14 research outputs found

    Kashf al-kāshif wa-sharḥ al-kāshif, [976, i.e. 1568].

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    Elegant copy of what appears to be a commentary of uncertain authorship (though possibly by Abū Ḥafṣ ʻUmar ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Qazwīnī al-Fārisī, author of a commentary entitled al-Kashf ʻan mushkilāt al-Kashshāf) upon al-Kashshāf, the renowned commentary on the Qurʼān by Abū al-Qāsim Maḥmūd ibn ʻUmar al-Zamakhsharī (d.1144).Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 467Origin: As appears in colophon on p.648, transcription of first section (through p.648) completed 24 Rabīʻ II of an unspecified year (lacuna follows سنة). As appears in colophon on p.1063, second section copied by Ismāʻīl ibn Muḥammad al-Zurqānī ( اسماعيل بن محمد الزرقاني ) with transcription completed ("wa-qad faragha min katbih...") 7 Rabīʻ II 976 [ca. 29 September 1568].Accompanying materials: a. Acquisitions slip from Yahuda.Former shelfmark: From inner front cover (upper doublure) and fore edge label, "IL 304" (likely supplied by Yahuda, see acquisitions slip).Binding: Pasteboards covered in dark red leather ; Type II binding (with flap) ; doublures in brown leather ; upper and lower covers carry large blind-stamped mandorla (filled with symmetrical vegetal decoration, reminiscent of Déroche class. NSd 5) and pendants, along with gold-tooled border in a series of s-shaped stamps ; sewn in pink thread, two stations, most quires loose ; overall in somewhat poor condition and ill-fitting with much staining, abrasion, lifting and losses of leather, delamination of boards, etc. ; repair to fore edge flap in a tooled red leather apparently taken from the spine of another book ; other repairs in tan and red leathers.Support: non-European laid paper of several types ; opening type with 9 laid lines per cm. (horizontal) and chains either grouped (on the order of 9) or very closely spaced 13-14 mm. apart (V), well-burnished to glossy, brown in color, sturdy and fairly transluscent ; next type with both laid and chain lines quite diffuse, roughly 7 laid lines per cm. (horizontal), possibly grouped chains lines (in threes) with 11-12 mm. between chains and 39 mm. between groups, much lighter in color, thicker, sturdier and more opaque, burnished to glossy ; from p.350 on still a different paper, lighter in color with 8 laid lines per cm. (horizontal) and chain lines possibly very closely spaced if not in large group, 14 mm. apart ; final section (from p.650) on another thin, crisp, well-burnished, brownish paper with 7 laid lines per cm. (vertical or horizontal) and chain lines spaced roughly 39 mm. apart ; opening flyleaf in a European laid paper with 7 laid lines per cm. (horizontal), chain lines spaced 29 mm. apart (vertical), and anchor in circle watermark with six-pointed star above (66 mm. tall) ; staining and tidelines ; pigment burn to break-through at frame surrounding written area.Decoration: Elegant illuminated headpiece (ʻunwān) at opening on p.4 consisting of rectangular panel carrying the basmalah in gold muḥaqqaq on a dark blue ground accented with swirling arabesque in green, surrounded by border of gold bands (the innermost with red accents) flanking a series of crosses on white, set off by adjacent palmette (ansa) in the margin ; written area of incipit and facing page surrounded by gold frame with outermost blue rule ; keywords, sūrah headings (final section) and abbreviation symbols (two-teeth stroke, signes de renvoi, etc.) rubricated.Script: Nastaʻlīq and naskh ; three main hands ; opening through p.398 (where hand abruptly changes) in a fine