16 research outputs found


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    The article presents an analysis of 107 cases of simultaneous operations of big volume with main stage as gastric resections (gastrectomy) or large intestine resections and mean volume interferences as cholecystectomy and removal of abdominal hernias. It was stated, that simultaneous operations compared with two steps treatment of combined surgical diseases obtained the high economical efficacy. This efficacy was determined by a single - stage routine presurgical examination, single anesthetic management, less medical expenses for medication and laboratory - instrumental studies in postoperative period, significant shortening the terms of hospitalization and disability terms. The authors proposed formulas to evaluate the economiс efficacy of simultaneous operations in system of paid medical service and system of rendering medical aid using paid medical insurance. The efficacy of large operations was 40 766 rubles and in case of mean volume interventions - 25 382 rubles for the paid medical system. The economical efficacy of simultaneous operations of large and mean volume was the same in the system of obligatory medical insurance. It consisted of 19 737,5 or 22 920,1 rubles and depended on the degree of operative anaesthetic risk of the second intervention in two steps treatment of patients

    Professor Aleksandr Vasil’evich Vishnevskiy (1874-1948)

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    The algorithm of special study in patients with severe chronic constipations includes the chronometry of passage of sulphate barium along the gastric tract with the assessment of evacuation function of each part of the large intestine, the irrigoscopy, the fibrocolonoscopy, the investigation of motor function of sigmoid colon. The proposed diagnostic algorithm allows the determination of part or parts of the large intestine with incompetent motor and evacuation functions and decision on the necessary extent of resection of the colon

    Academician Timofey Petrovich Krasnobayev (1865–1952) (on the 155<sup>th</sup> anniversary of the birthday)

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    Academician Timofey Krasnobayev was born on March 6, 1865 in Smolensk, in a poor hairdresser ‘s family. After graduating from the gymnasium, Timofey Petrovich entered the Medical Faculty of the Moscow University. After graduated from the University in 1888, T. P. Krasnobayev worked for a year as an external student at the Smolensk provincial hospital and then returned to Moscow. At the very beginning of 1903, the Moscow City Administration sent Timofey Petrovich on a 6-month scientific mission to Western Europe to familiarize with children’s hospitals and their surgical departments and to study orthopaedic surgery. T. P. Krasnobayev was the ideologist of the system of prevention of secondary intra-hospital diseases in children. T. P. Krasnobayev made the greatest contribution to the development of child traumatology and orthopaedics. Timofey Petrovich had given more than 50 years to study the issues of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bone-joint tuberculosis in children and is undoubtedly a luminary and a gene rally recognized authority in this section of pediatrics. T. P. Krasnobayev has a great merit in the organization of the X-ray service at the children’s hospital. He published about 70 scientific papers on pediatric surgery and made more than 150 reports. Academician Timofey Petrovich Krasnobayev died on October 11, 1952


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    Academician Lev Konstantinovich Bogush (1905-1994) (on the 115th anniversary of the birthday)

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    The article is dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the birth of L. K. Bogush. Lev Konstantinovich was born on March 3, 1905 in the family of the famous Nizhny Novgorod surgeon Konstantin Fedorovich Bogush. The industriousness, high capacity for work, dedication to science and the talent of Lev Konstantinovich for a short time bore fruit. In 1939, Lev Konstantinovich was one of the first in the country to remove a lung lobe due to suppurating bronchiectasis. In 1943, Lev Konstantinovich defended his doctoral dissertation «Surgical treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis by ligation of pulmonary lobar veins». In 1961, L. K. Bogush, together with professors B. V. Petrovsky, N. M. Amosov, F. G. Uglov and V. I. Struchkov, was awarded the Lenin Prize for the development of lung operations. On October 5, 1994, after a long-term illness, Lev Konstantinovich died and was buried at the Kuntsevsky cemetery in Moscow


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    Academician Andrei Grigorievich Savinykh (1888–1963)

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    Academician Sergey Ivanovich Spasokukotskiy (1870–1943) (on the 150<sup>th</sup> anniversary of the birthday)

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    Professor Sergey Ivanovich Spasokukotskiy was born on June 10 (May 29 according to the old style) 1870 in Kostroma. In 1879 Sergey Spasokukotskiy began his study at the Yaroslav Provincial Gymnasium, after which he applied to the Faculty of Medicine of Moscow University in August 1888. After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine and receiving a diploma of doctor with honors in 1893, Sergey Ivanovich was left a supernumerary resident at the hospital surgical clinic. S. I. Spasokukotskiy is rightly considered one of the founders of surgical gastroenterology in Russia. In 1907 in St. Petersburg, he made a report «The breadth of indications for gastric resection in cancer and ulcer of it from the experience of 250 gastric operations and 29 resections». Problems of purulent surgery in the broadest sense have always been the focus of attention of Sergei Ivanovich, so there was a large purulent department in the clinic. In 1926, he was elected the Head of the Department and Clinic of Faculty Surgery of the II Moscow University. The works of Sergei Ivanovich and his students on hepatobiliary surgery, urology, neurosurgery were of great importance. Being since 1926 the head of the surgical sector of the Institute of Blood Transfusion, S. I. Spasokokotski has made a huge contribution to the development of domestic transfusiology. Under his guidance, the Faculty Surgery Clinic and the Blood Transfusion Institute Clinic developed blood transfusion indications for many pathological conditions. Spasokukotskiy had a high pedagogical skill, for which he earned great respect from students and young doctors, who always admired the Teacher ‘s personal example as a doctor, surgeon and scientist. Academician Sergei Spasokokotskiy died on November 17, 1943 and was buried in Moscow at the New Maiden Cemetery. For the best works in the field of surgery by the decision of the Government, there is a prize of his name