48 research outputs found

    16(th) IHIW: population global distribution of killer immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) and ligands.

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    In the last fifteen years, published reports have described KIR gene-content frequency distributions in more than 120 populations worldwide. However, there have been limited studies examining these data in aggregate to detect overall patterns of variation at regional and global levels. Here, we present a summary of the collection of KIR gene-content data for 105 worldwide populations collected as part of the 15th and 16th International Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Workshops, and preliminary results for data analysis

    Association of narcolepsy-cataplexy with HLA-DRB1 and DQB1 in Mexican patients: A relationship between HLA and gender is suggested

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Narcolepsy-cataplexy is characterized by excessive daytime sleepiness with recurrent episodes of irresistible sleep, cataplexy, hallucinations and sleep paralysis. Its aetiology is unknown, but it is positively associated with the human leukocyte antigens (HLA) in all studied populations. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the association of HLA class II <it>DRB1</it>/<it>DQB1 </it>alleles with narcolepsy-cataplexy in Mexican Mestizo patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a case-control study of consecutive patients and ethnically matched controls. We included 32 patients diagnosed with typical narcolepsy-cataplexy, of the National Institute of Neurology, of the Institute of Psychiatry and at the Center of Narcolepsy at Stanford University. As healthy controls, 203 Mexican Mestizos were included. <it>DRB1 </it>alleles were identified using sequence based typing. A PCR-SSOP reverse dot blot was used for <it>DQB1 </it>typing. Allele frequency was calculated by direct counting and the significance of the differences was assessed using the Yates Chi square. Odds ratio and confidence intervals were evaluated.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HLA-<it>DRB1</it>*1501 (OR = 8.2; pc < 0.0001) and <it>DQB1</it>*0602 (OR = 8.4; pc < 0.0001) were found positively associated with narcolepsy. When deleting <it>DQB1</it>*0602+ patients from the analysis, <it>DQB1</it>*0301 was also found increased (OR = 2.7; p = 0.035; pc = NS). <it>DQB1</it>*0602/<it>DQB1</it>*0301 genotype was present in 15.6% of the cases (OR = 11.5; p = 0.00035), conferring a high risk. <it>DRB1</it>*0407 (OR = 0.2; p = 0.016 pc = NS) and <it>DQB1</it>*0302(OR = 0.4; p = 0.017, pc = NS) were found decreased in the patients. The gender stratification analysis showed a higher risk in females carrying <it>DRB1</it>*1501 (OR = 15.8, pc < 0.0001) and <it>DQB1</it>*0602 (OR = 19.8, pc < 0.0001) than in males (OR = 5.0 for both alleles; p = 0.012, pc = NS for <it>DRB1 </it>& p = 0.0012, pc = 0.017 for <it>DQB1</it>). The susceptibility alleles found in Mexicans with narcolepsy are also present in Japanese and Caucasians; <it>DRB1</it>*04 linked protection has also been shown in Koreans. A stronger HLA association is suggested in females, in accordance with the sexual dimorphism claimed previously.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This knowledge may contribute to a better understanding of the disease pathogenesis in different populations. The evaluation of the risk to develop narcolepsy-cataplexy in carriers of the described alleles/genotypes may also be possible. A larger sample should be analysed in Mexican and in other Hispanic patients to confirm these results.</p

    Case report: A familial B-acute lymphoblastic leukemia associated with a new germline pathogenic variant in PAX5. The first report in Mexico

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    B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) is one of the most common childhood cancers worldwide. Although most cases are sporadic, some familial forms, inherited as autosomal dominant traits with incomplete penetrance, have been described over the last few years. Germline pathogenic variants in transcription factors such as PAX5, IKZF1, and ETV6 have been identified as causal in familial forms. The proband was a 7-year-old Mexican girl diagnosed with high-risk B-ALL at five years and 11 months of age. Family history showed that the proband’s mother had high-risk B-ALL at 16 months of age. She received chemotherapy and was discharged at nine years of age without any evidence of recurrence of leukemia. The proband’s father was outside the family nucleus, but no history of leukemia or cancer was present up to the last contact with the mother. We performed exome sequencing on the proband and the proband’s mother and identified the PAX5 variant NM_016734.3:c.963del: p.(Ala322LeufsTer11), located in the transactivation domain of the PAX5 protein. The variant was classified as probably pathogenic according to the ACMG criteria. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first Mexican family with an inherited increased risk of childhood B-ALL caused by a novel germline pathogenic variant of PAX5. Identifying individuals with a hereditary predisposition to cancer is essential for modern oncological practice. Individuals at high risk of leukemia would benefit from hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, but family members carrying the pathogenic variant should be excluded as hematopoietic stem cell donors