nastaʻlīq, serifless, fairly vertical though with slight effect of tilt to the right and of words descending to baseline, some elongation of horizontal strokes, mainly closed counters, pointing (two and three dots) in strokes rather than distinct dots ; from p.398 to p.522 another fine nastaʻlīq, serifless with dramatic tilt to the right, scarcely pointed, mainly closed counters, sweeping descenders ; from p.522 through p.569 again opening hand, then back to second hand ; final section (from p.650 to close) in an elegant Egyptian or 'Syrian' naskh, serifless and compact with slight effect of tilt to the left, many closed counters, pointing (for two and three dots) in distinct or conjoined dots, rounded with curvlinear descenders.Layout: Written in 32 lines per page ; frame-ruled.Collation: i, IV-1 (7), 2 IV(23), III+2 (31), 5 IV(71), IV+1 (80), 2 IV(96), I (98), 12 IV(194), 6 V(254), I (256), 2 IV(272), III+1 (279), 6 (285), II (289), 3 (292), 2 V(312), V+2 (324), 20 V(524), IV-1 (531) ; catchwords mainly cut off, but present in final section ; leaves between sections left partially blank (see pp.198, 648-49) ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization (includes flyleaves).Colophon: [opening section] "وقع الخلاص [؟] من تحريره في اربع وعشرين من الشهر ربيع الاخر من شهور سنة ___ اللهم اغفر لمن دعى لمحرره والناظر فيه والديهما ولمن قال ... برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين" ; [final section] "Scribal," triangular, reads "وقد فرغ من كتبه اقل خلق الله تعالى واحوجهم الى رحمته العبد الضعيف اسماعيل بن محمد الزرقاني غفر الله له ولوالديه ولجميع المسلمين امين يوم الاربع المبارك سابع شهر ربيع الثاني سنة ست وسبعين وتسعمائة وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل ولا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم م م"Explicit: "ظلم عليه الامر وندم وتاب فهذا اخر ما قصدت ايراده في هذه السطور مع اعترافي في كل الامور بالقصور وان الكشف عن اوجه تلك المخدرات ابتدائه لمثلي من احدى المنكرات ولكن للمجتهد اجر ... وانا اسأل الله تبارك وتعالى التجاوز عن خطرات الاوهام وعثرات الاقلام ... والحمد لله المنعم اولا واخرا والصلاة والسلام على سيد المرسلين محمد واله واصحابه العز المحجلين وعلى من اتبعهم باحسان الى يوم الدين"Incipit: "الحمد لله الذي علم القرآن خلق الانسان علمه البيان ارسل رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق ... نريد ان نشرح مشكلات كتاب الكشاف ونحيط حجاب الخفاء عن مباحثة اللطاف ... قوله الحمد لله سيجئ معنى الحمد لله ..."Title from inscription on front flyleaf (p.1).Ms. composite codex.Brockelmann, C. GAL,Elegant copy of what appears to be a commentary of uncertain authorship (though possibly by Abū Ḥafṣ ʻUmar ibn ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Qazwīnī al-Fārisī, author of a commentary entitled al-Kashf ʻan mushkilāt al-Kashshāf) upon al-Kashshāf, the renowned commentary on the Qurʼān by Abū al-Qāsim Maḥmūd ibn ʻUmar al-Zamakhsharī (d.1144).Mode of access: Internet.Acquired in 1926 from the bookseller Isaac Benjamin S.E. Yahuda via purchase transacted on his behalf by his younger brother, the famous Orientalist and manuscript collector Abraham Shalom Yahuda (1877-1951).Book price on front flyleaf (p.1) ; at least two ownership or waqf statements on 'title page' (p.3) now obscured by affixed paper scraps ; "وقف" in margins of many leaves, mainly effaced but occasionally missed (see p.282 and 283) ; collation statement at close on p.1063 dated 8 [?] Dhū al-Qaʻdah 977 [ca. 14 April 1570], reads "الحمد لله الوهاب [؟] بلغ مقابلة وانتهى في يوم السبت ثامن [؟] مستهل القعدة الحرام من شهور سنة سبع وسبعين وتسعمائة وحسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل" ; numerous glosses and marginal corrections ; collation marks in final section

