26 research outputs found
Model Classification Of Nominal Value And The Original Of IDR Money By Applying Evolutionary Neural Network
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) banknotes have unique characteristics that distinguish them from one another, both in the form of numbers, zeros and background images. This pattern of each type of banknote will be modeled in order to test the nominal value and authenticity of IDR, so as to be able to distinguish not only IDR banknotes but also other denominations. Evolutionary Neural Network is the development of the concept of evolution to get a neural network (NN) using genetic algorithms (GA). In this paper the application of evolutionary neural networks with less input is able to have a better success rate in object recognition, because the parameters for producing neural networks are far bette
Model Transformasi Perpustakaan Cerdas Dalam Meningkatkan Proses Bisnis
The library is an activity of borrowing books, magazines, novels, comics, and so on. Libraries are owned by various educational units, both schools, higher education, a government. Many libraries still apply convetional business processes. Library developments that are often found. Today are in the form of digital library which are services in the field of IT &IS. So, this form a transformation model in the library, especially in bussines processes, this smart library reflectsor adopts an e- commerce where the process of borrowing & returning book is done digitally, even boo borrowed are digitalbooks that can’t be copied & downloaded by member, in this case the borrower. In this research, it has been succesfuly carried out where. The look transaction process is carried out by merchant payment tools. So, it has been projected & screened. For profit & loss in running a smart library business in a mathematic equation. So, the smart library transformation model in business processes can be accept in societyKeyword : smart library, model, businesss proces
Implementasi Penerimaan Peserta Didik Baru (PPDB) Berbasis Web pada Sekolah Dasar Alam Semangat Bangsa dan Taman Kanak-Kanak Kartini Kecamatan Medan Johor
PPDB merupakan kegiatan rutin sekolah pada tiap tahunnya.untuk mendapatkan calon peserta didik baru diperlukan media promosi yang tepat agar dapat di terima oleh masyarakat banyak. Namun untuk melakukan promosi pada sekolah harus mampu bersaing dengan sekolah-sekolah lainnya yang mana persainggan sangat sengit pada media online. Sosial media dan website termasuk dalam upaya bersaing untuk mendapat calon perseta didik baru. Akan tetapi pada tahun 2020 ini indonesia menerima pandemik COVID-19 sehingga merubah proses administrasi yang mana secara konvensional menjadi online. Sehingga dengan berlangsungnya PPDB dirancang aplikasi PPDB berbasis web yang dapat dibuka dimanapun serta memiliki proses yang cepat. sehingga proses PPDB dilakukan secara online agar tidak berkurangnya minat calon PPDB mendaftar di sekolah dasar alam Semangat Bangsa dan TK Kartini. Serta dalam pemantauan dalam 7 hari setelah penggunaan aplikasi, pendaftar bertambah 4 kali lipat dari sebelum menggunakan aplikasi PPDB berbasis web in
Optimization of Applied Detection Rate in the Simple Evolving Connectionist System Method for Classification of Images Containing Protein
Digital image processing in general to makes images that appear converted to a function of light intensity represented in a two-dimensional plane. The function is a value that will be processed for classification so that the computer is able to recognize the image. Besides classification requires training and testing to produce a small error value and optimal algorithm. The problem of optimization is closely related to the principles and findings of science. Getting the smallest error value by calculating using MAPE for that MAPE calculation is done by using the Detection Rate formula to generalize knowledge in order to find the optimal model. Thus, the application of ANN is very suitable for optimizing classification using the Simple Evolving Connectionist System Method and as the result, the classification of images containing protein with test data is that the eggs work with optimal proof of achieving MAPE without modification of 0.1947% and MAPE which has been modified with the formula detection rate of 0.05554633%
The e-Business Community Model is Used to Improve Communication Between Businesses by Utilizing Union Principles
Business is an interpersonal and organizational activity that involves the process of selling, purchasing both goods and services with the aim of making a profit. But to get a large profit, it takes many partners who have a high desire to move forward. Information technology provides services for business people so that media information is available as a sign of obstacles. In addition it is necessary to do modeling where the process of communication between businesses running on information technology has a different profit from the business being run. Thus the union has the principle of kinship and has the principle of profitability divided by the amount of contribution given so that the creation of a model in electronic business (e-business) in the hope of having a family principle that is able to provide special profits for businesses other than the profits that run on certain businesses
Optimization of Applied Detection Rate in the Simple Evolving Connectionist System Method for Classification of Images Containing Protein
Digital image processing in general to makes images that appear converted to a function of light intensity represented in a two-dimensional plane. The function is a value that will be processed for classification so that the computer is able to recognize the image. Besides classification requires training and testing to produce a small error value and optimal algorithm. The problem of optimization is closely related to the principles and findings of science. Getting the smallest error value by calculating using MAPE for that MAPE calculation is done by using the Detection Rate formula to generalize knowledge in order to find the optimal model. Thus, the application of ANN is very suitable for optimizing classification using the Simple Evolving Connectionist System Method and as the result, the classification of images containing protein with test data is that the eggs work with optimal proof of achieving MAPE without modification of 0.1947% and MAPE which has been modified with the formula detection rate of 0.05554633%
Optimization of Faster R-CNN to Detect SNI Masks at Mandatory Mask Doors
