183 research outputs found

    Cutaneous Leishmaniasis among Immigrants in Iraq

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    Background and objectives: To determine the incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in Al-Yarmouk teaching Hospital among immigrants who leave their own homes due to war and terrorism. Methodology: A retrospective survey was performed in the out patient clinic of Al-Yarmouk teaching Hospital.  All patients who presented with clinical features of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) at the dermatology department were enrolled in the study during the period from September 2014 to the end of June 2015 who were documented in the hospital's records which includes their address because an increasing number of cutaneous leishmaniasis was noticed. Compared to number of patients having cutaneous leishmaniasis during the period from September 2013 to the end of June2014.The provisional diagnosis of cutaneous leishmaniasis was dependant on clinical experience but biopsies were performed for questionable cases..Results: A total of 170 cutaneous leishmaniasis were diagnosed during the study period with the immigrants representing 70% of total cases.Compared to a total of 73 patients recorded for the same period of time during the previous year.The highest number of cases was recoded during February2015 , while the lowest number was recorded in December2014. Conclusions:An increasing number of cutaneous leishmaniasis ( CL ) was noticed among Iraqi immigrants due to their unhealthy and crowded environment where they were forced to live because of war and terrorism. Keywords: Cutaneous leishmaniasis, iraqi immigrants.

    Analyzing the Heat Transfer Rate of Nanostructures of Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) / Al2O3 Utilizing Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    The main methods for preventing fires are physical, chemical, or a combination of the two. One of the main thermophysical characteristics that connect the chemical structure is thermal diffusivity. The relationship between heat transport as well as heat resistance has been thoroughly established in the literature. Heat transmission can also be connected to various fire-retardant characteristics, like maximal heat release or time to ignite, which rank among the most crucial factors in defining the potential fire danger of a specific material. The thermal stability, as well as fire-retardant qualities of polymers, are enhanced by metal oxides. In the present investigation, simulations of molecular dynamics constructed using the single atom approach are used to examine the consequence of Al2O3 nanoparticles on thermal transfer of isotactic Polymethyl methacrylate. In order to examine the heat transfer rate of poly (methyl methacrylate) besides poly (methyl methacrylate)/Al2O3 nanocomposite, capacity, density, as well as thermal transfer were measured within 300–700 K variety. It is possible to calculate heat capacity using fluctuating characteristics. Conductivity was calculated through a non-equilibrium modeling simulation using Fourier's law. The results show that the Al2O3 nanoparticles increase a transition temperature of glass; conductivity, in addition diffusivity of the Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) while decreasing the heat capacity &nbsp

    Analysis of Minimum temperature spatially and temporally over Iraq During the period 1980-2015

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    Monthly Minimum surface air temperature at 23 stations in Iraq were analyzed for temporal trends and spatial variation during 1980-2015.seasonal and annual temperature was analyzed using Mann-Kendall test to detect the significant trend .The results of temporal analysis showed that during winter ,spring , summer and Autumn have a positive trend in all the parts of Iraq. A tendency has also been observed towards warmer years, with significantly warmer summer and spring periods and slightly warmer autumn and winter, the highest increase is (3.9) oC in Baghdad during the summer. The results of spatial analyze using the ArcGIS showed that the seasonal temperature can be divided into two or three distinct areas with high temperature in the south and decreasing towards north, where the trend of spatial temperature were decreasing from south to the north in all the four seasons

    Evaluation of Anti Oxidant and Anti inflammatory Activity of Banana Peels

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    In the preset study, synthesis iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4-NPs) were synthesized using a rapid, single step and completely green biosynthetic method by reduction of ferric chloride solution with banan peel water extract containing sulphated polysaccharides as amain factor which acts as reducing agent and efficient stabilizer. The structural and properties of the Fe3O4-NPs were investigated by X-ray diffraction, FTIR Fourier transforminfrared spectroscopy and  Ultra violate UV. The diameter of iron nanoparticles was predominantly found within the range 15-35 nm. we evaluated the anti-inflammatory effect of Fe3O4-NPs by in vitro method by using membrane stabilization test and protein denaturation test. Membrane stabilization test was done by using human red blood cells (HRBCs). Protein denaturation test was done by using bovine serum albumin (BSA). The results revealed that (Fe3O4-NPs) was capable of rendering membrane stabilization by inhibiting the hypotonically-induced hemolysis of HRBCs in dose-dependentmanner). Keywords: Nanoparticles, Fe3O4-NPs, X-ray, HRBCs, BSA

    Analysis of the {4-Nicotinamido-4-Oxo-2-Butenoic Acid's} Electrochemical Polymerization as an Anti-Corrosion Layer on Stainless-Steel Alloys