    ʿABD AL-BĀQĪ IBN YŪSUF AL-ZURQĀNĪ. Commentaire sur le Muḫtaṣar Ḫalīl.

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    Muḫtaṣar Ḫalīlمختصر الخليل . شرحMs. 1088 (bāb fī l-bayʿ — bāb fī farḍ al-ḥaǧǧ). ms. 1089 (bāb al-zakāt — bāb fīhi asbāb al-nafaqa al-ṯalāṯa). ms. 1090 (bāb fī l-iǧāra — bāb fī l-farāʾiḍ), incomplet de la fin. BROCKELMANN (C), Geschichte der arabischen Literatur, II2,102 (I, Cmt. m.) ; Suppl. II, 98 ; SARKIS, 966. Copie exécutée par Sulaymān Turkī al-Ǧamrāwī et achevée le 1er gumādā 1193 (cf. ms. 1089, f. 472)

    [عبد الباقي بن يوسف الزرقاني. شرح مختصر خليل بن اسحاق الجندي]

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    مختصر في فقه على مذهل الإمام مالكنتائج الفكر في كشف أسرار المختصرNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Quatrième partie d'un commentaire du Muḫtaṣar fī fiqh ʿalā maḏhab al-imām Mālik ibn Anas de H̱alīl ibn Isḥāq al-Ğundī. Le f. 1 porte : al-ğuz' al-rābiʿ min al-šayḫ ʿAbd al-Bāqī ʿalā sayyidī Ḫalīl Voir ms. Arabe 1090 et 1091. Ce manuscrit ne porte pas de titre, mais il s'agit probablement de l'ouvrage intitulé Nata'iğ al-fikar fi kašf asrār al-muḫtaṣar (GAL, Suppl. II, 98) Copie exécutée par Ibrahīm al-Dasūqī et achevée un 22 ḏū al-qaʿada d'une année non précisée (f. 620v).Marque en écriture maghrébine selon laquelle Amat Allāh Maʿzūna, épouse du scripteur ʿAbbās ibn Alī, a acheté ce dernier ğuz' du commentaire de Ḫalīl et l'a constitué en waqf au bénéfice de son mari et des descendants de celui-ci. Les témoins sont Aḥmad ibn ʿAmr, ʿAlī bn al-Hadārī et Muḥammad ibn ʿAli (?). (621v)

    AḤMAD AL-MOLLAWĪ ŠIHĀB AL-DĪN. Commentaire d'un traité d'Uṣūl al-Dīn, acéphale.

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    Uṣūl al-dīn. Commentaireأصول الدين . شرحNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.Le traité se termine bien par la description de la fin du monde. L'auteur eut pour maître al-Ḥasan ibn Yūsuf al-Yūsī, voir fol. 12-13. Il est cité dans ǦABARTĪ, ʿAǧāʾib al-āṯār à plusieurs reprises, on apprend que Aḥmad ibn ʿUlwān al-Zurqānī fut un transmetteur de son enseignement et d'autre part que al-Mollawī fut le commentateur d'un sullam. Cf. ǦABARTĪ, IV, p. 201. Copie anonyme et non datée

    Arabe 7152

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    Contient : Šarḥ Muḫtaṣar Ḫalīl ibn Isḥāq al-Ğundī. ʿAbd al-Bāqī ibn Yūsuf al-Zurqānī ; شرح مختصر خليل بن اسحاق الجندي. عبد الياقي بن يوسف الزرقاني ; Fragments diversNumérisation effectuée à partir d'un document de substitution.D'après G. Vajda, serait de la même main que Arabe 7153 et peut-être Arabe 7137, 4.Offert à la Société asiatique par le Dr Ange Richer, en 1926. Médecin des troupes coloniales, il est l'auteur d'un ouvrage sur Les Touareg du Niger, région de Tombouctou-Gao : les Oulliminden. Paris, 1924

    Majmūʻah, [ca. 1214 i.e. 1800 to late 19th century].

