4 research outputs found

    A preliminary investigation of the effects of the tourist industry on the Monteverde, Costa Rica region

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    Abstract A preliminary investigation of the effects of the transformation on the community due to tourism. In recent years the economic structure of Costa Rica’s Monteverde zone (Santa Elena, Cerro Plano, Monteverde) has been transformed from one based on agriculture and dairy to one based on tourism. The goal of our project is to provide a preliminary investigation of the effects of this transformation on the community. Prior to beginning our research, we identified several possible effects of tourism on the area. These possible effects consisted of economic and cultural shifts, contamination of the water supply, decreased air quality, an increase in trash production, loss of environmental habitat, decreased biodiversity and an emerging drug culture. All of which we believe affect the health and the environment of the community as a whole. We collected data on these issues via interviews with tourists, interviews with locals, data from the Sustainable Futures Program reports, and web research. We found that, overall there is a great amount of concern over the effects of the tourist industry on the community. For example, a majority of the tourists interviewed felt that it is crucial to the future of this area that the issues of rapid development, trash management, water quality and drugs be addressed by the community’s governing body in some fashion. Our hope is to present the information gleaned from our research to the newly formed local municipality and make suggestions on possible ways to address these problems in the future. Abstract Spanish Una investigación preliminar de los efectos de la transformación en la comunidad debido al turismo. En años recientes la estructura económica de la zona de Monteverde (Santa Elena, Cerro Plano, Monteverde) se ha transformado de una economía basada en la agricultura y productos lácteos a una basada en la industria de turismo. La meta de nuestro proyecto es proveer una investigación preliminar del impacto de esta transformación en la zona. Anterior al inicio de nuestra investigación y en base a una serie de entrevistas preliminares, identificamos posibles impactos del turismo en el área incluyendo el impacto de cambios económicos y culturales, contaminación del agua y aire, incremento en la producción de basura, perdida de hábitat, disminución de diversidad biológica, y una cultura de drogadicción emergente. Conjuntamente, estos impactos afectan la salud y el medioambiente de la comunidad. Para nuestra investigación recaudamos información sobre estos temas mediante entrevistas con turistas, miembros de la comunidad, datos del programa de “Futuros Sustentables” y la red de Internet. Encontramos que en general hay bastante preocupación sobre los impactos del turismo en la comunidad. Por ejemplo, la mayoría de los turistas entrevistados sentían que los temas de desarrollo, administración de la basura, calidad de agua y el tema de drogas tendrían que ser abordados de alguna manera u otra por miembros de la comunidad. Nuestro deseo es poder aportar información de utilidad al recientemente establecido Concejo Municipal de Monteverde sobre como poder conllevar estos problemas en un futuro.https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/community_health/1010/thumbnail.jp

    Healthy-Sustainable Housing Index: A Pilot Study to Link Architecture and Public Health in a Semi-Urban Community in Mexico

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    The aim of this pilot study was to evaluate the link between housing and children´s respiratory symptoms, through the construction of an index (HSHI) based on the definition of healthy-sustainable housing criteria, in a semi-urban community from Morelos, Mexico. A general and household questionnaire, and respiratory symptoms diary were applied in 60 households to gather information about schoolchildren, respiratory health, housing and lifestyle characteristics. HSHI was constructed using principal component analysis. The association between HSHI and the presence and duration of respiratory symptoms was assessed using logistic and Poisson regression models. HSHI had five components, which accounted for 63% of variance, and were classified into poor and sufficient quality. It was observed that schoolchildren who inhabit a sufficient-quality house, showed a reduction in nose irritation duration and in the allergic symptoms probability regarding component 1 (ventilation, lighting and cloth washing) and presented three times less duration of common cold by component 2 (construction material, painted walls inside the house and type of bathroom) compared to poor-quality house inhabitants. Our results suggest that living in a sufficient-quality house, as described by the HSHI, reduced the prevalence of wheezing episodes and the probability of ear pain, providing evidence about the positive association of a healthy-sustainable housing on the respiratory health of schoolchildren

    A preliminary investigation of the effects of the tourist industry on the Monteverde, Costa Rica region

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    Abstract A preliminary investigation of the effects of the transformation on the community due to tourism. In recent years the economic structure of Costa Rica’s Monteverde zone (Santa Elena, Cerro Plano, Monteverde) has been transformed from one based on agriculture and dairy to one based on tourism. The goal of our project is to provide a preliminary investigation of the effects of this transformation on the community. Prior to beginning our research, we identified several possible effects of tourism on the area. These possible effects consisted of economic and cultural shifts, contamination of the water supply, decreased air quality, an increase in trash production, loss of environmental habitat, decreased biodiversity and an emerging drug culture. All of which we believe affect the health and the environment of the community as a whole. We collected data on these issues via interviews with tourists, interviews with locals, data from the Sustainable Futures Program reports, and web research. We found that, overall there is a great amount of concern over the effects of the tourist industry on the community. For example, a majority of the tourists interviewed felt that it is crucial to the future of this area that the issues of rapid development, trash management, water quality and drugs be addressed by the community’s governing body in some fashion. Our hope is to present the information gleaned from our research to the newly formed local municipality and make suggestions on possible ways to address these problems in the future. Abstract Spanish Una investigación preliminar de los efectos de la transformación en la comunidad debido al turismo. En años recientes la estructura económica de la zona de Monteverde (Santa Elena, Cerro Plano, Monteverde) se ha transformado de una economía basada en la agricultura y productos lácteos a una basada en la industria de turismo. La meta de nuestro proyecto es proveer una investigación preliminar del impacto de esta transformación en la zona. Anterior al inicio de nuestra investigación y en base a una serie de entrevistas preliminares, identificamos posibles impactos del turismo en el área incluyendo el impacto de cambios económicos y culturales, contaminación del agua y aire, incremento en la producción de basura, perdida de hábitat, disminución de diversidad biológica, y una cultura de drogadicción emergente. Conjuntamente, estos impactos afectan la salud y el medioambiente de la comunidad. Para nuestra investigación recaudamos información sobre estos temas mediante entrevistas con turistas, miembros de la comunidad, datos del programa de “Futuros Sustentables” y la red de Internet. Encontramos que en general hay bastante preocupación sobre los impactos del turismo en la comunidad. Por ejemplo, la mayoría de los turistas entrevistados sentían que los temas de desarrollo, administración de la basura, calidad de agua y el tema de drogas tendrían que ser abordados de alguna manera u otra por miembros de la comunidad. Nuestro deseo es poder aportar información de utilidad al recientemente establecido Concejo Municipal de Monteverde sobre como poder conllevar estos problemas en un futuro.https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/community_health/1010/thumbnail.jp