4 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Anti-Diabetic Effect of Cinnamon in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus Type Ii in Kerbala City

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    Type 2 diabetes is the most common form and is characterized by the failure of cells to recognize and respond to insulin which is if not treated accurately, many complication almost always will occur (include cardiovascular, neurological and many others) .This study aims to determine the  hypoglycemic effect of cinnamon (a kind of spices used for food in eastern and middle-east countries)  in  patients  with  type II DM as adjuvant therapy. Forty male patient of age ranging from 35-61 years old with type  II  DM  (poorly  controlled  on oral anti-diabetic drugs) where clinical  assigned for  this study. The results reveled that cinnamon has a significant anti-diabetic effect in reduction of  FBS, RBS and HbA1c with less extent effect on body weight reduction at  p value <0.01. Keywords: Cinnamon, Type II DM, FBS, RBS , HbA1c

    Cytogenetic Effects of Benzene on Human Blood Cells

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    The study aims to investigate the cytogenetic effect of benzene on human blood cells in vitro using chromosomes abnormalities and mitotic index test. Different concentrations of benzene were added to human blood culture at 24 hour, then cells were arrested at metaphase to detect chromosomes malformations and its proliferation, the result show that benzene causes increased in mitotic index level and different aberrations in chromosomes which increased with benzene concentrations. Keywords: Benzene, Chromosomes abnormalities, Mitotic index

    Effect of Pollutant Water on Some Organs and Blood Parameters in Rats

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    Water pollution causes dangerous problems in our life. The present study aims to determination effect of chemical polluted water on blood parameter and histological changes in rat organs using Wight albino rats. For this study Hilla fabric plant waste water is used as drinking water to the rats for 30 days. Results show that polluted water causes increased in W.B.Cs count and histopathological changes in liver and kidne

    Hepatotoxic of Glugophage

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    Study aim to detection side effects of Glucophage in liver tissue in white albino mice, three doses used in present study, 50, 100, 150 mg\kg for 4 weeks, results of histology studying show that dose 150 mg\kg causes changes in liver of mice, infiltration and congestion, presence of edema fluid and changes in cytoplasm of hepatocyte was occur in liver of mice. Study concluded that drug must be used in low dose in non-diabeticpation. Keywords: Glucophage, infiltration, congestio