1 research outputs found

    Epidemiological study of the intestinal parasite among children in AL-kut city.

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    Six hundred fecal samples were collected from children in Al-kut city between January 2015 to March 2016 to investigate the prevalence of intestinal parasites and the correlation of these results with many factors). :all fecal samples were examined by three different diagnostic method which include( direct smear method by wet preparation technique , concentration by sedimentation method and iodine ,acid fast staining method for parasites detection and identification. 365 (61%) percentage from 600 patients  were found to parasites harbor stages of infective parasites , Four species of infective parasites were identified from individuals in this study These were: Entamba. histolytica (62%), Giardia lamblia(22%),Entamoeba coil(10%) and Cryptosporidium parvium(6%),The highest percentage of different parasitic infections that associated with youngest age, female, rural regions, in comparison with oldest age, male and urban regions respectively. The prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections among children was high and the rate of  infection with Entamoeba histolytica and Giardia lamblia which  more predominate the total positive. Keywords: Intestinal parasites; infections; Epidemiology, rural, concentration