit Information System, this paper evaluates the impact of the use of collateral on the probability of default and, consequently, on capital requirement levels in the Brazilian financial system. Literature suggests that the existence of collateral in some credit operations increases the debtor's readiness to honor its commitment and, therefore, could result in a lower probability of default. The methodology used to calculate capital requirements is based on the Basel II IRB-Foundation Approach, although the probabilities of default have been estimated by historical averages following Basel II orientation, and corroborated by a logistic regression model. The test of hypothesis about difference between collateralized and uncollateralized probabilities of default for each risk class indicates that they are statistically different. This result was obtained both from historical average probability of default as from logistic regression model.Sob condições específicas, incluindo o requerimento de capital de 11% adotado no Brasil e a Perda dado Default (ou LGD da sigla em inglês) estabelecida em 45%, este artigo também procura identificar um fator de equivalência da razão entre os requerimentos de capital para risco de crédito na Abordagem Padronizada Simplificada e aqueles calculados pela Abordagem Básica do IRB. Para a amostra utilizada, os resultados indicam que operações de não-varejo com garantia possuem uma probabilidade média de default de 2,46% e um fator de equivalência de 60%. Em contrapartida, operações não garantidas possuem uma probabilidade média de default de 6,66% e um fator de equivalência de 93%, aproximando-se bastante do fator de ponderação de 100% da Abordagem Padronizada Simplificada.

    Análise da Coerência de Medidas de Risco no Mercado Brasileiro de Ações e Desenvolvimento de uma Metodologia Híbrida para o Expected Shortfall

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    This work seeks to analyze empirically the coherence of the VaR and the Expected Shortfall by the definition of Artzner et al. (1997) at the Brazilian Stock Market (Bovespa), calculated with three methodologies: the historical simulation, the analytical approach with EWMA volatility from RiskMetricsTM and the hybrid approach developed by Boudoukh et al. (1998). The sample includes the ten most traded stocks of Bovespa in November 2003 with prices covering the period from July 4th 1994 through October 31st 2003. For the purpose of backtesting, we use the test developed in Kupiec (1995) for the VaR, and the tail test elaborated in Berkowitz (2001) for the Expected Shortfall. The values of the Expected Shortfall, calculated with the three methodologies, are compared using the following criteria: the test developed in Pitman (1937), the simple mean error and the mean square error. The results show that the hybrid approach gives the closest Expected Shortfall to the loss that occurs when the VaR is violated.

    Avaliação de Modelos de Exigência de Capital para Risco de Mercado do Cupom Cambial

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    This article evaluates ways of adapting the structure implemented by the Central Bank of Brasil to calculate capital requirements for market risk of fixed interest rates to transactions involving the USD interest rate in Brazil ( cupom cambial ). Changes to the volatility estimation procedure and to the multiplication factor are tested. A parametric VaR model based on EWMA and a non-parametric model based on empirical quantile are used as benchmarks. The results show that the adaptation is feasible if some modifications that accounts for the particularities of the cupom cambial term structure are introduced, especially the sensibility of short term rates to sudden changes in the expectation regarding the R$/USD exchange rate.

    Internal Model Validation in Brazil: Analysis of VaR Backtesting Methodologies

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze backtesting methodologies of VaR, focusing on aspects as suitability to volatile markets and limited data set. We verify, from regulatory standpoint, tests to complement the Basel traffic light results, using simulated and real data. The results indicate that tests based on failures proportion are not adequate for small samples even fro 1,000 observations. The Basel criterion is conservative and has low power, which does not invalidate its application, as the criterion is only one of the procedures adopted in internal model validation process. Thus, it is suggested using tests that capture the shape of returns distribution, as the Kuiper test, in addition to the Basel criterion

    Observation of the rare Bs0oμ+μB^0_so\mu^+\mu^- decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data

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