2 research outputs found

    Effects of a Training Module on Omani Teachers' Awareness of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the use of online and e-learning in Omani general and higher education institutions. Consequently, the pandemic imposed contemporary technological challenges when considering training programs for Omani teachers. This research seeks to record proactive steps, at the Omani and Arab levels, to examine the effectiveness of online, in-service teacher training programs. In addition, this research seeks to explore the effects of online training modules on teachers' knowledge of Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities (GSLD). In other words, the research aims to examine the effects of a training module on Omani teachers’ awareness of GSLD. According to a convenience sampling method, a total of 60 Omani teachers participated in the research. Participants were teachers of students with Learning Disabilities (LD) at the resource room program in the Muscat Governate, in the Sultanate of Oman. They were distributed equally into two groups: control (n=30), and experimental (n=30). Following the development of a Self-Awareness Scale (SAS) and the training program module, the SAS was administered to both groups as a pre-test and a post-test. The teachers in the experimental group received a two-week online training module to improve their awareness of GSLD. Results indicated that there were significant differences in the post-test of the SAS in favor of teachers in the experimental group

    The Extent of Including Geometric Thinking Levels in the Individualized Education Program from the Teachers' Perspective

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    ملخص: : هدفت هذه الدراسة الوصفية إلى الكشف عن مدى تضمين مستويات التفكير الهندسي في البرنامج التربوي الفردي من وجهة نظر معلمات برنامج صعوبات التعلم. وقد تكونت عينة الدراسة من 216 معلمة من مختلف المحافظات في سلطنة عُمان. حيث طُبق عليهنّ مقياس مستويات التفكير الهندسي الذي طُوّر وفق نموذج فان هيل. وقد تألف المقياس من 45 فقرة وزعت على خمسة مستويات (التصوري، والتحليلي، والاستدلالي غير الشكلي، والاستدلالي الشكلي، والتجريدي). وقد أشارت النتائج إلى أنّ مدى تضمين مستويات التفكير الهندسي في البرنامج التربوي الفردي جاء بمستوى متوسط على جميع مستويات المقياس. كما أشارت النتائج إلى وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مستويات التفكير الهندسي الاستدلالي غير الشكلي، والاستدلالي الشكلي، والتجريدي وفق متغير المؤهل العلمي لصالح حملة البكالوريوس. كما أظهرت النتائج وجود فروق على جميع مستويات التفكير الهندسي وفق متغير الخبرة التدريسية لصالح فئة 10 سنوات فأقل. وقد أوصت الدراسة بتضمين موضوعات خاصة بالهندسة والتفكير الهندسي في البرنامج التربوي الفردي.Abstract: This descriptive study aimed at identifying the extent of including geometric thinking levels in the Individualized Education Program (IEP) from the teachers’ perspective of learning disabilities program. The sample of the study consisted of 216 female teachers from various governorates of the Sultanate of Oman. They responded on the scale of geometric thinking levels, which was developed according to Van Hiele Model. This scale consisted of 45 items distributed on 5 levels (visualization, analysis, informal deduction, formal deduction, and rigor). The results indicated that the extent of inclusion geometric thinking levels in IEP was on average. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences in informal deduction, formal deduction, and rigor according to qualification in favor of the bachelor's degree. Moreover, the results also showed that there were differences at all levels of geometric thinking according to teaching experience in favor of 10 years or less. The study recommended that topics related to geometry and geometric thinking be included in IEP