15 research outputs found

    Enhancement the mechanical properties of a product porcelain by a ceramic additives using ultrasonic technique

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    This investigation is concerned on the influence of addition ZnO , ZrO2 ,TiO2 on the mechanical properties of a porcelain body. Porcelain body is prepared from Iraqi clays (Kaolin Duekhla & Ardhma sand glass), and Feldspar Potash with different weight percent (40% Kaolin, 30% sand glass Ardhma, and 30% Feldspar Potash) , and granular sizes less than (100µm Kaolin, and 50µm for each of  sand glass and feldspar). A prepared disk sample of 27mm in diameter was formed by compaction 75 Mpa for 5 min. The circumstances of heat treatment is 1300oC for 2hr and an elevation speed of 2 oC/min. Effect of the proportion added on mechanical properties of PVC were performed by ultrasonic technique using frequency of 30 KHz. Experimentally, it was found that the adding 2% ZnO + 1% TiO2 made composite good medium for transferring ultrasound waves, so they can be used as a coated material for objects that we don’t want them to be detected by sonar. Adding 1% ZrO2 +2% TiO2 enhances the absorption coefficient of porcelain and the composite becomes good absorber for ultrasound. Adding 2%ZrO2 +2%TiO2 made composite not good medium for transferring ultrasound waves , and adding 1%ZnO enhances the compressibility because it has the heights value and ZnO molecules fills the vacancies of porcelain chains. Keywords: porcelain bodies, kaolin clay, ultrasonic waves

    Study the Effect of adding PVA on Some Physical Properties of CMC Polymer as aqueous solutions

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    Some of physical properties of Carboxy methyl cellulose dissolves in distilled water had been studied at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% ,0.5 ,%,0.6 %,0.7% and 0.8%) gm./ml) before and after adding (0.5, 1 ,1.5 ) gm. of PVA for all concentrations, the Rheological properties such as shear, relative reduced and Specific Viscosity are measured; the mechanical properties such as ultrasonic velocity had been measured by ultrasonic waves system at frequency 45 KHz, other mechanical properties had been calculated such as absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves, relaxation time, relaxation amplitude, specific acoustic impedance, compressibility and bulk modules. The results show that all these properties are increasing with the increase of the polymer concentration except compressibility is decreasing with increase the concentration; results show that when adding PVA these properties are increasing except viscosity, Relaxation time and compressibility are decreasing. Results also shows that adding PVA polymer to CMC enhances the ultrasonic absorption coefficient as a result of high values after addition. Keywords: CMC solution, PVA solution, mechanical properties, rheological properties, ultrasound technique

    Enhancement Mechanical Properties of Polyvinly Alcohol by adding Methyl Cellulose using ultrasonic technique

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    Some of physical properties of polyvinyl alcohol dissolves in distilled water had been studied at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5% , 0.6%, 0.7%, 0.8%) gm./ml) before and after adding (1and 2 ) gm of MC for all concentrations , the mechanical properties such as ultrasonic velocity had been measured by ultrasonic waves system at frequency 25 KHz, other mechanical properties had been calculated such as absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves, relaxation time, relaxation amplitude, specific acoustic impedance, compressibility and bulk modules. The results show that all these properties are increasing with the increase of the polymer concentration except compressibility is decreasing with increase the concentration; results show that when adding MC these properties are increasing except compressibility is decreasing. Results also shows that adding MC polymer to PVA enhances these properties as a result of high values after addition. Keywords: PVA solution, MC solution, mechanical properties, ultrasound technique

    Study the Effect of adding PAAM on Some Physical Properties of PVA Polymer

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    Some of physical properties of dissolves Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) in distilled water had been studied at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4%, 0.5%, 0.6%, 0.7%, 0.8% and 0.9%) (gm. /ml) before and after adding (1, 1.5) gm. Of Polyacrylamide (PAAM) for all concentrations these are (Rheological and Electrical properties). The Rheological properties such as shear Viscosity, relative Viscosity, Specific Viscosity and reduced Viscosity are measured. The results show that all these properties are increasing with the increase of the polymer concentration before and after adding except reduced Viscosity is decreasing with the increase of the polymer concentration before adding. The electrical conductivity have been investigated at (293K.). Results also shows that adding (PAAM) polymer to (PVA) enhances the conductivity, then the molar conductivity and degree of dissociation were calculated and it depending on the values of density, concentration and type of solute and solvent. Keywords: (PVA) solution, (PAAM) solution, Rheological properties, Electrical properties

    Study the effect of increasing Gamma ray doses on some physical properties of Carboxy methyl cellulose

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    In this study some of the physical properties of Carboxymethyle cellulose dissolves in distilled water with different concentration had been studies before and after irradiation by gamma ray of variable dose (5000rad, 7000rad, 9000rad).These properties are firstly the Rheological properties such as shear viscosity, relative viscosity specific viscosity and reduced viscosity are measured, secondly the mechanical properties such as ultrasonic velocity had been measured at frequency (40KHz). Other mechanical properties had been calculated such as absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves, relaxation time, relaxation amplitude, specific acoustic impedance, bulk modules and compressibility. The results show that all these properties are affected with variation in density and viscosity because of the intermolecular interactions Gamma radiation made degradation to polymer molecular chains that affect the physical properties as a result ultrasonic absorption increased and molecular weight decreased after irradiation. Keywords: CMC solution, ultrasound technique, degradation, rheological properties, mechanical properties

