2 research outputs found

    Uncovering the limits of uniqueness in sampled Gabor phase retrieval: A dense set of counterexamples in L2(ℝ)

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    Sampled Gabor phase retrieval β€” the problem of recovering a square-integrable signal from the magnitude of its Gabor transform sampled on a lattice β€” is a fundamental problem in signal processing, with important applications in areas such as imaging and audio processing. Recently, a classification of square-integrable signals which are not phase retrievable from Gabor measurements on parallel lines has been presented. This classification was used to exhibit a family of counterexamples to uniqueness in sampled Gabor phase retrieval. Here, we show that the set of counterexamples to uniqueness in sampled Gabor phase retrieval is dense in L2(ℝ), but is not equal to the whole of L2(ℝ) in general. Overall, our work contributes to a better understanding of the fundamental limits of sampled Gabor phase retrieval.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.Analysi

    On the connection between uniqueness from samples and stability in Gabor phase retrieval

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    Gabor phase retrieval is the problem of reconstructing a signal from only the magnitudes of its Gabor transform. Previous findings suggest a possible link between unique solvability of the discrete problem (recovery from measurements on a lattice) and stability of the continuous problem (recovery from measurements on an open subset of R2). In this paper, we close this gap by proving that such a link cannot be made. More precisely, we establish the existence of functions which break uniqueness from samples without affecting stability of the continuous problem. Furthermore, we prove the novel result that counterexamples to unique recovery from samples are dense in L2(R) . Finally, we develop an intuitive argument on the connection between directions of instability in phase retrieval and certain Laplacian eigenfunctions associated to small eigenvalues.Analysi