148 research outputs found

    Towards Customer's Emotion Management in Marketing: The Role of customers' Emotions on Their Experience

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    This research study aims at understanding the role of the customers' emotion towards a certain product/service in their experience. In another word, this research aims at finding the relationship between the customers' emotions and the way it influences their experience in a certain purchasing process. A questionnaire was distributed on a random sample of mall visitors through a period of 30 days (month) and it was based on variables including; A) shop clerk's sex, uniform and emotional behavior B) shop's environment C) clerks' friendliness. The results show that positive emotions of the customers which are connected to a positive shopping experience is influential and hence can lead to a positive purchasing decision, in addition to that, it was found out that the shop clerk's positive emotions is very important in supporting the client with a good shopping experience in the store. The gender was also a notion that worth to be noted based on the idea that the results supported that concept of the opposites meet. Finally, the uniform and dress codes for the shopping assistants appeared to be the least influential factor of all. Keywords: Customer emotions, customer experience, in-store customer emotions, provider/buyer encounte

    An exponential class of dynamic binary choice panel data models with fixed effects

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    This paper develops a model for dynamic binary choice panel data that allows for unobserved heterogeneity to be arbitrarily correlated with covariates. The model is of the exponential type. We derive moment conditions that enable us to eliminate the unobserved heterogeneity term and at the same time to identify the parameters of the model. We then propose GMM estimators that are consistent and asymptotically normally distributed at the root-N rate. We also study the conditional likelihood approach, which can only identify the effect of state dependence in our case. Monte Carlo experiments demonstrate the finite sample performance of our GMM estimators


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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between impulse and change of momentum in three types of ground take-off. Three athletes from the swimming, sprinting and volleyball national teams executed three trials from an AMTI force platform synchronized with video capturing system of starting take-off. APAS software was used for further analysis. Results indicate that the swimmers and the sprinter are less capable of getting equal impulse relationship to the change of momentum due to deviation of reaction forces into the desired motion

    The use of accounting information systems in analytical procedures for the audit process, from the point of view of internal and external audit in the public sector (a case study of public universities)

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    This study sought to measure and assesses the use of accounting information systems in analytical procedures for the audit process, from the point of view internal and external audit in the public sector (a case study of public universities) and their role in promoting evidence in the audit results and its availability in Jordanian public universities, as well as to determine the extent of the use of analytical procedures in the audit process, from the point of view of both the internal in observation and auditing services workers at Jordanian universities and external auditors for these universities and how consensus the study sample answers in answering the study questions. Researchers have developed a study tool (questionnaire) based on the conceptual framework and previous studies, (100) questionnaire were distributed on a sample of the population of the study which is consisted of the internal observation units services workers in Jordanian public universities and external auditors for these universities. Using appropriate statistical analysis tools for the study data (arithmetic means, standard deviations and One way ANOVA). It was concluded that there are no significant statically differences between the views of the internal observation services staff in public universities and external auditors for these universities on the importance of using analytical procedures in auditing ? There are no significant differences between the views of the two sample study for these universities to the auditors use of analytical procedures in audits, and the study showed that the use of analytical review methods was moderate by internal and external auditors, while the advanced analytical review methods are used less ? Because they need the skills of statistical analysis, the study also revealed that there are obstacles limiting the use of analytical procedures in the field of work, and most of these obstacles are the absence of clear criteria for analytical procedures issued by the INTOSAI Organization and the organizers of the audit profession, lack of skills in the field of analytical measure. Although the constraints that limit the application of analytical procedures did not have any statistically significant and material impact on increasing the efficiency of the audit performance. In the light of the analysis results the researchers presented a set of recommendations that they consider them necessary to improve and strengthen the evidence in the audit results and availability in Jordanian public universities, as well as to determine the extent of the use of analytical procedures in the audit process, and reduce the risk of control to gain an understanding of the business and its environment. Key Words: Accounting Information Systems, Internal auditing, External auditing

    The use of accounting information systems in analytical procedures for the audit process, from the point of view of internal and external audit in the public sector (a case study of public universities)