    Defining the Role of the MHC in Autoimmunity: A Review and Pooled Analysis

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    The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is one of the most extensively studied regions in the human genome because of the association of variants at this locus with autoimmune, infectious, and inflammatory diseases. However, identification of causal variants within the MHC for the majority of these diseases has remained difficult due to the great variability and extensive linkage disequilibrium (LD) that exists among alleles throughout this locus, coupled with inadequate study design whereby only a limited subset of about 20 from a total of approximately 250 genes have been studied in small cohorts of predominantly European origin. We have performed a review and pooled analysis of the past 30 years of research on the role of the MHC in six genetically complex disease traits – multiple sclerosis (MS), type 1 diabetes (T1D), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), ulcerative colitis (UC), Crohn's disease (CD), and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) – in order to consolidate and evaluate the current literature regarding MHC genetics in these common autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. We corroborate established MHC disease associations and identify predisposing variants that previously have not been appreciated. Furthermore, we find a number of interesting commonalities and differences across diseases that implicate both general and disease-specific pathogenetic mechanisms in autoimmunity

    Variations in time and space of some physical and chemical variables in the Bernesga river (LeĂłn, Spain)

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    The chemical composition of the river Bernesga has been evaluated throughout four seasonal sampling studies at twelve sampling points. The tendency towards an increase in mineralization all along the river can be observed when using a principal component analysis to the complete data gathered. A temporal differentiation based on the variations which affect the flow rate through out the year is also established. The spatial organization defined by the second component enables us to use the scores as the starting point in order to determine the value of the chemical distance between the different sampling stations. The contrast between the chemical and actual distance gives an overall view of the river, which is a reflection of what happens on its course with regard to its chemical processes

    Utilisation de deux indices chimiques (ICG et ISQA) dans la détermination de la qualité de I'eau de plusieurs rivières espagnoles

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    Grâce à une analyse en composantes principales on détermine le niveau de contamination de I'eau de diverses rivières, situées dans le bassin du Duero. Ces rivières sont polluées par des localités de la Communauté de Castille et Leon représentant plus de 15 000 habitants. Les rivières dans lesquelles on observe une plus grande détérioration de la qualité de I'eau ne coïncident généralement pas avec celles où la densité de la population est la plus forte. L'augmentation du débit dans ces rivières n'est pas suffisante pour modifier cette situation. Une comparaison est également ef- fectuée entre deux indices chimiques : I'ICG et I'ISQA, il en résulte une relation de type potentielle, dont la corrélation est significative. Ces indices résument le classement des échantillons obtenus dans l'analyse en composantes principales par rapport au contrôle de l'altération de la qualité de I'eau due aux villes

    HLA DQA1 and DQB1 Loci in Honduran Women with Cervical Dysplasia and Invasive Cervical Carcinoma and Their Relationship to Human Papillomavirus Infection

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    Molecular and epidemiological studies have demonstrated that certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV), mainly HPV-16 and HPV-18, are the primary causes of cervical cancer and its precursor lesions; there is now evidence for a clear association with specific HLA class I and class II loci contributing independently to the expression of cervical cancer. Among Honduran women carcinoma of the cervix is the most common type of cancer, and infections with high-risk HPV types are highly prevalent. To study the interactive role of viral-host genetics, we performed PCR amplification of DNA and sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe typing on cervical scrapes from 49 women [24 with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia stage III or cervical cancer (severe cases) and 25 with stage I or II cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (mild cases)] and 75 control subjects to look for possible associations between HPV and HLA class II DQA1 and DQB1 alleles in the development of dysplasias and invasive cancer. This analysis revealed a predominance of HLA-DQA1*0301 among severe-case patients [relative risk (RR) = 3.45, p — 0.008), whereas DQA1*0501 was negatively associated (RR = 0.30, p = 0.03), suggesting a protective effect of this allele. HPV typing showed a decreased relative risk among the HPV-16 or HPV-18 carrying patients and other HPV-related positive patients in the presence of DQB1*0602 compared with positive control subjects (p — 0.04). No statistically significant allele frequency difference was observed between mild dysplasia cases and control subjects. The results suggest that DQA1 *03011, which is in linkage desequilibrium with all HLA-DR4 alleles, confers an increased risk for severe cervical dysplasia and invasive cancer, whereas DQA1 *0501, which is in several DR52 haplotypes, has a protective effect. Furthermore, specific HLA-DQB1 sequences may be important in determining the immune response to HPY peptides and may affect the risk for cervical cancer after HPV infection in mestizo Honduran women