109 research outputs found
A Machine Learning Approach for Plagiarism Detection
Plagiarism detection is gaining increasing importance due to requirements for integrity in education. The existing research has investigated the problem of plagrarim detection with a varying degree of success. The literature revealed that there are two main methods for detecting plagiarism, namely extrinsic and intrinsic.
This thesis has developed two novel approaches to address both of these methods. Firstly a novel extrinsic method for detecting plagiarism is proposed. The method is based on four well-known techniques namely Bag of Words (BOW), Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), Stylometry and Support Vector Machines (SVM). The LSA application was fine-tuned to take in the stylometric features (most common words) in order to characterise the document authorship as described in chapter 4. The results revealed that LSA based stylometry has outperformed the traditional LSA application. Support vector machine based algorithms were used to perform the classification procedure in order to predict which author has written a particular book being tested. The proposed method has successfully addressed the limitations of semantic characteristics and identified the document source by assigning the book being tested to the right author in most cases.
Secondly, the intrinsic detection method has relied on the use of the statistical properties of the most common words. LSA was applied in this method to a group of most common words (MCWs) to extract their usage patterns based on the transitivity property of LSA. The feature sets of the intrinsic model were based on the frequency of the most common words, their relative frequencies in series, and the deviation of these frequencies across all books for a particular author.
The Intrinsic method aims to generate a model of author “style” by revealing a set of certain features of authorship. The model’s generation procedure focuses on just one author as an attempt to summarise aspects of an author’s style in a definitive and clear-cut manner.
The thesis has also proposed a novel experimental methodology for testing the performance of both extrinsic and intrinsic methods for plagiarism detection. This methodology relies upon the CEN (Corpus of English Novels) training dataset, but divides that dataset up into training and test datasets in a novel manner. Both approaches have been evaluated using the well-known leave-one-out-cross-validation method. Results indicated that by integrating deep analysis (LSA) and Stylometric analysis, hidden changes can be identified whether or not a reference collection exists
Energy Savings by Form Design in Schools
This study is a part of a comprehensive study that aims to investigate the impact of school building form on energy consumption. The methodology included two parts: in part one the study conducted a survey that covered all schools under Abu Dhabi Department of Education and Knowledge (ADEK) authority; in addition to performing a design model analysis that helped identify the possible form design variables that can impact the building performance with their value ranges. Part two the study performed an hour-by-hour computer simulation to test the impact of different building form variables on energy consumption. The simulation was carried out in two phases, Phase I covered the investigation of the existing design models obtained from ADEK without any manipulation of the form variables. While Phase II covered a broader range of cases under more controlled conditions. The investigation was based on Abu Dhabi climatic conditions with respect to ADEK school requirements and Estidama green building guidelines. The simulation results revealed the effect of each design variable of the school building form on energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The most important outcome of the study is the establishment of two concepts to evaluate the behavior of building form in influencing energy performance; i.e., form verticality and horizontality
Financial markets are highly reactive to events and situations, as seen by the very volatile movement of stock values. As a result, investors are having difficulties guessing prices and making investment decisions, especially when statistical techniques have failed to model historical prices. This paper aims to propose an RNNs-based predictive model using the LSTM model for predicting the closing price of four stocks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange (ISX). The data used are historical closing prices provided by ISX for the period from 2/1/2019 to 24/12/2020. Several attempts were conducted to improve model training and minimize the prediction error, as models were evaluated using MSE, RMSE, and R2. The models performed with high accuracy in predicting closing price movement, despite the Intense volatility of time series. The empirical study concluded the possibility of relying on the RNN-LSTM model in predicting close prices at the ISX as well as decisions making upon.
Keywords: Stock, LSTM, Prediction, ANN, RNN, ISXPasar keuangan sangat reaktif terhadap peristiwa dan situasi, seperti yang terlihat dari pergerakan nilai saham yang sangat fluktuatif. Akibatnya, investor mengalami kesulitan menebak harga dan membuat keputusan investasi, terutama ketika teknik statistik gagal memodelkan harga historis. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan model prediksi berbasis RNNs menggunakan model LSTM untuk memprediksi harga penutupan empat saham yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Irak (BEI). Data yang digunakan adalah harga penutupan historis yang disediakan oleh BEI untuk periode dari 2 Januari 2019 hingga 24 Desember 2020. Beberapa upaya dilakukan untuk meningkatkan pelatihan model dan meminimalkan kesalahan prediksi, karena model dievaluasi menggunakan MSE, RMSE, dan R2. Model memiliki akurasi tinggi dalam memprediksi pergerakan harga penutupan, meskipun volatilitas deret waktu yang intens. Studi empiris menyimpulkan kemungkinan mengandalkan model RNN-LSTM dalam memprediksi harga penutupan di BEI serta pengambilan keputusan.
