5 research outputs found

    ConceptLab: Creative Concept Generation using VLM-Guided Diffusion Prior Constraints

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    Recent text-to-image generative models have enabled us to transform our words into vibrant, captivating imagery. The surge of personalization techniques that has followed has also allowed us to imagine unique concepts in new scenes. However, an intriguing question remains: How can we generate a new, imaginary concept that has never been seen before? In this paper, we present the task of creative text-to-image generation, where we seek to generate new members of a broad category (e.g., generating a pet that differs from all existing pets). We leverage the under-studied Diffusion Prior models and show that the creative generation problem can be formulated as an optimization process over the output space of the diffusion prior, resulting in a set of "prior constraints". To keep our generated concept from converging into existing members, we incorporate a question-answering Vision-Language Model (VLM) that adaptively adds new constraints to the optimization problem, encouraging the model to discover increasingly more unique creations. Finally, we show that our prior constraints can also serve as a strong mixing mechanism allowing us to create hybrids between generated concepts, introducing even more flexibility into the creative process.Comment: Project page: https://kfirgoldberg.github.io/ConceptLab

    A Neural Space-Time Representation for Text-to-Image Personalization

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    A key aspect of text-to-image personalization methods is the manner in which the target concept is represented within the generative process. This choice greatly affects the visual fidelity, downstream editability, and disk space needed to store the learned concept. In this paper, we explore a new text-conditioning space that is dependent on both the denoising process timestep (time) and the denoising U-Net layers (space) and showcase its compelling properties. A single concept in the space-time representation is composed of hundreds of vectors, one for each combination of time and space, making this space challenging to optimize directly. Instead, we propose to implicitly represent a concept in this space by optimizing a small neural mapper that receives the current time and space parameters and outputs the matching token embedding. In doing so, the entire personalized concept is represented by the parameters of the learned mapper, resulting in a compact, yet expressive, representation. Similarly to other personalization methods, the output of our neural mapper resides in the input space of the text encoder. We observe that one can significantly improve the convergence and visual fidelity of the concept by introducing a textual bypass, where our neural mapper additionally outputs a residual that is added to the output of the text encoder. Finally, we show how one can impose an importance-based ordering over our implicit representation, providing users control over the reconstruction and editability of the learned concept using a single trained model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach over a range of concepts and prompts, showing our method's ability to generate high-quality and controllable compositions without fine-tuning any parameters of the generative model itself.Comment: Project page available at https://neuraltextualinversion.github.io/NeTI

    An Image is Worth One Word: Personalizing Text-to-Image Generation using Textual Inversion

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    Text-to-image models offer unprecedented freedom to guide creation through natural language. Yet, it is unclear how such freedom can be exercised to generate images of specific unique concepts, modify their appearance, or compose them in new roles and novel scenes. In other words, we ask: how can we use language-guided models to turn our cat into a painting, or imagine a new product based on our favorite toy? Here we present a simple approach that allows such creative freedom. Using only 3-5 images of a user-provided concept, like an object or a style, we learn to represent it through new "words" in the embedding space of a frozen text-to-image model. These "words" can be composed into natural language sentences, guiding personalized creation in an intuitive way. Notably, we find evidence that a single word embedding is sufficient for capturing unique and varied concepts. We compare our approach to a wide range of baselines, and demonstrate that it can more faithfully portray the concepts across a range of applications and tasks. Our code, data and new words will be available at: https://textual-inversion.github.ioComment: Project page: https://textual-inversion.github.i

    MyVLM: Personalizing VLMs for User-Specific Queries

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    Recent large-scale vision-language models (VLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in understanding and generating textual descriptions for visual content. However, these models lack an understanding of user-specific concepts. In this work, we take a first step toward the personalization of VLMs, enabling them to learn and reason over user-provided concepts. For example, we explore whether these models can learn to recognize you in an image and communicate what you are doing, tailoring the model to reflect your personal experiences and relationships. To effectively recognize a variety of user-specific concepts, we augment the VLM with external concept heads that function as toggles for the model, enabling the VLM to identify the presence of specific target concepts in a given image. Having recognized the concept, we learn a new concept embedding in the intermediate feature space of the VLM. This embedding is tasked with guiding the language model to naturally integrate the target concept in its generated response. We apply our technique to BLIP-2 and LLaVA for personalized image captioning and further show its applicability for personalized visual question-answering. Our experiments demonstrate our ability to generalize to unseen images of learned concepts while preserving the model behavior on unrelated inputs.Comment: Project page: https://snap-research.github.io/MyVLM