9 research outputs found

    Novel formulation strategies for the fabrication of lyophilised orally disintegrating tablets

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    Orally disintegrating Tablets (ODTs), also known as fast-disintegrating, fast-melt or fast-dissolving tablets, are a relatively novel dosage technology that involves the rapid disintegration or dissolution of the dosage form into a solution or suspension in the mouth without the need for water. The solution containing the active ingredients is swallowed, and the active ingredients are then absorbed through the gastrointestinal epithelium to reach the target and produce the desired effect. Formulation of ODTs was originally developed to address swallowing difficulties of conventional solid oral dosage forms (tablets and capsules) experienced by wide range of patient population, especially children and elderly. The current work investigates the formulation and development of ODTs prepared by freeze drying. Initial studies focused on formulation parameters that influence the manufacturing process and performance of lyophilised tablets based on excipients used in commercial products (gelatin and saccharides). The second phase of the work was followed up by comprehensive studies to address the essential need to create saccharide free ODTs using naturally accruing amino acids individually or in combinations. Furthermore, a factorial design study was carried out to investigate the feasibility of delivering multiparticulate systems of challenging drugs using a novel formulation that exploited the electrostatic associative interaction between gelatin and carrageenan. Finally, studies aimed to replace gelatin with ethically and morally accepted components to the end users were performed and the selected binder was used in factorial design studies to investigate and optimise ODT formulations that incorporated drugs with varies physicochemical properties. Our results show that formulation of elegant lyophilised ODTs with instant disintegration and adequate mechanical strength requires carful optimisation of gelatin concentration and bloom strength in addition to saccharide type and concentration. Successful formulation of saccharides free lyophilised ODTs requires amino acids that crystallise in the frozen state or display relatively high Tg', interact and integrate completely with the binder and, also, display short wetting time with the disintegrating medium. The use of an optimised mixture of gelatin, carrageenan and alanine was able to create viscous solutions to suspend multiparticulate systems and at the same time provide tablets with short disintegration times and adequate mechanical properties. On the other hand, gum arabic showed an outstanding potential for use as a binder in the formulation of lyophilised ODTs. Compared to gelatin formulations, the use of gum arabic simplified the formulation stages, shortened the freeze drying cycles and produced tablets with superior performance in terms of the disintegration time and mechanical strength. Furthermore, formulation of lyophilised ODTs based on gum arabic showed capability to deliver diverse range of drugs with advantages over commercial products.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Implementing the competences-based students-centered learning approach in Architectural Design Education. The case of the T MEDA Pilot Architectural Program at the Hashemite University (Jordan)

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    Higher educational systems become increasingly oriented towards the competences-based student-centered learning and outcome approach. Worldwide, these systems are focusing on the students as a whole: focusing on their dimensional, intellectual, professional, psychological, moral, and spiritual. This research was conducted in an attempt to answer the main research question: how can the architectural design courses be designed based on the required competences and how can the teaching, learning activities and assessment methods be structured and aligned in order to allow students to achieve and reach the intended learning outcomes? This research used a case study driven best practice research method to answer the research questions based on the T MEDA pilot architectural program that was implemented at the Hashemite University, Jordan. This research found that it is important for architectural education to adapt the students-centered learning method. Such approach increases the effectiveness of teaching and learning methods, enhances the design studio environment, and focuses on students’ engagement to develop their design process and product. Moreover, this research found that using different assessment methods in architectural design courses help students to develop their learning outcomes; and inform teachers about the effectiveness of their teaching process. Furthermore, the involvement of students in assessment produces effective learning and enhances their design motivation. However, applying competences-based students-centered learning and outcome approach needs more time and staff to apply. Another problem is that some instructors resist changing to the new methods or approaches because they prefer to use their old and traditional systems. The application for this method at the first time needs intensive recourses, more time, and good cooperation between different instructors and course coordinator. However, within the time this method will be more useful and interesting for the teacher and more effective and formative for students. Finally, the development of architectural academic staff is needed to increase awareness of learning needs of all architectural students. This requires redesigning and aligning their curriculum and courses syllabus according to the requirements of new methods

    Biocomposite’s Multiple Uses for a New Approach in the Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease Using a Machine Learning Algorithm