Kata Kunci: Saham, LSTM, Prediksi, ANN, RNN, IS
ABSTRACT: The current study aims to assess groundwater quality for drinking and various domestic uses for selected wells from the district of Tal Abta and some of its affiliated villages located southwest of Mosul, Iraq. As samples were collected from ten wells distributed randomly in the study area, starting from summer until winter, with ten replicates for each well, physical, chemical and bacterial tests were conducted: temperature, electrical and chemical conductivity such as pH, total alkaline T. alkali, total hardness T. Hardness, phosphate ions PO4-3, sodium Na+, chloride, Cl-, sulfate SO4-2, nitrate NO3- and the total number of bacteria TPC, with the application of the sub-index model to evaluate the quality of water for drinking and civil use. The results of the Water Quality Index (WQI) indicated a deterioration in the quality of the studied groundwater, as the values ranged between (73.5 to 1538), so all studied samples are considered (Very Poor to Unfit quality) for drinking and civil uses; this deterioration is due to the high levels of Electrical conductivity, total hardness and sulfate ions, which amounted to (5994) uS cm-1 and (6420-2130) mg L-1, respectively, with a high total number of bacteria (TPC), which reached (1611) cells mL-1.
Keywords: drinking water quality; water quality index; Tal-Abtah district; Mosul city – Iraq.
Modelo de subíndice para avaliar a qualidade da água de lençol freático para consumo e uso civil
RESUMO: O presente estudo visa avaliar a qualidade da água subterrânea para consumo humano na forma de bebida e vários usos domésticos, provenientes de poços selecionados do distrito de Tal Abta e algumas de suas aldeias afiliadas localizadas a sudoeste da cidade de Mosul, Iraque. Foram coletadas amostras de dez poços distribuídos aleatoriamente na área de estudo, no verão e no inverno, com dez repetições para cada poço. Foram realizados testes físicos, químicos e bacterianos, com base nas seguintes variáveis: temperatura, condutividade elétrica e química como pH, T alcalino total. álcali, dureza total T, Dureza, íons fosfato PO4-3, sódio Na+, cloreto, Cl-, sulfato SO4-2, nitrato NO3- e o número total de bactérias TPC; posteriormente aplicou-se um modelo de sub-índice para avaliar a qualidade da água para beber e uso civil. Os resultados do índice de qualidade da água (IQA) indicaram uma deterioração da qualidade das águas subterrâneas estudadas, pois os valores variaram de 73,5 a 1538, portanto todas as amostras estudadas são consideradas com qualidade “muito ruim” a “inadequadas” para consumo humano e uso civil. Essa deterioração se deve aos altos níveis de condutividade elétrica, dureza total e íons sulfato, que totalizaram 5994 uS cm-1 e 6420-2130 mg L-1, respectivamente, com elevado número total de bactérias (TPC), que atingiu 1611 células mL-1.
Palavras-chave: qualidade de água potável; índice de qualidade de água; distrito de Tal-Abtah; cidade de Mosul – Iraque.
ABSTRACT: The current study aims to assess groundwater quality for drinking and various domestic uses for selected wells from the district of Tal Abta and some of its affiliated villages located southwest of Mosul, Iraq. As samples were collected from ten wells distributed randomly in the study area, starting from summer until winter, with ten replicates for each well, physical, chemical and bacterial tests were conducted: temperature, electrical and chemical conductivity such as pH, total alkaline T. alkali, total hardness T. Hardness, phosphate ions PO4-3, sodium Na+, chloride, Cl-, sulfate SO4-2, nitrate NO3- and the total number of bacteria TPC, with the application of the sub-index model to evaluate the quality of water for drinking and civil use. The results of the Water Quality Index (WQI) indicated a deterioration in the quality of the studied groundwater, as the values ranged between (73.5 to 1538), so all studied samples are considered (Very Poor to Unfit quality) for drinking and civil uses; this deterioration is due to the high levels of Electrical conductivity, total hardness and sulfate ions, which amounted to (5994) uS cm-1 and (6420-2130) mg L-1, respectively, with a high total number of bacteria (TPC), which reached (1611) cells mL-1.
Keywords: drinking water quality; water quality index; Tal-Abtah district; Mosul city – Iraq.
Modelo de subíndice para avaliar a qualidade da água de lençol freático para consumo e uso civil
RESUMO: O presente estudo visa avaliar a qualidade da água subterrânea para consumo humano na forma de bebida e vários usos domésticos, provenientes de poços selecionados do distrito de Tal Abta e algumas de suas aldeias afiliadas localizadas a sudoeste da cidade de Mosul, Iraque. Foram coletadas amostras de dez poços distribuídos aleatoriamente na área de estudo, no verão e no inverno, com dez repetições para cada poço. Foram realizados testes físicos, químicos e bacterianos, com base nas seguintes variáveis: temperatura, condutividade elétrica e química como pH, T alcalino total. álcali, dureza total T, Dureza, íons fosfato PO4-3, sódio Na+, cloreto, Cl-, sulfato SO4-2, nitrato NO3- e o número total de bactérias TPC; posteriormente aplicou-se um modelo de sub-índice para avaliar a qualidade da água para beber e uso civil. Os resultados do índice de qualidade da água (IQA) indicaram uma deterioração da qualidade das águas subterrâneas estudadas, pois os valores variaram de 73,5 a 1538, portanto todas as amostras estudadas são consideradas com qualidade “muito ruim” a “inadequadas” para consumo humano e uso civil. Essa deterioração se deve aos altos níveis de condutividade elétrica, dureza total e íons sulfato, que totalizaram 5994 uS cm-1 e 6420-2130 mg L-1, respectivamente, com elevado número total de bactérias (TPC), que atingiu 1611 células mL-1.
