3 research outputs found

    The Impact of Job Stability, Work Environment, Administration, Salary and Incentives, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectation on the Security Staff’s Desire to Continue Working at the Hotel

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    Hotels guests and employees have acquired a huge number of studies and research, while the security department staff, who are responsible for the hotels security and customers, did not get the researchers attention. Therefore, the study is conducted to highlight an important section in the hospitality industry that has been neglected. The quantitative approach was utilized to explore the impact of Job Stability, Work Environment, Hotel Administration, Salary and Incentives, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectation on the security staff’s Desire to Continue Working at the hotel. An online questionnaire is designed and sent to the directors of the security department of the hotels. Results revealed that Hotel Administration, Functional Justice, and Employee Expectations impact their desire to continue working at the hotel. The study has contributed theoretically to fill this gap in the literature caused by the scarcity of studies that targeted the work health of the security department staff. The study also contains many practical aspects that help hotel management pay great attention to the hotel security department

    Green Energy Products and The Relationship of The Customer's Consideration for The Environment and Perceived Risk Involved with The Mediating Position of Customer Purchasing Intentions

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    The goal of this study is to examine green energy goods and the relationship of the consumer concern for the atmosphere and perceived danger associated with the mediating role of the customer buying intentions; the point of view of international tourists in Jordan. The sampling technique was accompanied by a cross-sectional, quantitative, and explanatory design, whereby 340 individuals were chosen using a random population method reflecting the tourists of the Jordan for a two-week span beginning on 11/11/2020. By circulation of a paper questionnaire and with the aid of some tourist guides, the person sample was achieved. Moreover, through two stages, the structural model was being analyzed. In the first stage (direct effect) the effect (PK-appropriate CPI) was not important, so H1 was not sponsored. However, the result was important with regard to (PK ΔPR), and hypothesis 2a was supported. (PK ΔEC) were not significant, so hypothesis 2a was not supported. Furthermore, the direct impact of product danger and environmental problems on purchasing intentions were explored, resulting in negative/positive and important findings (PR over CPI, P 0.05), so H3awere was endorsed, however, H3b was not supported

    The Competitiveness of Jordanian Tourism Activity in Enhancement Economic Growth

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    Competitiveness studies are regarded as one of the most essential at the worldwide level, particularly in the tourist sector, which is relying on to boost economic growth and living standards. The purpose of this study was to examine the competitive features of the Jordanian tourist industry, as well as the long-term equilibrium relationships between the factors of tourism activity and economic growth, using the Autoregressive distributed lag model (ARDL) over the period 1990- 2021. The study looked at the favorable benefits of tourism on employment, poverty reduction, and the Jordanian economys balance of payments. Using the koyck model, the study discovered a decline in the influence of the number of tourists on Jordanian tourism income. It also determined that there is a long-term and bidirectional equilibrium link between tourism activity and economic growth, as the coefficient of the speed of adjustment for short-term deviations from its long-term route was 37%. It suggested strengthening the sectors competitiveness by attracting more visitors and raising the number of tourism investments in Jordan