In preparing for the COVID-19 endemic period, every government and private agency will be required to comply with new rules by the government, where everyone is required to wear a mask and perform physical distancing when leaving the house for activities. This is one of the new habits that will be familiarized to the public by the government in 2022 and the following year. Due to the easy transmission of the Covid-19 virus, the selection of SNI masks is highly recommended. The purpose of this study was to classify the types of SNI and non-SNI masks so that the presence of this SNI mask cluster monitoring system could increase security in locations that require the mandatory use of masks such as in schools and the masks used can function effectively to prevent the spread and transmission of Covid -19.. From the dataset, 100 pictures were taken randomly on SNI and non-SNI mask users. Where the types of masks that are SNI have been studied on Duckbil masks, KN-45, Surgical Mask 2 ply, and Surgical 3 ply are included in SNI masks and cloth masks are not included in SNI masks at a distance of 0.5 meters, 1 meter, 1.5 meters and 2 meters from the mobile device. It can be seen on the SNI mask at a distance of 0.5 meters achieving 100% accuracy, a distance of 1 meter achieving 100% accuracy, at a distance of 1.5 meters achieving an accuracy of 95% and at a distance of 2 meters achieving 90% accuracy. Whereas non-SNI masks at a distance of 0.5 meters achieve 100% accuracy, a distance of 1 meter achieves 100% accuracy, at a distance of 1.5 meters achieves an accuracy of 95% and at a distance of 2 meters achieves an accuracy of 90%
Implementasi Metode Topsis Dalam Menangani Masalah Pengalokasian Dosen Pembimbing Skripsi Dilingkungan Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Dan Teknologi Informasi Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara
Decision Support System (DSS) is a computerized system used to help policy makers to make a decision. This system is used as a second opinion to assist decision making by combining complex data, models and analytical tools. There are various algorithms or methods applied in this system, one of which is the Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). This method focuses on calculating the smallest distance to the positive ideal solution and the largest distance from the negative ideal solution from a geometric point of view using Euclidean distance. The TOPSIS method will use several criteria such as the competence of the lecturer, the final education of the lecturer, functional position of the lecturer and the quota of students who are being trained. So that it will be more effective in selecting the thesis supervisor according to the field of knowledge controlled by the supervisor. The leader of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology are facilitated by the support of a decision-making support system to allocate thesis supervisors for students by using the TOPSIS method.  Sistem pendukung pembuat keputusan (SPPK) atau dalam referensi lain juga disebut dengan Decision Support System (DSS) adalah sebuah sistem yang dikomputerisasi digunakan untuk membantu pemangku kebijakan untuk membuat sebuah keputusan. Sistem ini digunakan sebagai second opinion untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan dengan menggabungkan data, model-model dan alat-alat analisis yang kompleks. Ada berbagai algoritma atau metode yang diterapkan dalam sistem ini, salah satunya adalah Technique For Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS). Metode ini menitik beratkan pada perhitungan jarak terkecil pada solusi ideal positif dan jarak terbesar dari solusi ideal negative dari sudut pandang geometris dengan menggunakan jarak Euclidean. Metode TOPSIS akan menggunakan beberapa kriteria seperti kompetensi dosen, pendidikan akhir dosen jabatan fungsional dosen dan kuota mahasiswa yang sedang diampuh. Sehingga akan lebih efektif dalam melakukan pemilihan dosen pembimbing skripsi sesuai bidang ilmu yang dikuasai dosen pembimbing. Pembuat kebijakan di lingkungan Fakultasi Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi dimudahkan dengan adanya dukungan dari sistem pendukung pembuatan keputusan untuk mengalokasikan dosen pembimbing skripsi bagi mahasiswa dan mahasiswi dengan memanfaatkan metode TOPSIS
Classification of the IDR-USD Exchange Rate with Multilayer Perceptron Based on Detection Rate
Artificial neural network (ANN) is a set of units in processing a model based on the habits of human neural networks. ANN has one of its duties, namely classification with the concept of supervised learning. ANN also has various methods in performing its duties such as Multilayer perceptron (MLP). Where MLP is one of the ANN methods that can classify based on data as conceptualized in data mining. Very useful classifications and trends in the field of research because of the review of data that will generate knowledge. Nominal Exchange Rate is one of the datasets tested in this study. The exchange rate of the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) against the United States Dollar (USD) is very necessary both in terms of stock movements and other businesses. So that, it is necessary to use classification to predict future exchange rates. In this study, the MLP method was carried out by obtaining a validation test using MAPE based on the detection rate of sebesar 0.500079879%
Analisa Sistem Kendali Pemanfaatan Raspberry Pi sebagai Server Web untuk Pengontrol Arus Listrik Jarak Jauh
Sekarang ini penggunaan arus listrik yang digunakan oleh perusahaan, industri dan masyarakat meningkat pesat pemakaiannya. Bangunan, gedung dan industri terkadang perangkat listriknya masih menyala sampai pagi meskipun jam kerja sudah berakhir. Hal ini dikarenakan masyarakat lalai dalam mematikan perangkat elektronik. Pengendalian peranti elektronik yang masih menggunakan cara manual yaitu dengan menyalakan dan mematikannya melalui saklar manual, sehingga membatasi upaya masyarakat untuk melakukan penghematan energi listrik. Dengan demikian diperlukan adanya solusi agar dapat menghemat adanya energi tersebut. Hasil penenlitian yang dilakukan adalah suatu sistem kendali pengontrol arus listrik jarak jauh dengan menggunakan raspberry pi dan server web. Prinsip kerja dari sistem ini yaitu pengendalian peranti elektronika dari jarak jauh pada sebuah bangunan melalui website local yang diakses menggunakan jaringan internet. Karena menggunakan internet maka diperlukan server web yang berfungsi sebagai server untuk mengontrol perangkat tersebut. Perancangan ini berupa perancangan perangkat lunak menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database. Kata Kunci : Server WEB, Raspberry Pi, Elektronika, Internet, PHP, Database