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    Fine composite collection (majmūʻah) of four works on topics of fiqh, grammar and Ṣūfistic poetry, namely a commentary on a poem of ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAlawī al-Ḥaddād (d.1720).Shelfmark: Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, Special Collections Research Center, Isl. Ms. 946Origin: As appears in colophons on p.19 and p.29, second and third works copied by ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Muḥammad al-Dahhān with transcription of third work completed 11 Dhū al-Qaʻdah 1214 [ca. 6 April 1800]. Transcription of opening work likely circa 1800, perhaps early 19th or even late 18th century (as suggested by paper and hand). Transcription of final work likely late 19th century (as suggested by paper and hand).Former shelfmark: Mich. Isl. Ms. temp. no. 95Binding: Boards covered in black textured cloth with black leather over spine (quarter binding) ; Western style binding ; pastedowns and flyleaves in wove paper printed with a floral vegetal pattern in pale pink and green ; spine gold-stamped with title and decorative accents over raised bands "مجموعة | سؤال الزرقاني" ; sewn in white thread, six stations, tightly bound ; overall in fairly good condition with minor abrasion and pest damage.Support: European laid paper of three types, each section of the composite volume in a distinct type ; opening section (binion carrying first work) in a type with 7 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines spaced 26-28 mm. apart (horizontal), and watermarks of three crescents with faces in profile (perpendicular to chains, roughly 73 mm. long, see pp.2 and 8) and scrollwork / arms with double-headed eagle (see pp.4 and 6), sturdy, well-burnished, cream in color ; second section (senion carrying second and third works) in a type with roughly 7 laid lines per cm. (vertical), chain lines spaced roughly 36-40 mm. apart (horizontal, somewhat faint), and watermark of three crescents (perpendicular to chains, 90 mm. long, see pp.12, 14, etc.), quite sturdy, lightly burnished, beige in color ; final section (quaternion carrying fourth work) a type with 9-10 laid lines per cm. (horizontal), chain lines spaced 24-25 mm. apart (vertical) and watermark of crescent with face in shield (see p.36, 40, etc.) and "Carbera De Mori | Vittorio" in script (see pp.34, 38, 44, 48 and compare Isl. Ms. 726 copied 1894), sturdy, burnished, bright cream in color.Decoration: Keywords and headings rubricated in all three sections ; overlining in red (mainly opening section but also occasionally in second section) ; textual dividers in the form of red discs, single and three dots (mainly second section).Script: Naskh ; three main hands ; opening work in a clear Egyptian or Syrian hand in a medium line, compactly filling the line and seriffed (irregularly) with right-sloping head-serifs on most ascenders and shaqq of kāf, slight effect of words descending toward the baseline, occasional inclination to the right or left, quite rounded though descenders more rectilinear, pointing in distinct dots, alif maqṣūrah pointed as yāʼ, kāf mashqūqah / mashkūlah preferred with shaqq appearing on even final kāf ; second and third works in a clear, small Syrian or Egyptian hand in a medium line, mainly serifless (though with odd serifs occasionally appearing) with slight effect of words descending to baseline, curvilinear descenders, pointing mainly in distinct dots though three dots usually represented by a curved stroke and two dots occasionally represented by a single stroke, alif maqṣūrah pointed as yāʼ, kāf mashqūqah / mashkūlah preferred with long straight shaqq appearing on even final kāf ; final work in a clear, Ottoman naskh in a thin line, partially but somewhat irregularly seriffed with slight effect of tilt to the left and of words descending to baseline, curvilinear descenders, some free assimilation of letters, pointing in strokes rather than distinct dots, final yāʼ usually unpointed.Layout: Written in 25, 23, and 21 lines per page ; frame-ruled (impression of ruling