7 research outputs found
Expression of TGFβ1 by Pulp Tissue of Human Permanent and Primary Teeth Capped by BiodentineTM
BiodentineTM,represented a novel bioactive tricalcium silicate cement ,that is introduced into dentistry. It was suggested to be biocompatible, having optimal working and setting time, excellent workability with superior adhesion to tooth structure. BiodentineTM was proved to maintain pulp as a vital tissue and enhance dentinal bridging, as alternative to Mineral trioxide aggregate that can be provided with a better handling characteristics and shorter working time. Moreover, dental pulp cells have the potential to differentiate into odontoblast-like cells and enhanced reparative dentine.In the present study "BiodentineTM" was directly applied on the dental pulp of cultured tooth of (36) human maxillary first premolars and (36) human maxillary first primary molar tooth . After various culture periods (2,14 and 28) days, the interaction of the material with dental pulp tissue was analyzed on tissue cultures. The effect of this material on TGFB1 expression on pulp tissue was studied by immunohistochemical investigation. The results illustrate that BiodentineTM" induced mineralized foci formation early after its application as direct pulp capping material in permanent and primary teeth. The mineralization appeared beneath the reparative dentine. BiodentineTM shows a highl significant increment of TGF- β1 expression by pulp cells (P< 0.01) in both permanent and primary teeth.Conclusions: When "BiodentineTM" was applied as direct pulp capping material for permanent and primary teeth, it induced an early form of reparative dentine synthesis, probably due to a modulation of pulp cell for expression TGF-β1. Keywords: Transforming growth factor(TGF), Biodentine, pulp cell
Recent Advances in Nanomaterial-Based Biosensor for Periodontitis Detection
Periodontitis, a chronic inflammatory condition caused by bacteria, often causes gradual destruction of the components that support teeth, such as the alveolar bone, cementum, periodontal ligament, and gingiva. This ultimately results in teeth becoming loose and eventually falling out. Timely identification has a crucial role in preventing and controlling its progression. Clinical measures are used to diagnose periodontitis. However, now, there is a hunt for alternative diagnostic and monitoring methods due to the progress of technology. Various biomarkers have been assessed using multiple bodily fluids as sample sources. Furthermore, conventional periodontal categorization factors do not provide significant insights into the present disease activity, severity and amount of tissue damage, future development, and responsiveness to treatment. In recent times, there has been a growing utilization of nanoparticle (NP)-based detection strategies to create quick and efficient detection assays. Every single one of these platforms leverages the distinct characteristics of NPs to identify periodontitis. Plasmonic NPs include metal NPs, quantum dots (QDs), carbon base NPs, and nanozymes, exceptionally potent light absorbers and scatterers. These find application in labeling, surface-enhanced spectroscopy, and color-changing sensors. Fluorescent NPs function as photostable and sensitive instruments capable of labeling various biological targets. This article presents a comprehensive summary of the latest developments in the effective utilization of various NPs to detect periodontitis
Physiological and histological studies of dental response of Luxate tooth with application of VEGF
Background During luxate injury many dental tissue will be involved including pulp, periodontal ligament ,mucosa, hard dental tissue and alveolar bone with affecting the nerve and dental blood supplement. Growth factors may involved in healing process after replantation of tooth in its socket and the Vascular endothelial factor (VEGF ) is a potent one that increase angiogenesis and accelerate repairing and healing of dental pulp and the supporting tissues. The study was designed to illustrate the effect of application of growth factor on healing process of luxate molar tooth of rat. Materials & Methods Twenty male Wistar rats with luxate lower right first molar teeth were included in this study. The control were injected with normal saline (0.5μl ) around the apex of mesial root .Experimental group injected with VEGF (0.5μl ). Histological assessment of physiological responses of (dental pulp, cementum, periodontal ligament (PDL) and alveolar bone in both control and experimental groups with Receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa-Β ligand (RANKL) expression evaluation were recorded during the healing period in the examined tissue