    Ultrasonic study of PVA and PVA / PAAM film composites prepared by casting method

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    The PVA/PAAM composite membranes of poly vinyl alcohol and Polyacrylamide were prepared by casting method, the appropriate weights of PVA were variable (0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 and 1.25 gm) dissolved in (25ml) of distilled water under stirring and heat (70?C) for (30 min.) then different weights (0.15 and 0.3 gm.) of PAAM  were added to each PVA . In order to evaluate the mechanical properties of PVA and PVA/ PAAM composite the ultrasonic measurements were performed at the samples. These properties   are velocity of ultrasonic waves, absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves, relaxation amplitude, specific acoustic impedance, bulk modules and compressibility. The results show that all these properties are increasing with the increase of the polymer thickness except compressibility is decreasing with increase the thickness; results also show that when adding PAAM these properties have higher values than    those before increasing except compressibility is decreasing. Results also show that adding PAAM polymer to PVA enhances these properties as a result of high values after addition. Keywords: polyvinyl alcohol; Polyacrylamide; mechanical properties; casting method

    Prepare and Study Some Mechanical and Electrical Properties of KAl(SO4)2.12H2O as Aqueous Solutions

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    Some of physical properties of  KAl(SO4)2.12H2O dissolves in distilled water had been studied at different concentrations (0.05% , 0.075% , 0.1% , 0.125 and 0.15 gm./ml) such as (mechanical and electrical properties), the mechanical properties  such as ultrasonic velocity had been measured by ultrasonic waves system at frequency 25 KHz, other mechanical properties had been calculated such as absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves, relaxation time, relaxation amplitude, specific acoustic impedance, compressibility and bulk modules. The electrical properties such as electrical conductivity, molar conductivity and degree of dissociation were measured by conductivity meter, The results show that the specific acoustic impedance and bulk modules are increasing with the increase of the concentration , absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves ,compressibility, relaxation time, relaxation amplitude and shear viscosity are decreasing with increase the concentration, also The results show that the conductivity is increasing with increase the concentration. Keywords: KAl(SO4)2.12H2O solution, Electrical properties, Mechanical properties, ultrasound technique.

    Enhancement Mechanical Properties of Some Cosmetics and Their Effect on Human Skin by Ultrasonic Technique

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    Some physical properties were  studied such as density, velocity, absorption coefficient, relaxation amplitude, compressibility, modulus of elasticity, and acoustic Impedance for four types of cosmetics available locally before  and after added polymer CMC for these cosmetics the results show that the addition of CMC polymer led to improve these properties, except compressibility decreased due to the addition of polymer, so we can deduce that the addition of polymer leads to improve the characteristics of cosmetics practically . Keywords: Carboxy methyl cellulose; Cosmetics; Mechanical properties; Ultrasound technique

    Study the Effect of adding Polyacrylamide on Rheological and Mechanical Properties of Carboxymethyle cellulose Polymer as aqueous solutions

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    In this paper, we investigated the Rheological and mechanical  properties of Carboxymethyle cellulose dissolves in distilled water at different concentrations (0.1%, 0.2%, 0.3%, 0.4% ,0.5 ,%,0.6 %,0.7% and 0.8%) (gm./ml) before and after adding (0.5, 1) gm. of PAAM for all concentrations, the Rheological properties such as shear viscosity, relative viscosity, specific viscosity, reduced viscosity and Viscosity Average Molecular weight are measured, all the viscosities depend on density and concentration, The results show that adding PAAM lead to increase the values of different types of viscosities then chose before. Also the research included study of the Mechanical properties by ultrasonic waves velocity technique at frequency( 25 KHz), these properties are absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves, relaxation time, relaxation amplitude, specific acoustic impedance, compressibility, and bulk modules had been measured and all the results showed that all properties are increasing with the increase of the polymer concentration except compressibility is decreasing with the increase of the concentration before and after adding PAAM. Keywords: Carboxymethyle cellulose, Polyacrylamide ,Rheological properties, Mechanical properties

    Enhancement Mechanical Properties of Barium Chloride by Adding Copper Chloride using Ultrasonic Technique

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    Some of physical properties of BaCl2 dissolves in distilled water had been studied at different concentrations (0.05%, 0.1%, 0.15%, 0.2%, 0.25% and 0.3%) (gm./ml) before and after adding (0.3)gm of CuCl2 for all concentrations , the mechanical properties such as ultrasonic velocity had been measured by ultrasonic waves system at frequency 25 KHz, other mechanical properties had been calculated such as absorption coefficient of ultrasonic waves, relaxation time, relaxation amplitude, specific acoustic impedance, compressibility and bulk modules. The results show that all these properties are increasing with the increase of the polymer concentration except compressibility is decreasing with the increase of the concentration; results show that when adding CuCl2  these properties are increasing except compressibility is decreasing. Results also shows that adding CuCl2 to BaCl2 enhances the ultrasonic absorption coefficient as a result of high values after addition. Keywords: BaCl2 solution, CuCl2 solution, mechanical properties, ultrasound technique.