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    Neurodegenerative diseases drastically affect human beings without distinction; it does not matter if they are male or female. Sometimes, it is not clear why a person in their life developed a well-known disease in the world such as Parkinson’s disease (PD). Nowadays, various novel machine learning-based algorithms for evaluating Parkinson’s disease have been designed. The most recent strategy, which was developed using deep learning and can forecast the severity of Parkinson’s disease, is the one described here. To identify this disease, a thorough medical history, previous treatment history, physical examinations, and some blood tests and brain films must be completed. Diagnoses are more critical since they are less expensive and less time-consuming. Voice data from 253 people used in the current study corroborates the doctor’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease. To acquire the best results from the data, preprocessing is done. To perform the balancing procedure, a systematic sampling strategy was used to select the data that would be analyzed. Several data groups were constructed using a feature selection technique based on the label’s effect strength. Classification algorithms and performance evaluation criteria employ DT, SVM, and kNN. The classification algorithm and data group with the highest performance value were chosen, and the model was created due to this selection. The SVM approach was employed when constructing the model, and 45% of the original data set data were used. The data was sorted from most relevant to least important. 86% performance accuracy was achieved, in addition to excellent results in all other areas of the project. As a result, it has been established that medical decision support will be provided to the doctor with the assistance of the data set obtained from the speech recordings of the individual who may have Parkinson’s disease and the model that has been developed

    Is there a relationship between children's behaviour and food cravings during pregnancy?

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    الملخص: أهداف البحث: الشغف للطعام هو ظاهرة معروفة أثناء الحمل وذلك بسبب المتطلبات الغذائية للنمو الأمثل للجنين. هذه الآلية تلعب دورا حيويا في ضمان التطور الطبيعي قبل وبعد الولادة. تهدف هذه الدراسة لتقييم ما إذا كان شغف الطعام يرتبط بسلوك الطفل. طرق البحث: أجريت دراسة استرجاعية في وحدة العيادات الخارجية النسائية في مستشفى محلي على سيدات أصحاء غير- حوامل، لديهن أطفال أعمارهم بين ١٨ شهرا إلى ٥ سنوات. وأكملت السيدات المؤهلات استبانة بخصوص سلوكيات أطفالهن وخبرتهن في الرغبة الشديدة للطعام خلال حملهن. استخدمت اختبارات مربع- كاي لاختبار العلاقة بين الرغبة الشديدة للطعام والسلوك. النتائج: تم إشراك ٣٣٦ سيدة في هذه الدراسة (معدل عمر الأطفال = ٤٤.١١ ± ١٥.٦٥ شهرا؛ ٥٥.٧٪ إناث). مرَّ بتجربة الرغبة الشديدة للطعام ٨٣.١٪ (عدد = ٣٦٦⁄٣٠٤) من المشتركات. كانت الفواكه هي الأكثر شيوعا من الأطعمة المرغوبة (عدد =١١٢؛ ٣٣.٣٪). وتضمنت الرغبات الشديدة الأخرى البسكويتات المالحة (عدد= ٤٠؛ ١٠.٩٪)، والحلويات (عدد =٣٥؛ ٩.٦٪)، واللحوم (عدد =٣٢؛ ٨.٧٪) والخضروات (عدد= ٢٩؛ ٧.٩٪). كما كان هناك قضايا سلوكية مختلفة للأطفال: دائما (أكثر من ٥٠٪ من الأوقات)، بعض الأحيان (١٠-٥٠٪ من الأوقات)، ولا شيء. الاستنتاجات: أظهرت تحليلاتنا أن معظم المشكلات السلوكية لم ترتبط بشغف الطعام أثناء الحمل. يحتاج الأطباء إلى استكشاف الإتجاهات المستقبلية من حيث كيفية تأثير الغذاء ونمو الجنين على القضايا السلوكية لدى الأطفال. Abstract: Objectives: Food craving is a well-known phenomenon during pregnancy that is driven by nutritional requirements for optimal foetal development. This mechanism plays a vital role in ensuring normal prenatal and postnatal development. The goal of the present study is to assess whether cravings experienced during pregnancy are related to children's behaviour. Methods: A retrospective study was conducted in the gynaecology outpatient unit of a local hospital on healthy non-pregnant women, with children aged between 18 months and 5 years. Eligible women completed a questionnaire regarding their child's behaviours and cravings experienced during their pregnancy. Chi-square tests were used to examine relationships between cravings and behaviour. Results: A total of 336 women were included in the study (child mean age = 44.11 ± 15.65 months; 55.7% females). Food cravings were experienced by 83.1% (n = 304/366) of the participants. The most commonly reported food craving was for fruit (n = 112, 33.3%). Other cravings included salty crackers (n = 40, 10.9%), sweets (n = 35, 9.6%), meat (n = 32, 8.7%), and vegetables (n = 29, 7.9%). There was variation in frequency of the children's behavioural problems: always (more than 50% of the occasions), sometimes (10–50% of the occasions), and none. Conclusions: Our analyses showed that most behavioural issues were not associated with cravings during pregnancy. Further investigation into how diet and foetal development may impact childhood behaviour is warranted. الكلمات المفتاحية: سلوك الطفل, الحمل؛ شغف الطعام, نمو الطفل, غذاء, Keywords: Child behaviour, Diet, Foetal development, Food cravings, Pregnanc