9 research outputs found

    Design and Implementation of a Simplified CodeIgniter Framework for Commercial Vehicles Ticket Reservation System

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    With traditional strategies to design websites comes with many obstacles, many limitations, time-consuming and other relative errors. Subject to this reason, new technology like MVC pattern frameworks was discovered through some organizations to address such problems.  The task of manual schedule and verification of travellers' booked tickets is laborious, time-consuming and the accuracy of the manual booking system is in question. Therefore, it was a mind set of computerizing these activities. These studies present the design and implementation of a website using CodeIgniter Framework for Commercial Vehicle Ticket Reservation System. The load test functional behavior and measurement of performance was determined. The final result proved that the development was standardized and the non-commercial enterprise logic relationship of the e-transport system was automatically processed. These include Commuter companies, travellers, Human resources management activities and booking activities, thus helping transporters to efficiently handle their road transport business and other related activities

    Digital Framework Strategy for Patient Medication Adherence and Improvement in Medical Healthcare Centre Offa, Kwara State

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    The prospect behind digital transformation strategies makes the healthcare systems more  safe, affordable, and accessible with remarkable opportunities. The reasons why patients decided to have negative medication adherence became a critical challenge in the healthcare system. This study presents a Digital Framework Strategy DSF for patient medication adherence    to improve patient health during the treatment regime. A case study of the Federal Polytechnic Medical centre and clinical activities of Offa General Hospital examines the existing treatment of chronic diseases. The cloud-based server revolves around Convolution Neural Network (CNN) feature to perform a real-time collection of data and analytics of patient information. When thoroughly combined, the CNN of the neural network has a model of the application, which will form part of the desired output. This output presents a level of patient medication adherence within the parameters—the data around the enclosed sources. The approach  data was acquired with the patient wearing a sensor and smartphone devices. The model throughputs presented detailed analytics of individual patient adherence behaviors. The result of CNN performance revealed 96.99% accuracy of medication adherence level on a tested dataset collation, and the essence of digital framework analytics helped the healthcare workers (HCW) and healthcare providers to make prompt decisions on patients’ medical  conditions

    Evaluation of Auto Pilot Situational Awareness System Using Gunshot Detection Algorithm in a Localized Environment: Case Study Federal Polytechnic Offa, Mini Campus

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    Gunshot detection technologies are more applicable in many industries for the security enhancement of public places like the Federal Republic Territory FCT Abuja in Nigeria. Many factors affect the accuracy of the gun detection algorithm. This paper describes an audio-based video surveillance system in an auto pilot situational awareness to detect gunshots in Federal Polytechnic Offa. The Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) of Shock Wave and Muzzle Blast is integrated to estimate the shooter location in the study are. The proposed design and algorithm was validated and shooter origin was resolute that was very close to theoretical values. The video camera is steering regarding the initial position to localize the acoustic source's position. Implementing an auto pilot situational awareness system is an experimental procedure with a gunshot detection algorithm in a localized environment. In the direction of the weapon, the distance between firearms, types of ammunition, types of study environment, and diffraction of audio, the standard feature for gunshot recognition are Mel frequency cepstral coefficients in terms of uniform gamma-tone filters linearly spaced over the whole frequency range from 0KHZ to 16KHZ. Experiments show that our system can detect gunshots with a precision of 93% at a false rejection rate of 5% when the SNR is 10db while proving the estimate of the source direction of the gunshot with an accuracy of one degree. The outcomes reveal that the data generated by the system can be leveraged by the firefighting department to quickly locate the whereabouts of the indoor fires, and the VR gamification scenarios can expedite the development of situational awareness for the trainees. The research recommends a real-time system implementation for protecting the Federal Polytechnic Offa against any form of treats.&nbsp

    Centric Data Analytics Framework for Solar Energy Efficiency in the Rural Settings

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    Climate change periodically, and one of its natural causes is solar variation. Solar energy generation is now gaining more attention in developed nations, and its usefulness is becoming acceptable in rural settings. This research focused on Centric Data Analytics Framework for Solar Energy Efficiency called DAFSEE to solve power supply deficiency in resource-limited settings in Kwara State. Statistically, resource-limited regions feature a low population with a shortfall of social amenities. Significantly, households in urban areas have more electricity consumption than rural ones, making solar energy more relevant. The researcher then determined the efficiency of solar energy in the selected regions over time using an experimental study using cloud computing to create a dataset in six geo-locations in Kwara State. A predictive model was adopted and yielded 98.99% from the recurring analytics of the installed solar cells. The outcome of this study suggested best practices to sustain renewable energy in the area across all seasons. The study provides a starting point to distil policy implications for a centric analytics framework of improving rural electrification relevant for collective resource-limited settings across Nigeria

    Development of an Intelligent Based Water Pipelines Damage Control System at the Supply Unit of the Federal Polytechnic Offa, Kwara State