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    This study sought to measure and assesses the use of accounting information systems in analytical procedures for the audit process, from the point of view internal and external audit in the public sector (a case study of public universities) and their role in promoting evidence in the audit results and its availability in Jordanian public universities, as well as to determine the extent of the use of analytical procedures in the audit process, from the point of view of both the internal in observation and auditing services workers at Jordanian universities and external auditors for these universities and how consensus the study sample answers in answering the study questions. Researchers have developed a study tool (questionnaire) based on the conceptual framework and previous studies, (100) questionnaire were distributed on a sample of the population of the study which is consisted of the internal observation units services workers in Jordanian public universities and external auditors for these universities. Using appropriate statistical analysis tools for the study data (arithmetic means, standard deviations and One way ANOVA). It was concluded that there are no significant statically differences between the views of the internal observation services staff in public universities and external auditors for these universities on the importance of using analytical procedures in auditing ? There are no significant differences between the views of the two sample study for these universities to the auditors use of analytical procedures in audits, and the study showed that the use of analytical review methods was moderate by internal and external auditors, while the advanced analytical review methods are used less ? Because they need the skills of statistical analysis, the study also revealed that there are obstacles limiting the use of analytical procedures in the field of work, and most of these obstacles are the absence of clear criteria for analytical procedures issued by the INTOSAI Organization and the organizers of the audit profession, lack of skills in the field of analytical measure. Although the constraints that limit the application of analytical procedures did not have any statistically significant and material impact on increasing the efficiency of the audit performance. In the light of the analysis results the researchers presented a set of recommendations that they consider them necessary to improve and strengthen the evidence in the audit results and availability in Jordanian public universities, as well as to determine the extent of the use of analytical procedures in the audit process, and reduce the risk of control to gain an understanding of the business and its environment. Key Words: Accounting Information Systems, Internal auditing, External auditing

    Exhaustive exercise and vitamins C and E modulate thyroid hormone levels at low and high altitudes

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    Thyroid hormones play an important role in cell growth and differentiation and regulation of oxygen consumption and thermogenesis. The effect of altitude and vitamin supplementation on thyroid hormone levels in animals or humans performing acute exhaustive exercise have not been investigated before. Therefore, we thought to test whether exhaustive exerciseinduced stress with antioxidant supplementation was capable of modulating the level of thyroid hormones at different altitudes. Serum levels of T4 (Thyroxin), T3 (Triiodothyronine), and TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) were measured in rats (N=36) born and bred in low altitude (600 m above sea level) and high altitude (2200 m above sea level) following forced swimming with or without vitamins C and E (25 mg/kg) pre-treatments. Thyroid levels were significantly decreased in resting rats at high altitude compared to low altitude, and swimming exercise moderately increased T3 and TSH at both high and low altitudes, whereas T4 was markedly increased (62 %) at low altitude compared to a moderate high altitude increase (28 %). Co-administration of vitamins C and E augmented the observed forced swimminginduced thyroid release. However, the conversion of T4 to T3 was reduced in both altitude areas following swimming exercise and vitamin pre-treatment had no effect. We conclude that acute stress induced thyroidal hormones in rats, which was augmented by antioxidant drugs in both high and low altitude areas. These findings may play an important role in the human pathophysiology of thyroid gland at different altitudes

    The Duration Between Traffic Accidents in the Taxi Sector: An Empirical Inquiry

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    The taxi, as a supplier of urban passenger transport, is often sidelined in travel demand studies, yet its role in the overall transport task is far from marginal. Taxis are the most intensively used automobile transportation and consequently have a very high exposure rate in respect of potential accident. Very little empirical research has been undertaken into the risks associated with using a taxi. Drivers of taxis are usually assumed to be experienced drivers with a safety history appropriate for the responsibility of transporting the public. Yet this is not always the case. To provide some understanding of the exposure to risk which passengers place themselves in when hiring a taxi, we explore the safety record of drivers over time. Of particular interest is the frequency of accidents over a given time period, and in particular the elapsed time between a taxi drivers initial accident and subsequent accidents. To what extent is the duration between accidents a positive or negative function of experience, personal attributes, temporary impairment, fatigue etc? A set of proportional hazards models are developed to explain the time interval (duration) between traffic accidents of taxi drivers in Amman, Jordan. Three econometric models are developed to predict the duration between the date when a taxi driver begins to drive and the date when the first, second, and third accidents occur respectively. Estimation results show that driving-related capabilities, socioeconomic characteristics, and temporary impairments significantly influence the duration between traffic accidents. The duration to the first traffic accident is lower than the duration between the firs

    Integrated Information Systems from Internal and External Integration Perspectives as a Prerequisite for Electronic Service Quality

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    The objective of this research was to investigate the role of internal and external integration in improving the quality of electronic services in the researched company. To achieve this objective, the proposed study model was tested on a random sample of 224 participants using a questionnaire developed for this purpose. Findings demonstrate that there are significant impacts of both internal and external integration on the quality of electronic services. Therefore, Arab Bank should take into consideration the importance of internal and external integration as prerequisites for e-service quality in a turbulent business environment