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    The [4-Nicotinamido-4-Oxo-2-Butenoic Acid] monomer was electropolymerized on 316-grade stainless steel to produce [poly4-Nicotinamido-4-Oxo-2-Butenoic Acid]. The structure and properties of the generated polymer layer were evaluated using SEM, cyclic voltammetry, and other techniques. The corrosion resistance of stainless steel, both uncoated and coated in a corrosive medium of 0.2M HCl solution was examined using an electrochemical polarisation technique at temperatures ranging from (293-323) K. Nanomaterials such as nano zinc oxide and graphene were introduced to monomer solutions at various concentrations to increase the corrosion resistance of stainless-steel surfaces. According to the findings, adding nano components to a polymeric coating increased its protective effectiveness. Thermodynamic and kinetic activation properties were also investigated. The percentage of protection efficiencies and polarisation resistance values of the covering polymer decreased as the temperature rose. As the temperature climbed, the corrosion current density increased, although the corrosion potential decreased. In SEM and AFM experiments, the development of a protective coating on the surface of 316-grade stainless steel was demonstrated to protect it

    A sociolinguistic study of the 'Broken Plural' in the speech of Iraqi Arabic-English bilingual children

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    This study investigates the acquisition of a most intriguing system of nominal plurality in Arabic, the Broken Plural (BP), in the speech of bilingual Iraqi-English children. BP is an irregular plural form, there is no fixed suffix to be added and it is derived by altering the consonant and vowel patterns inside the singular noun/adjective. Monolinguals acquire it from their environment; they learn it spontaneously as they grow up and expand their vocabulary. The study includes 11 bilingual children living in the UK and ‘control groups’: 9 female adults living in the UK, 11 monolingual female adults and 17 monolingual children living in Baghdad. Data collection combined quantitative and qualitative techniques. The research as a whole addresses the issues of how reduced Iraqi Arabic input can affect the formation of BP, the range of strategies that the bilingual children use to recoup their lack of knowledge and the correlation between these strategies and social factors, viz. parents’ level of education and proficiency in English, language use at home (input), and attitudes. The data (BP) were analysed into correct and incorrect responses based on monolingual female adults performance. The incorrect responses (repair strategies) were classified into various categories including: overgeneralisation (used more frequently by bilinguals as a default form but was least favoured by the monolingual children); and the employment of ‘rudimentary semantic strategies’ rather than morphological markers e.g. repetition/singular, new words, random patterns. The findings show that the formation of BP is present in bilingual children –to a different digree- but its formation underwent a crucial reanalysis. There is a strong correlation between the social factors and the repair strategies. Bilingual children’s attitudes towards English positively correlate with their low proficiency in Iraqi Arabic (IA); parents’ attitudes towards IA, religion and identity as core values; and parents’ command of English were also found to play a crucial role in nurturing or impairing the use of IA, which in turn affects acquisition of BP

    Impact of aerosol on air temperature in Baghdad

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    Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) is the measure of aerosol distributed with a Column of air from earth’s surface to the top of atmosphere, in this study, temperature variation of aerosol optical depth (AOD) in Baghdad was analyzed Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) from Terra and its relationship with temperature for the period 2003 – 2015 were examined. The highest values for mean seasonal AOD were observed in spring and summer and the maximum AOD values ranged from 0.50 to 0.58 by contrast minimum AOD values ranging from 0.30 to 0.41 were found in winter and autumn. Results of study also showed that the temperature (max., min., mean air temperature and DTR) have a strong correlation with AOD (0.82, 0.83, 0.82 and 0.65) respectively

    Socio-Economic Perspectives Of Language Learning Motivation: The Case Of Yemeni EFL Undergraduates At The Hadramout University Of Science & Technology

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    The concept of integrativeness in Foreign Language Learning (FLL) contexts has been theoretically reformulated recently by scholars in the field of motivational research such as Csizér and Dörnyei (2005). The reformulated concept takes into consideration the notion of “possible selves” which refers to the desire of language learners to learn or use the Target Language (TL) to create an identity or self image that is congruous with some socio-economic/cultural traits in their closer environment

    Laser Dental Treatment Techniques

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    Dental laser technologies are one of the most rapidly developing areas in the modern technology. When the laser was discovered in the 1960s, it was classified as a solution in search of a problem, and today, laser technology is applied in many different areas. It basically remained a field of research. Typically in the most frequent dental surgery, the caries therapy was frequently compared to most types of lasers; the conventional mechanical drills are still superior, particularly CW or long-pulse lasers. Only laser systems capable of providing ultrashort pulses might be an alternative to mechanical drills. The number of laser applications is enormous, and it is not possible to explain all of them here. In this chapter, the development of suitable application units for laser radiation and other topics of interest in dentistry including laser treatment of soft tissue as well as laser welding of dental bridges and dentures are discussed. In some of these areas, research has been very successful. However, many clinical studies and extensive engineering effort still remain to be done in order to achieve satisfactory results