1 research outputs found

    Effect of Dental Amalgam Silver Filling on Salivary Amylase Enzyme

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    The largest source of mercury located in dental amalgam fillings people. In this study, mercury level in saliva of amalgam and non-amalgam human were compared as well as the level of α amylase has been detected. Materialsand methods: The concentration of mercury, silver, and activity of amylase in saliva were measured in 55 adult study subjects. The mercury contents were determined by cold–vapor atomic absorption spectrometry. Results: The concentration of mercury in the serum was significantly higher in subjects with dental amalgam fillings (n = 25) compared to the non-amalgam group (n = 30) (p<0.01). The activity of α-amylase has significantly decreased in amalgam group. Conclusion: Higher amount of amalgam fillings synchronized with a lower activity of a- amylase.      Keywords:-Mercury, silver , α-amylas