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    Water is the most valuable means of life sustainability because it is a basic need of all households. The incessant water leakage levels in the water supply network on the mini campus, Federal Polytechnic Offa, is one of the most vital issues to address by the work unit on the School campus. Works unit provides services to all departments on campus, covering an area of the landmass of 1050 hectares with a population of staff and students of approximately 13 000. The work unit is in charge of correctional facilities and operation. The sub-service of the work unit on water supply system comprising a network of 1km of water pipes and 1500 litres capacity storage tower across units. The input system volume in the lose of water supply is approximately 56%, from which a significant proportion is about physical losses. This paper focused on intelligent-based leakage control to replace the traditional method used on campus parameters for backtesting tracing when physical damage becomes visible. However, the result of the study revolves around the design and implementation of a prototype system. The study created a management console as an intelligent decision support system. The realism of the study summarizes various operations by developing intelligent reporting software with data warehouse techniques to facilitate underground leak line pipes tracking

    Digital Collaborative Framework for Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme and Sustainability in Federal Polytechnic Offa, Nigeria

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    Graduate training is one of the core courses offered in all polytechnics systems in Nigeria, each polytechnic gives orientation programmes and deploys students for industrial training once a year. These processes of pen on paper method throw serious challenges because of time authorization and time frame. Placement of undergraduate students looking for relevant Industrial Training (IT) attachment is becoming worrisome. This research tends to provide a web based solution called Digital Collaborative Framework (DCF) for Students’ Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES) and sustainability in Federal Polytechnic Offa, Nigeria. This is to bridge the gap between educational institutions and the industries subject to training and re-training perspectives. The stakeholders can easily turn DCF into e-administrative tools, then allow students to get industrial placement relevant to their field of studies. The research proposed to develop a productive web application using Codeigniter Php framework. This research will serve as a cloud database to students, staff and other stakeholders and create access to examine, monitor and measure students’ performance at the end of the (SIWES) scheme

    Big Data Processing for Generic Clarification of Heterogeneous Images

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    Most industries around the globe make use of image processing to improve their productions. On the other hand Big Data Processing is a big dataset; this required fast method to processing irrespective of Generic nature, therefore Clarification of heterogeneous images can improve the integrity of any system design. To avoid waste of time and energy, it is necessary to classify images. Big Data Processing for Generic Clarification of heterogeneous images provides fast, accurate and objectives results. In this study, the researchers classified into three category using resnet50 techniques for training dataset images. The outcome of the research is analyzing these techniques and comparison analysis on different existing image data sets as pre-trained data and test data as sample images for decision making based on their limitations and strengths

    Data Analytic Solution for Heterogeneous Transportation Management Network System: A Case Study of Kwara State, Nigeria

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    When the transportation system of any States in Nigeria is effective, it positively contributes to effective economy growth and infrastructural facilities; saves stress and generate revenue to the authorities. This is the desire of every ministry of Transportation for State in Nigeria although a number of constraints usually make it not attainable. The transportation system presently operated by the Ministry of Transportation, Kwara was studied and found to be suffering, cumbersome, exploitative and fall short in all standards of a good transportation network system. Therefore this paper seeks to present the results of the research carried out to Big Data Analytic Solution (BDAS) for the management of the transport companies’ network system within Kwara State. The research adopts a transportation frame work design solution, MySQL for data migration and Php framework ‘codeigniter’ for productive server for the full development. The phase testing is carried out and presents the improved version for the improvement in routes schedules, company’s services and driver’s registration and user booking. The system will serve as open access to heterogeneous communities in Kwara State, Nigeria and make easy booking for passengers, assist communities in management of transportation systems within kwara state, Nigeria

    Digital Laboratory Framework (DLF): A Tool for Effective Practical Delivery in Federal Polytechnic Offa, Nigeria

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    The research provides vital insights into technical and engineering education and practice as a key to effective teaching of practical for Computer Engineering Students in an efficient and applied manner which is an indispensable factor. Since the introduction of Computer Engineering in 1997 at Federal Polytechnic Offa, applying the theories has allowed the students to develop their commercial literacy and ambition in the Polytechnics. Using laboratories for routine practical has been traditional, and the technology trend has gone beyond conventional methods. Digital Laboratory Framework (DLF) is a tool for technical education, where practical teaching will take the form of virtual learning. The team intends to develop a digital laboratory to complement the traditional method for National Diploma (ND) and Higher National Diploma (HND) in Computer Engineering to cover core digital and analogue electronics pre-requisite courses. The teaching and practice of Engineering serve as the essential entrepreneurship skills with a keynote to address the fundamental requirements needed to establish a successful career using student cognitive learning, student performance and evaluation concerning technical skills acquisition. The result prepares undergraduates ahead for industrial skills. It enables them to specialize in any computer engineering options and help produce competent Nigerian graduates as engineers with a total capacity to develop the nation through innovative technologies