6 research outputs found

    Graphene: The Revolutionary 2D Material

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    Graphene is considered as the initial laboratory-made 2D material which initiated a new revolution in the field of materials science. Since its discovery, lots of researchers have discovered various properties and tested it for many potential applications. The present report discusses a brief overview of graphene, mainly concentrating on the structure, synthesis, and applications of graphene. The mechanical exfoliation and CVD techniques for the synthesis of graphene. Some of the applications of graphene in the field of flexible electronics, sensing, and photovoltaic are reviewed in this repor

    Physics Learning Using Brainly Platform During Pandemic in Mataram City

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on the implementation of education, including learning physics. All learning processes must be carried out online to stop the spread of the virus. Online physics learning is physics learning that is carried out in a network by utilizing technological advances in the form of the internet to achieve learning objectives. There are various means of supporting online learning. Technological advances are so rapid, making it easier for students to get learning resources that are relevant to curriculum needs. One of the most popular online learning resources is Brainly. Brainly is quite popular among students and teachers and is often used to support learning, especially online learning of physics. The purpose of this study was to find out how the use and impact of Brainly in learning physics. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a questionnaire instrument distributed to high school students in Mataram City through WhatsApp Groups. It was found that the use of Brainly in physics learning is quite often used and has a positive impact on student learning outcome

    Synthesis of Barium M-Hexaferrite Using Co-precipitation Method with Zn Doping Based on Natural Iron Sand at Tebing Beach, North Lombok as Microwave Absorbent Material

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    This study aims to synthesize barium M-hexaferite using the coprecipitation method with Zn doping based on natural iron sand at the Tebing Beach of North Lombok as a microwave absorbent material. This study used 3 variations of doping concentration (x), namely x = 0.000; 0.400; and 0.800. In addition, variations in the calcination temperature were also carried out, namely 400°C and 1100°C. After the calcination stage, the sample is ground to obtain smaller or nano-sized particles. The results showed that the sample has a brick red color for a temperature of 400°C and black for a temperature of 1100°C. This shows that the higher the calcination temperature, the darker the color of the sample

    HIMAFIS Mengabdi : Penerapan Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek di Yayasan Al-Isro’ Desa Badrain, Lombok Barat

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the learning process. The use of technology in online learning does not always have a good impact. Online learning provides more workload and homework. This also reduces students' motivation and willingness to learn. One of the areas where children experience decreased motivation to learn is Badrain Village. A learning model that can increase students' learning motivation is project-based (PjBL). This model provides projects to students. PjBL provides opportunities for students to interact and participate further in learning that is packaged in the form of group learning, to increase learning motivation after the pandemic. Therefore, HIMAFIS FKIP Mataram University carries out community service by implementing project-based learning to increase the learning motivation of children in Badrain Village. Service activities consist of three phases, namely the orientation phase, the learning phase, and the closing phase. This community service activity was quite successful. Success can be seen from the motivation, curiosity, and increased interaction of students marked by the number of students participating and being able to re-explain the results of projects made in groups in project-based learning.Pandemi Covid-19 memberikan dampak negative pada proses pembelajaran. Penggunaan teknologi pada pembelajaran online tidak selamanya berdampak baik. Pembelajaran online lebih banyak memberikan beban tugas dan pekerjaan rumah. Hal ini turut menurunkan motivasi dan kemauan belajar peserta didik. Salah satu daerah yang anak-anaknya mengalami penurunan motivasi belajar adalah Desa Badrain. Model pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi belajar peserta didik adalah model pembelajaran berbasis proyek (PjBL). Model ini  memberikan proyek kepada peserta didik. PjBL memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk berinteraksi dan berpartisiapasi lebih jauh dalam pembelajaran yang dikemas dalam bentuk pembelajaran berkelompok, sehingga mampu meningkatkan motivasi belajar pasca pandemi. Maka dari itu, HIMAFIS FKIP Universitas Mataram melaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat dengan menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar anak-anak di Desa Badrain. Kegiatan pengabdian terdiri atas tiga fase yaitu fase orientasi, fase pembelajaran dan fase penutupan. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini cukup berhasil. Keberhasilan dapat dilihat dari motivasi, rasa ingin tahu dan interaksi peserta didik meningkat ditandai dengan banyaknya peserta didik yang berpartisipasi dan mampu menjelaskan kembali hasil proyek yang dibuat dalam kelompok pada pembelajaran berbasis proye

    Kelas Desain : Pelatihan Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Canva untuk Mahasiswa Calon Guru

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    The teacher does not only play the role of conveying information. However, a teacher must be a learning facilitator. One form of the teacher facilitating learning is by providing appropriate learning media. Learning media is a set of intermediaries both physical and non-physical to describe a discussion of subject matter so that the objectives of learning can be achieved. One of the learning media that can be used to visualize a concept, laws and principles of physics is a physics poster. Therefore, it is important for a prospective teacher to have the skills to design and create physics learning media, one of which is a physics poster. Canva. This activity was carried out in three meetings with two online meetings and one offline meeting. The Design Class dedication activity went well and was successful. Through the Design Class activity, the skills of prospective physics teacher students increased, marked by the collection of 45 physics posters as activity output.Guru tidak hanya berperan menyampaikan informasi saja. Namun, seorang guru  haruslah sebagai fasilitator pembelajaran. Salah satu bentuk guru menfasilitasi pembelajaran adalah dengan menyediakan media pembelajaran yang tepat. Media pembelajaran ialah seperangkat perantara baik fisik maupun non-fisik untuk menggambarkan suatu bahasan materi pelajaran sehingga tujuan dari pembelajaran dapat tercapai. Salah satu media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan untuk menvisualisasikan suatu konsep, hukum dan prinsip fisika adalah poster fisika. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi seorang calon guru untuk memiliki keterampilan merancang dan membuat media pembelajaran fisika, salah satunya poster fisika.Untuk menfasilitasi hal tersebut, HIMAFIS FKIP Universitas Mataram melaksanakan Pengabdian Kelas Desain sebagai sarana untuk menambah keterampilan mahasiswa calon guru fisika membuat poster fisika berbasis Canva. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga pertemuan dengan dua pertemuan online dan satu pertemuan offline. Kegiatan pengabdian Kelas Desain berjalan dengan baik dan berhasil. Melalui kegiatan Kelas Desain, keterampilan mahasiswa calon guru fisika bertambah, ditandai dengan terkumpulnya 45 karya poster fisika sebagai output kegiatan

    Himpunan Mahasiswa Pendidikan Fisika Mengabdi : Program Himafis Mengajar di Dusun Tojong-Ojong Sombek Desa Selebung Lombok Tengah

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    This activity aims to increase children's learning motivation during the pandemic through the play learning method. In addition, the Physics Education Student Association also carries out social activities such as community service and learning the Koran which is carried out at several points such as the Babussalam mosque which is located in the Tojong-Ojong Sombek hamlet, Selebung Village. This activity also aims to analyze the potential of play learning methods in increasing children's interest in learning in the midst of a pandemic and provide training on physics concepts in water rocket games