board evident).Collation: i, II (4), VI (16), IV (24), i ; binion, senion and quaternion, each corresponding to a distinct section of the composite volume with distinct moment of transcription, opening ternion trimmed smaller than the other two gatherings ; catchwords present ; pagination in pencil, Western numerals, supplied during digitization.Colophon: [Natījat afkār dhawī al-majd] "Scribal," triangular, reads "وكان الفراغ من تعليق هذه النسخة العظيمة الشريفة من نسخة نقلت من نسخة نقلت من نسخة مؤلفه شيخنا ... شمس الدين الزهار العزيزي الشافعي رحمه الله تعالى على يد الفقير الحقير المعترف بالذنب والتقصير من يرجوا [كذا] عفو ربه المنان عبد الرحمن محمد الدهان الشافعي غفر الله له ولوالديه ولجميع المسلمين اجمعين وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه وسلم" ; [Risālat ayy al-mushaddadah] "Scribal," triangular, reads "وكانت الكتابة من نسخ الرسالة العظيمة للشيخ الامام العارف بالله تعالى الشيخ عثمان ابن احمد النجدي ... في احدى عشر خلت من ذي القعدة سنة اربعة عشر ومائتين والف على يد الفقير عبد الرحمن الدهان الشافعي عفي عنه امين امين امين ... والحمد لله رب العالمين وهو حسبي ونعم الوكيل تم تم تم تم تم تم تم"Incipit: [Suʼāl fī al-farāgh ʻan al-ṭīn al-sulṭānī ] "الحمد لله رب العالمين ... وبعد فيقول الفقير علي الصعيدي العدوي خادم الفقراء بالازهر وقعت نازلة في الطلاق فيما يتعلق بالبساط فوقع الافتاء بها بعدم الطلاق قياسا على مسئلة ذكرها الشيخ عبد الباقي في شرحه الصغير ... سؤال رفع للعلامة الشيخ عبد الباقي الزرقاني رحمه الله تعالى في الفراغ عن الطين السلطاني وهو ما تقول علما الاسلام متع الله تعالى بوجودهم ..." ; [Natījat afkār dhawī al-majd] "الحمد لله الذي له الامر من قبل ومن بعد ... وبعد فقد سألني اعز اخواني واوحد خلاني ... ان اضع له رسالة لطيفة تتضمن ابحاث وبعد فاجبته الى ذلك راجيا من القادر المالك ان يهديني الى احسن المسالك وسميتها نتيجة افكار ذوي المجد في تحرير ابحاث وبعد ..." ; [Risālat ayy al-mushaddadah] "وصلى الله على سيدنا محمد ... الحمد لله رافع المشكلات عن اولى الالباب وناصب العلامات على ذلك من سنة ...وبعد فيقول الفقير الى رحمة ربه العلي عثمان بن احمد النجدي الحنبلي ... هذه فوائد تتعلق بأي المشددة ..." ; [Sharḥ Qaṣīdat Ilzam bāb Rabbik] "الحمد لله الذي علم الاشياء قبل وجود وجعل لكل شيء قدرا ... اما بعد فهذا قدر قليل في شرح قصيدة من اسمه مذكور في قوله تعالى لما قام عبد الله يدعوه ... قال رضي الله عنه الزم باب ربك اي الزم يا ايها العبد المخلوق ..."Title from inscription on verso of front flyleaf.Ms. composite codex.6. p.33-p.48 : Hādhihi al-qaṣīdah li-quṭb zamānih wa-farīd ʻaṣrih wa-aqrānih al-sayyid ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAlawī al-Ḥaddād Bāʻalawī wa-al-Sharḥ li-mawlānā al-ʻallāmah al-shaykh Muḥammad Ḥayāt al-Sindī [aw Sharḥ Qaṣīdat Ilzam bāb Rabbik] / ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAlawī al-Ḥaddād Bāʻalawī ; Muḥammad Ḥayāt al-Sindī.5. p.30-p.32 : [blank].4. p.21-p.29 : Hādhihi fawāʼid tataʻallaqu bi-ayy al-mushaddadah [aw Risālat ayy al-mushaddadah] / ʻUthmān ibn Aḥmad al-Najdī.3. p.20 : [excerpt from the decisions of Shaykh Shams al-Dīn al-Zahhār al-ʻAzīzī al-Shāfiʻī].2. p.9-p.19 : Kitāb Natījat afkār dhawī al-majd fī taḥrīr abḥāth wa-baʻd / Shams al-Dīn al-Zahhār al-ʻAzīzī al-Shāfiʻī.1. p.1-p.8 : Hādhā Suʼāl rufiʻa lil-ʻallāmah al-shaykh ʻAbd al-Bāqī al-Zurqānī fī al-farāgh ʻan al-ṭīn al-sulṭānī wa-jawābuh li-jamʻ min al-aʼimmah / ʻAbd al-Bāqī al-Zurqānī ; ʻAlī ibn Aḥmad al-Ṣaʻīdī al-ʻAdawī.Nikolaev, Vsevolod. Watermarks of the mediaeval Ottoman documents in Bulgarian libraries. Watermarks of the Ottoman Empire, volume 1. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1954.Brockelmann, C. GAL,Brockelmann, C. GAL,Brockelmann, C. GAL,Fine composite collection (majmūʻah) of four works on topics of fiqh, grammar and Ṣūfistic poetry, namely a commentary on a poem of ʻAbd Allāh ibn ʻAlawī al-Ḥaddād (d.1720).Mode of access: Internet.Acquired in the Fall of 1950.On upper pastedown, label with ex libris of James Heyworth-Dunne (d.1974), stamped with inventory numbers, "Ex Libris | J. Heyworth-Dunne | D. Lit. (London) | No.7772 | No. 7773 | No. 7774 | No. 7775" ; UM Library inscription on p.3 "Dunning | Heyworth-Dunne | 6-13-51 | 71955" ; a few marginal corrections in opening section (first work)