14 research outputs found

    Passive Solar Urban Design-Shadow Analysis of Different Urban Canyons

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    Although thermal comfort methods on a architectural scale are at present well developed, the approach and the techniques applied on an urban scale are yet to be consolidated in order to promote a climatic responsive urban design. The main goal of the study, which is a continuation of the researcher's efforts in his PhD thesis, is to examine the relationship between different urban forms and the shadow patterns they generate, and to develop evaluation tools for deriving climatic design criteria and information suitable for use by designers. In addition, the experiment intends to verify the common method used by architects to determine the most suitable spacing between buildings to avoid overshadowing and maintain good solar accessibility, as well as to clarify its limitations. Therefore, the experiment compares patterns (radial and rectangular) with different orientations, in order to clarify the relation between the orientation and the generated shadow pattern, so that an acceptable standard of solar accessibility could always be considered with the orientation of the urban pattern in mind. Hence, the study was also performed in order to determine the urban fabric that will allow the achievement of high urban density under optimal solar insolation conditions. Finally, the paper discusses the possible application of these patterns in Palestine, in order to highlight the way that the derived result

    Passive Solar Urban Design-Shadow Analysis of Different Urban Canyons

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    Although thermal comfort methods on a architectural scale are at present well developed, the approach and the techniques applied on an urban scale are yet to be consolidated in order to promote a climatic responsive urban design. The main goal of the study, which is a continuation of the researcher's efforts in his PhD thesis, is to examine the relationship between different urban forms and the shadow patterns they generate, and to develop evaluation tools for deriving climatic design criteria and information suitable for use by designers. In addition, the experiment intends to verify the common method used by architects to determine the most suitable spacing between buildings to avoid overshadowing and maintain good solar accessibility, as well as to clarify its limitations. Therefore, the experiment compares patterns (radial and rectangular) with different orientations, in order to clarify the relation between the

    Sustainable Urban Design and Climate: With Reference to Palestine

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    It is evident that the geometry of the urban form as an urban design parameter is crucial. The layout of the structure can modify the urban climate through proper design, thus improving the thermal comfort both outside and inside buildings, even reducing energy demands for heating and cooling requirements. The main goal of the research is to examine the relationship between different urban forms and the shadow patterns they generate, and to develop evaluation tools for deriving climatic design criteria suitable for use by designers. The main structure of this thesis is arranged in two parts. The first part identifies the conceptual framework of the sustainable urban design in order to provide the reader with basic information about the subject. Secondly, parametric studies have been performed to bridge the gap in the previous studies. The study compares patterns (radial and rectangular) with different orientations and their relation to solar accessibility, bilateral type of buildings, and urban density. While the analysis was mainly related to the Palestinian climate, the techniques employed may be applicable to other countries

    An Approach to Conserve Gaza Architectural Heritage Through Digital Technology

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    Heritage is considered as one of the constituents that preserve culture and national identity of any community. This is because heritage is a witness of accumulating experiences of that community. During recent years, architectural styles have changed dramatically in our country. Modern and western styles of housing prevailed so much that the Palestinian heritage touches nearly disappeared. In addition, many of the historic buildings in Gaza City have been destroyed due to the lack of public awareness about the importance of this heritage. This situation created the need for restoring the inveterate Palestinian culture and heritage through 3D Visualizing of Architectural Heritage. Awareness of cultural heritage through publicizing the digitized simulation of this heritage by using virtual reality and 3D modelling and animation techni-ques would help in preserving it and achieving balanced environment which reflects both originality of past and modernity of contemporaneity


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    Throughout historical ages, Gaza has been viewed amongst the most important cities of Palestine. The historic centre of Gaza is among the most important sites in the city as it bustles with business activities and is the place of major historic sites, and cultural and architectural legacy in the region. The city of Gaza used to have several public baths which were built to meet the hygiene and health needs of the local inhabitants. Furthermore, they played an important social role as gathering places for socio-cultural events, parties and meetings. It is most unfortunate that a large number of these baths have disappeared, apart from the Samarah bath in Al Zaitoun neighbourhood at the heart of the old city. Hence, the preservation of this unique genuine heritage building is of high importance. This paper attempts to establish key scenarios to integrate the hammām into the Old City urban fabric. The study is based on the hypothesis stating that a sustainable approach can be achieved by associating the hammām to its urban context. Thus, the hammām will constitute an important part of a touristic tour including the main urban entities composing the old City: Al-Omari Mosque, Qisaria Market, Pasha Palace and Khan Al-Zait. Three main scenarios will be proposed, analyzed and explored. The study concludes by suggesting an appropriate scenario for the adaptive re-use of the building, in order to preserve the hammam