Role of Topical Application of Growth Factors on Periodontal Repair
Abstract Reconstruction of lost or injured periodontal tissues in such a way that both the original structures and their function are completely restored. Restoring of lost periodontal tissues involves a creation of new attachment, including the formation of a new periodontal ligament with its fibers inserted in newly formed cementum and alveolar bone. The purpose of this research is to illustrate the biological actions of topical application of growth factors TGF-β1, VEGF on periodontal cells and tissues, which are involved in periodontal regeneration. Fifty-four male Albino rats were subjected for non surgical operation of distal sides of both lower anterior teeth, right side was considered as experimental site treated with 1 µm of VEGF, TGF-β1, while left side treated with 1 µm of normal saline as a control one. All the samples were studied histologically and histometry at three interval periods 3, 7, 14 days postoperatively. The results demonstrated that the mean value of amount of new bone and the mean of the length of junctional epithelia is showed to be higher in VEGF group, while the mean of periodontal ligament width and mean of rate of bone maturation are reported to be higher in combination group. High mean value for the width of cellular cementum is recorded in TGF group. Conclusion: The present study suggested that growth factors application in injured periodontium have a role in periodontal healing and VEGF illustrates to be the most powerful one
Success of replantation of avulsed teeth using human colostrum as an interim storage medium
الملخص: أهداف البحث: يعرف قلع الأسنان بأنه إزاحة كاملة للأسنان من التجويف السنخي وأفضل علاج هو إعادة زرع السن. يؤثر حليب الأم على صحة الجسم ونموه وتطوره المرتبط بوجود مكونات غذائية دقيقة وكبيرة. صممت الدراسة لتسجيل تأثير اللبأ البشري كوسيط تخزين على نجاح إعادة زرع السن. طريقة البحث: تم إشراك ثلاثين من ذكور الجرذان البالغة في قلع القاطع الأيسر العلوي ووفقا لوسط تخزين الأسنان المقتطعة لإعادة الزرع، تم تقسيم الجرذان إلى 3 مجموعات. مجموعة محلول هانك ومجموعة مياه الصنبور ومجموعة اللبأ. تم إجراء اختبار الجدوى باستخدام 3- (4،5-ثنائي ميثيل ثيازول-2-يل) -2،5-ثنائي فينيل -2 لفحص المواد والتقييم النسيجي، وقدر التحليل النسيجي في فترة 45 يوما بعد الجراحة لتحديد نخر اللب، والتطعيم اللثوي، والنسبة المئوية للمنطقة التي تمت إعادة امتصاصها وربط الرباط اللثوي. النتائج: أظهر وسط اللبأ نسبة مئوية أعلى من صلاحية الخلية متبوعا بمحلول هانك مع قيمة فرق كبيرة. أظهرت النتائج النسيجية للسن المخلوع المعاد زرعه والذي تم غرسه في ماء الصنبور كوسيط تخزين ارتشاف جذر خارجي وداخلي واضح. نخر اللب وتلطخ الرباط اللثوي مع وجود اختلافات كبيرة في القيم مقارنة بمحلول هانك ومجموعات اللبأ. بينما تظهر مجموعة اللبأ رباطا جديدا معاد ربطه جيدا مع اللب الطبيعي ولا يوجد دليل على ارتشاف الجذر. الاستنتاجات: يتم تقليل فقدان الأسنان إلى الحد الأدنى باستخدام اللبأ البشري كوسيط تخزين في إعادة زرع الأسنان المخلوعة بعد فترة ساعة واحدة مقارنة بمحلول هانك والماء. Abstract: Objectives: Tooth avulsion is defined as total tooth displacement from the alveolar socket; the best treatment is replantation of the tooth. Human milk influences body health, growth, and development related to the presence of micro and macro nutrient components. This study assessed the effects of human colostrum as a storage medium on the success of tooth replantation. Methods: The upper left incisor of 30 adult male Wistar rats was extracted, and the rats were divided into three groups according to the storage medium of the extracted tooth for replantation: Hank's balanced salt solution (HBSS), tap water, and colostrum groups. The MTT cell viability assay was conducted, and histological evaluation and histomorphometric analyses were performed on postoperative day 45 for identification of pulp necrosis, periodontal hyalinization, percentage of resorbed area, and the periodontal ligament attachment. Results: The colostrum medium showed a higher percentage of cell viability followed by HBSS with statistical significance. Histological findings of the replanted avulsed tooth that soaked in tap water as storage medium showed obvious external and internal root resorption. Pulp necrosis and periodontal ligament hyalinization and with a significant differences values in comparison to HBSS and colostrum groups (p > 0.05), whereas the colostrum group showed new well-reattached periodontal ligament with normal pulp and no evidence of root resorption. Conclusion: Tooth loss is minimized by using human colostrum as storage medium in replantation of an avulsed tooth after a 1 h period compared to HBSS and water