Palavras-chave: qualidade de água potável; índice de qualidade de água; distrito de Tal-Abtah; cidade de Mosul – Iraque.
Study of Properties of 146 , 148Nd Isotopes by Using IBM-1 Model
مستويات الطاقة الطيفية, رباعي القطب الكهربائي, نسب التفرع وطاقة جهد السطح تمت دراستها باستخدام نموذج البوزونات المتفاعلة الاول .(IBM-1) وقد وجد ان146 ,148Nd في المنطقة الانتقالية .U(5)-O(6) ان قيم رباعي القطب الكهربائيB(E2) تزداد وعزم رباعي القطب(Q) يقل مع زيادة عدد النيوترونات وان نسب التفرع تثبت ان النظائر ضمن المنطقة الانتقالية المذكورة انفا. اما بالنسبة لطاقة جهد السطح (P.E.S) تظهر ان النظائر146,148 Nd مشوهة وتتصرف بشكل O(6)-U(5)و تمتلك الصفة الاهتزازية.The spectra, B(E2), B(E2) branching ratios and Potential energy surface are studied in the Interacting Boson Model (IBM-1). It is found that146,148Nd are in the transition region U(5)-O(6). The values of B(E2) are increased and quadrupole moment are decreased when the neutron number increased, the branching ratios showed the isotopes in transition region U(5)-O(6). The potential energy surface (P.E.S) shows that 146,148Nd deformed and conductance of U(5)-O(6) and have vibrational mfeature
Testing the Random Movement of Shares in the Supply Chain of Some Sectors Listed In the Iraq Stock Exchange
Abstract- The study aimed to identify random movements of shares in the supply chain of some sectors listed in the Iraqi market for securities using the daily data of the market index ISX60 to identify the level of efficiency of the market at the weak level, the study community is the financial market in general, while the study sample consisted of three sectors: the banking sector included 6 companies, the telecommunications sector included 1 company, and the hotel sector, which included 3 companies. To analyze and test the hypotheses of the study, three tests were used: Variance Ratio, Runs, and Serial Correlation, by R statistics program, for the period from 1/1/2015 to 31/12/2017. The study concluded that the returns of the ISX60 index in the Iraqi market for securities do not follow the random behavior in general, which means the inefficiency of the Iraqi market for securities within the weak level of efficiency, except the variable range test. The study recommended the activation of market activities to remove the possibility of extraordinary returns by investors through the disclosure and access of information to all investors to increase the efficiency of the supply chain of Iraqi financial market
Predicting the Stock Prices of Private Banks through Technical Analysis Indicators and Supply Chain Management
Abstract- The aim of the research is identifying the extent of using the Iraqi investors from the stock exchange and the technical analysis by understanding the extent knowledge of the investor for dependence on taking investment decisions to enter or exit from the market. To prove the hypothesis of research, some companies in the bank sector listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange were selected to be a research community, as a sample was selected composed of six banks to be a field of research. The research was based on a set of analysis indicator and supply chain management used in the forecasting process towards stock prices by (Simple average, rate of change, momentum, relative strength) in addition to some statistical tests such as Livens test, T test and F test according to the statistical program SPSS 20. The research reached that revolve around the existence of the statistical significance of the reliability of these indicators in the process of forecasting towards stock prices for the banking sector companies listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange to suit the Iraq environment conditions. Keywords: Technical Analysis, investment, Rate of change, Momentum, Relative Strength
Evaluation of the internal control system of banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange according to the COSO framework during the Covid-19 pandemic
This study aims to assess the internal control system in the banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange in accordance with the COSO framework during the Covid-19 pandemic period by contrasting the internal control system components for the research sample with the internal control system components of the COSO framework and determining the degree of compatibility between them as well as the importance of applying the internal control system procedures according to the COSO framework during the Covid-19 pandemic period. the significance of implementing the internal control system procedures in accordance with the COSO framework during Covid-19 pandemic period. To achieve this goal, a questionnaire was designed consisting of five axes, distributed to 300 employees of banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, 197of which were retrieved. The research reached conclusions, the most important of which is that there is compatibility between the components of the internal control system in the banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange with the components of the internal control system of the COSO framework. The results also showed the importance of applying the procedures of the internal control system in accordance with the COSO framework with all its components during the period of the Covid-19 pandemic. Information and communication won the first place in terms of importance, followed sequentially by risk assessment, control activities, control environment, and Monitoring. The study presented many recommendations, the most important of which is the need to urge local professional organizations to keep pace with the recent developments of the updated global internal control frameworks and try to spread them among professionals through the training courses they hold
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