    Using GIS in Sustainable Urban Design in Developing Countries (Gaza Strip, Palestine as a Case study)

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    Gaza Strip -Palestine is one of most needy regions to apply sustainability concepts and sustainable planning, owing to its critical narrow area of nearly 365 KM2. In addition, overpopulation and the increasing depletion of limited natural resources are of major concerns. Moreover, the conventional urban planning has failed to solve the ecological and economic problems, and even sometimes aggravates them. This research aims to analyze one of the urban projects in Gaza Strip (Sheikh Zayed City), study their appropriateness and application of sustainability concepts by using the technology of Geographical Information Systems (GIS). In addition to recognize the most important criteria, fundamentals and standard indicators required for accomplishing the sustainable urban planning status of the Gaza Strip. Keywords: GIS, Urban Design Strategies, Sustainability, Gaza Stri

    Solar analysis of complex forms: a comparison between the radial form and the rectangular U-shape

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    It seems evident that the geometry of the urban form as an urban design tool is crucial. Different urban forms result in differing microclimates, offering more or less comfort. The layout of the structure can modify the urban climate through proper design, thus improving thermal comfort both outside and inside buildings and even reducing energy demands for heating and cooling requirements. Some forms, which can create a space surrounded and defined by walls, can offer self-protection against unfavourable weather and create their own microclimate. Such forms are very common within the urban structure and this principle is adequate in residential areas, since such spaces can be used as playgrounds for children and can enhance social activities and human contact. These forms are also characterised by their ability to generate a self-shading effect. The previous studies were mainly concerned to examine simple shapes and less care was given to examine such forms. The forms considered in this experiment are radial forms and the rectangular U-Shape. These forms could be considered as intermediate types between closed and open layouts. In Palestine and other temperate climates, a layout which is semi-closed could be more beneficial, as completely closed or completely open layouts are preferable in arid zones and cold climates respectively. The experiment proves the capability and universality of this comprehensive approach which includes all the points that should be examined in order that the maximum benefit can be derived. In addition, the method illustrates how these analyses could be related to aspects of design and energy. The

    Sustainable urban design and climate

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    It seems evident that the geometry of the urban form as an urban design parameter is crucial. The layout of the structure can modify the urban climate through proper design, thus improving the thermal comfort both outside and inside buildings, even reducing energy demands for heating and cooling requirements. Although solar design potentials on an architectural scale are at present well developed, the approach and the techniques applied on an urban scale are yet to be consolidated in order to promote climatic responsive urban design. This thesis is concerned with a method to evaluate solar energy in urban design. The emphasis of the thesis is to study the relationship between the urban form and solar insolation and to establish a comprehensive approach which can evaluate the urban forms, with respect to the generated shadow pattern, and can be applicable to all types of urban configurations. Among the considerations which have also been investigated, is the interrelationship between solar insolation and thermal performance of urban patterns. The thesis discusses the possible application of these forms in Palestine, in order to highlight the way that the derived results can be handled in real practice. While the analysis was mainly related to the Palestinian climate, the techniques employed may be applicable to other countries. The main structure of this thesis is arranged in two parts. The first part identifies the conceptual framework of the sustainable urban design in order to provide the reader with basic information about the subject. The principal aim of this part has been to outline the research area on which the present work was set

    A Comprehensive Approach to Incorporate Architectural Heritage of Gaza Old City into Contemporary Urban Fabric

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    Introduction 2. Background a. Historical development of Gaza City b. Main Historic Building


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    In the field of architectural heritage conservation, recent digital 3D-visualizations have gained increased recognition. With the improvement of the possibilities of the digital 3-dimensional representation of Architecture, it seems that virtual heritage as visual resource has once again become more important in the discussion. The wide availability of affordable computing power has been a significant factor for the application of information technology to the design and management of the built environment. They provide more efficient and economical implementations of pre-existing analogue techniques, as well as new, complementary tools. 3D visualization of Gaza architectural heritage will become an important part of decision support systems in architectural conservation. In this paper, the author briefly reviews the state of Gaza architectural heritage and digitizing techniques applied to heritage. The paper describes